Homeopathy for dry cough

Homeopathic medicines

As homeopathic medicines The following are possible for irritable coughs:

  • Aralia racemosa
  • Conium
  • Drosera
  • Hyoscyamus

Also read: Homeopathic medicines for coughs

Aralia racemosa

  • Irritant and tickling cough triggered by dryness of the Neck and irritation of the Larynx With Pain in the larynx and the windpipe
  • This is especially indicated if the dry cough occurs when lying down (provided that congestive cough is Heart failure is excluded).

Typical dosage of Aralia racemosa with dry cough: Tablets D3

More information on Aralia racemosa you get under our topic:
Aralia racemosa


Prescription up to and including D3!

  • Dryer, more convulsive to cough from an irritant point on the larynx, especially in old people
  • dizziness and emaciation
  • peevishness
  • depression
  • Shy of people

Typical dosage of Conium with dry cough: Tablets D6

More information on Conium you get under our topic:


  • Dry, dry cough with recurring Coughing fits
  • Almost impossible to breathe, leading to a feeling of suffocation
  • There Redness of the head, sometimes also bluish in color
  • Shooting pain when coughing (keeps the Rib cage firmly)
  • Cough also often associated with nausea or Epistaxis
  • Generally depressed and depressed patients

to cough worse at night (after midnight) by speaking in a warm room. Better outdoors.

General dosage of Drosera with dry cough: Tablets D4

You can find further information under our topic "Homeopathic Medicines": Drosera


Prescription up to and including D3!

  • Dry tickling cough, especially in the evening when lying down and at night
  • Restlessness and easy excitability
  • Cough worsened from drinking, eating and speaking.

General Dosage of Hyoscyamus for Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Tablets D4
You can find more information about Hyoscyamus under our topic: Hyoscyamus

You can find more information on this topic at Cough.