Rash on the back of the foot


The back of the foot, which is also known as the instep or instep, extends from the base of the shin to the toes. Some rashes tend to appear on the dorsum of the feet or affect them, among other things. The rash does not have to be limited to the back of the foot, but can also spread to other parts of the foot or regions of the body.

Also read: Rash on the foot

So it is difficult to define a rash on the back of the foot, as the causes, appearance and type of rash can be very different. A rash on the back of the foot is basically any type of rash of various causes that is located, among other things, or exclusively on the back of the foot.


The causes of a rash on the dorsum of the foot are very diverse and the appearance of the rash can be just as variable. Some rashes are limited to the back of the foot, while others appear on other parts of the body. Some of the relevant causes of a rash on the dorsum of the foot are briefly discussed below.

1. Allergic rash:

An allergic reaction can cause a rash that usually accompanied by an itchiness. The triggering allergens can be a wide variety of substances. For example, can Ointments, creams, cosmetics, shower gels, textiles (e.g. in shoes or socks) or different Metals Be a trigger for an allergic rash. Characteristics of such a rash are redness and small, itchy and raised skin appearances, which are known as Wheals designated. Such rashes are not sharply delimited, so that surrounding areas of the skin can also be affected. Nevertheless, a certain spatial proximity to the allergen is typical. A new itchy rash on the back of the foot can be triggered, for example, by new footwear if there is an allergy to the materials it contains.

Learn more about the topic: Rash from an allergy

2.Insect bites / parasites / ticks:

Also Insect bites or a tick bite can cause a rash on the top of the foot. Especially in warm summer or spring months, when you walk barefoot through grass or forests, insect or tick bites can happen quickly and cause a rash.

3. Fungal disease:

A fungal disease can also cause a rash on the back of the foot. Fungal diseases can look very different. The typical athlete's foot tends to affect the spaces between the toes, but can also affect other regions of the foot, and shows one severe scaling and dehydration of the skin. Other fungal diseases like that Tinea corporis shows round skin appearances that are darker at the edge and can also flake. Typically, itching also occurs. The back of the foot can also be affected as part of such a fungal disease.

4. Infectious disease rash:

Various infectious diseases such as the Measles, chicken pox, or scarlet fever can also cause rashes on the back of the foot. Typically, however, such rashes appear generalized, that is all over the body on.

5. Toxic eczema:

Toxic rashes arise from Substances that are toxic to the skin. From a certain dose of the substance, everyone gets a rash. For example, triggers can Detergents or other substances be. The rash is typically sharply delimited to the area where the toxic substance has touched the skin.

Concomitant symptoms

A rash on the top of the foot can show various accompanying symptoms depending on the underlying cause. A very common accompanying symptom is itching, which is typical, for example, of fungal diseases or allergic skin rashes. Also Pain can be caused, for example, by scratching the skin. In the context of infectious diseases such as measles or scarlet fever, it can fever and one general feeling of illness come.

Red dots

Red points are often referred to in technical terms as Papules or macules. Often one speaks of one maculopapular exanthema. The appearance is often spotty or punctiform. Red dots are typical for measles, chickenpox and scarlet fever, which are typical childhood diseases.


Itching is a common symptom of skin rashes. Skin rashes on the back of the foot often show more or less pronounced itching. A The typical cause of an itchy rash on the back of the foot is fungal disease. Furthermore are allergic reaction very typical triggers for itchy rashes. In the context of infectious diseases, itching can also be an accompanying symptom of the rash. At chickenpox Pronounced itching is very typical, whereas measles and scarlet fever are usually not itchy.


A rash on the back of the foot is diagnosed by an experienced dermatologist. This looks at the rash and describes the finding first off. In this way, the cause can often be narrowed down. It is also important Concomitant symptoms such as itching, pain, burning or the like to query. In addition, the doctor asks important questions such as when the rash has existed, whether it has changed, whether there was a triggering event or whether allergies are known. In some cases, too Skin swabs groundbreaking for diagnosis.


The therapy of the rash depends on the underlying diseaseso that general statements cannot be made about this. In the case of allergic rashes on the back of the foot, it helps first of all to avoid the triggering allergen. Furthermore you can Antihistamines and in pronounced cases Cortisone ointments help alleviate the discomfort. Cortisone tablets are only taken in the case of very strong systemic allergic reactions.

Fungal diseases are treated with drugs that kill the fungus and prevent it from growing. These drugs are called Antifungal drugs. A drug that is often used for topical application in the case of nail fungus is ciclopirox. At athlete's foot, among other things Terbinafine and Clotrimazole used.

In the case of infectious diseases such as measles or chickenpox, special therapies are sometimes necessary. Antipruritic ointments can be applied to treat the itchy rash associated with chickenpox.

Rash on the back of the foot in a young child

Young children can also experience a rash on the back of their feet. Very different causes come into question. In particular, typical childhood diseases such as measles, chickenpox and scarlet fever can lead to a generalized rash that also affects the back of the foot. "Generalized" means in this case that the entire body can be affected by the rash. Typically, the cause is easy for the treating pediatrician to determine, as the rash in these diseases has a very characteristic appearance and typical accompanying symptoms.
Allergic reactions can also lead to rashes on the back of the foot in small children. This could be indicated by the appearance of the rash after contact with certain materials (e.g. new shoes) or after applying new ointments or shower gels.
Furthermore, fungal diseases in toddlers are also quite typical. Children are particularly infected in swimming pools or sports clubs, places where many people go barefoot. In general, the causes of rashes on the back of the foot in young children are the same as in adults. If you notice anything unusual, you should contact a pediatrician or dermatologist at an early stage.

Read more on the topic: Rash in children, rash in baby