Home remedies for atopic dermatitis


Neurodermatitis is a chronic inflammatory disease of the skin that is associated with dry skin and eczema. Depending on the severity of the disease, various therapeutic measures are initiated.

A mild form can also be treated well with home remedies. Above all, some home remedies are particularly moisturizing and protect the skin barrier. Other home remedies, on the other hand, relieve itching and prevent the skin from scratching.

Overview of possible home remedies

  • Table salt compresses - Table salt compresses are suitable for treating atopic dermatitis flare-ups with itching. For this purpose, 0.9% saline solution from the pharmacy can be used or the saline solution can be prepared yourself. To make saline solution, 9 grams of table salt are added to 11 liters of boiled water. Then a clean cotton cloth or compresses available in the pharmacy can be soaked in the saline solution and then wrapped around the affected skin area. The envelopes can be left for 10-15 minutes. After removing the compresses, it is important to apply sufficient cream to the affected skin areas. Saline compresses are not suitable if the rash is very weeping, as the salt content here can lead to an unpleasant burning sensation.
  • Black tea poultices - Black tea poultices are ideal for very weeping eczema areas. They have the advantage over table salt compresses that they do not cause the skin to burn. A strong black tea is brewed to make black tea envelopes. After the tea has cooled down, a clean cloth or compress is soaked in the brew, as is the case with the table salt compresses, and placed on the affected areas of the skin. These envelopes can also be left for 10-15 minutes. Applying lotion to the skin after removing the compresses is important in order to provide the skin with sufficient moisture and to protect it from drying out.
  • Cleopatra bath - The Cleopatra bath is the addition of milk and oil to a full bath. Here, 1 liter of milk and 100 ml of olive oil are added to the bath water. A little honey is also added to the classic Cleopatra bath, but this is not necessary as a home remedy for the treatment of neurodermatitis. After a full bath, the skin should only be dabbed gently.
  • Sea Salt Bath - Salt baths are a popular home remedy for treating neurodermatitis. Neurodermatitis sufferers often report that their skin texture improves significantly with regular bathing during a vacation by the sea. In order to be able to fall back on the effects of salt baths at home, sea salt can be purchased in drugstores or pharmacies to add to the bath water. Exact information on the dosage can usually be found on the outer packaging. It is important that after the sea salt bath, the skin is thoroughly moisturized to prevent it from drying out.
  • Coconut oil - Many people with eczema have had positive experiences using coconut oil. The oil alleviates neurodermatitis complaints caused by dry skin.
  • Evening primrose oil - Evening primrose oil is also said to have a positive effect on neurodermatitis. It contains many unsaturated fatty acids that help the skin to regenerate and make it smoother. Evening primrose oil can be applied directly to the skin, but more common is the use of creams containing evening primrose oil. As with all creams that are used as basic care for atopic dermatitis, regular use is also decisive for creams containing evening primrose oil.

Please also read: These creams can help with eczema

The urea

Urea (urea) is one of the most common ingredients in skin care products for dry skin. The reason for this is that urea has moisture-binding properties. This means that with regular use, it helps to regulate the skin's moisture levels better. This is crucial in atopic dermatitis, as the skin here constantly loses fluid due to a barrier disorder and is therefore very dry. Daily basic care with moisturizing and moisturizing creams is therefore an essential therapy pillar.

The addition of urea to skin care creams has proven effective for older children and adults. For adults, the urea content in creams can be 5 to 10%, for older children it should not be more than 3%. The use of urea in young children is not recommended as it can cause burning and itching. Urea-containing creams should therefore not be used in the acute episode with severely inflamed eczema.

Find out more about the ideal here Skin care for neurodermatitis.

The evening primrose oil

Evening primrose oil contains a high proportion of the unsaturated fatty acid linoleic acid. The oil is obtained from the seeds of the evening primrose and is added to numerous skin care creams. Linoleic acid stabilizes the disturbed skin barrier and thus counteracts the increased loss of moisture in the skin. The dry skin typical of atopic dermatitis becomes less dry and more supple through the regular use of evening primrose oil.

Find out more about the topic here: The evening primrose.

Olive oil

Olive oil as a home remedy for neurodermatitis is primarily recommended as a bath additive for full baths. For example, in combination with milk, then known as the Cleopatra bath. However, it can also be used for direct skin care. Either pure or as a cream or ointment additive. It can provide more suppleness, especially for flaky skin. In contrast to evening primrose oil, it does not have a repair mechanism on the skin barrier.

Home remedies specifically for the eyelids

There are no home remedies for eczema that are specifically intended for the eyelids. However, many of the home remedies already mentioned can also work on the eyelids.

In the case of acute, oozing eczema, black tea compresses can also have a calming effect on the eyelids and reduce itching. Saline compresses should be avoided due to the salt content, as this can lead to an uncomfortable stinging of the eyes if some of the solution gets into the eye. In addition, in the case of neurodermatitis on the eyelids, daily basic care with an appropriate cream should be ensured.

Home remedies especially for the scalp

Neurodermatitis is difficult to treat, especially in the scalp area, as the hair makes it difficult to apply care products or home remedies. In addition, the application of greasy products, as they are often used in neurodermatitis, quickly leads to greasy hair and thus becomes an aesthetic problem. Hair shampoos that contain moisturizing substances such as urea (urea) are particularly recommended as they stabilize the skin barrier and thus increase the moisture content of the skin.

Shampoos that contain silicone, fragrances or preservatives should also be avoided. After washing the hair, the hair should not be rubbed off. Air drying is preferable to blow drying.The hair should not be colored or tinted.

Also read the article: Atopic dermatitis of the scalp.

Home remedies especially for the hands

Almost all of the home remedies mentioned can also be used on the hands. Black tea compresses are particularly useful for acute, oozing eczema areas. If the neurodermatitis is mainly located in the hands, the recommended full baths can also be used as hand baths. For example the sea salt or the Cleopatra bath. It is important to ensure that the skin is adequately cared for with appropriate creams after every contact with water. Care products that contain urea or evening primrose oil are particularly suitable for this.

Which products are recommended, however, also depends on whether it is an acute flare-up of atopic dermatitis or the chronic form. In the area of ​​oozing stoves, moisturizing creams are recommended, while moisturizing substances, such as coconut oil, are more recommended on dry skin.

For more information, see: The eczema of the hand.

Home remedies especially for the feet

The same applies to neurodermatitis in the area of ​​the feet as to other locations. Daily moisturizing and moisturizing care is particularly crucial.
Creams that contain urea are primarily used to regulate the moisture content of the skin by binding moisture. Creams that contain linoleic acid, such as those found in preparations containing evening primrose oil, strengthen the skin barrier and thus reduce moisture loss.

In the acute episode of neurodermatitis, compresses with table salt or black tea can also provide relief for eczema in the feet.

Also read the article: Treatment of atopic dermatitis.

Home remedies for the itching

An acute atopic dermatitis flare-up often manifests itself as weeping eczema on different parts of the body. The worsening of neurodermatitis is usually associated with excruciating itching. Scratching the skin further irritates the skin and delays the healing process.

In addition to ointments containing active ingredients, various home remedies can also provide relief from itching. Often, even simple moist compresses lead to a reduction in the itching. To do this, a cotton cloth can be dipped in cold water and wrapped or placed around the affected area. In the case of heavily weeping herds, black tea compresses relieve severe itching.

If the itching is difficult to get under control, further measures may have to be taken - especially with smaller children. Putting on cotton gloves or an eczema suit made of cotton can prevent the children from contributing to the deterioration of the skin's appearance through strong scratching.

Home remedies for atopic dermatitis flare-ups

In the acute episode of atopic dermatitis with a weeping rash, moist compresses are especially helpful. Depending on how strongly the eczema is oozing, you can use saline compresses or, for more oozing eczema, black tea compresses. They cool and soothe the skin and soothe itching. The envelopes can be left for 10-15 minutes and renewed several times if necessary.

Other home remedies such as evening primrose oil, coconut oil or a Cleopatra bath are more suitable as home remedies in the interval, i.e. outside of the acute attack.

Find out all about the topic here: The atopic dermatitis attack.