Healing An Abscess - What To Look For!
The healing of an abscess requires different medicinal and / or surgical measures, depending on the location and severity. The duration and the success of the healing depend on the body part and the compliance of the person concerned. This means that faster and better healing can occur if the person concerned adheres to certain rules of behavior. The healing process of all abscesses usually requires patience and the observance of hygiene measures.
How long does it take to heal an abscess?
The healing time of an abscess depends on the size, the location, the treatment, the immune system and the compliance of the person concerned, as well as on other individual factors. Correspondingly, the healing process takes longer for a larger abscess than for a small abscess.
Surgical intervention is often required for large abscesses. After that, the body needs more time for the wound to grow closed. In these cases the healing time can take several weeks. For a smaller abscess, treatment with a pulling ointment is often sufficient. The healing time can take a few days to weeks.
Further information can be found at:
- Surgery of an abscess
- Treat abscess with an ointment
The location of the abscess can make it more difficult to treat. Accordingly, the healing can take longer in certain parts of the body. For example, treating an abscess on the buttocks is usually more difficult than treating an abscess on the face or leg.
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- Abscess on the buttocks - that works best!
- Abscess On The Face - When Should You See A Doctor?
- Abscess on the leg
If the abscess cannot be treated, or is not treated, there is a risk of developing blood poisoning. This is life threatening and healing is delayed. Another aspect that plays a role in how long an abscess takes to heal is the immune system. In people with weakened immune systems, the abscess takes more time to heal. It can take months to heal. The same applies if the abscess cannot be completely removed surgically. In these cases, drainage must be placed for 6-8 weeks. As a result, the healing time is extended. Another important factor in the healing process is compliance by the person concerned. Hygiene measures must be carried out strictly and conscientiously. If this does not happen, or if the abscess is not completely healed, a new abscess can always form. The duration of healing can therefore be very prolonged.
Also read: Symptoms of blood poisoning
How can you speed up healing?
Each abscess takes as much time to heal as it takes. You cannot accelerate this process. But you can ensure that the abscess can heal adequately in the possible time. Any abscess should be examined by a doctor. The healing process can be promoted if hygiene and wound healing measures are adhered to. For example, if an anal abscess has been removed, Sitz baths can encourage further healing. In addition, conscientious hygiene is important after every use of the toilet. Furthermore, in this case, care should be taken to maintain a diet that does not lead to constipation, as solid stool could interfere with wound healing in the area.
For more information, see: That helps against an anal abscess!
Generally, the healing of an abscess can be improved by strengthening your own immune system. A balanced diet, a balance of activity and rest, exercise in the fresh air, and activities and thoughts that create joy and satisfaction can strengthen the cells and factors of the body's own defense system.
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- How can you strengthen the immune system?
- Which home remedies strengthen the immune system?
How does the abscess heal from the inside?
To heal from within, various endogenous cells are activated and substances are released in cells. There is an interaction between immune cells and other cells. The released substances are used for communication with each other. In addition, the body's own factors ensure that surrounding healthy tissue is not damaged. If the various substances work together in a very regulated manner, the focus of inflammation can be healed. The activity of the immune cells inside can be recognized externally by signs of inflammation. Reddening, warming, swelling of the skin and pain can indicate that the body's defense system is active. Depending on the existing strength of the immune system, the body can cope with the healing process from the inside alone or with the support of medicinal and / and non-medicinal measures from the outside.
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Is it bad if the abscess is itchy?
As a rule, an abscess does not itch until it is healing. That said, the itching is a good sign. There are indications that cellular renovation work is in full swing. In the process, messenger substances such as histamine are released. The cells communicate with each other via histamine and other substances. The histamine then triggers the itching. It is tempting to give in to the itching and scratch the appropriate part of the body. But this should be avoided at all costs. Scratching can cause bacteria to enter the wound again. As a result, renewed or further inflammation can occur. It is better to cool the wound. This has an effect on the communication between the cells. As a result of the cold stimulus, the nerve cells in the brain are now cold instead of itching.
Can the abscess be cured non-operatively?
Under certain conditions and on certain parts of the body, abscesses can sometimes be fought without surgery. The key is to relieve the abscess. This means that the accumulation of pus has to drain away. It is also important that the pus drains off in a controlled manner so that the bacteria cannot spread to the surrounding and other areas of the body. In addition, the risk of blood poisoning must be kept low.
Also read: Symptoms of blood poisoning
Small abscesses can sometimes heal without surgery. Medical examination and treatment are still required. Only the doctor can assess whether the abscess needs to be operated on or not. Often only a minor operation is necessary in the early stages of the abscess. But sometimes small abscesses can also be fought with the help of a special pulling ointment. This ointment contains substances that pull the pus out of the abscess. This then leads to the abscess opening and allowing the wound to heal afterwards. Hygiene measures and home remedies can promote the healing process. In some parts of the body, for example in the jaw, healing is very rarely possible without a small operation.
Also read:
- Treat abscess with an ointment
- Home remedies for an abscess
What to look for after opening an abscess
In some cases, the abscess needs to be opened with an incision. After the abscess is opened, pus may leak out. This will relieve the abscess. If the procedure was performed on an outpatient basis, the patient must be picked up. He should not drive or use machines during the day of the operation. In the first few days after the abscess has opened, a lot of wound secretion can still drain off. The dressing should be changed regularly. Rinsing out the wound supports the healing process. If, after opening, an increased body temperature is measured or other complaints occur, a doctor should be consulted immediately. Depending on the location of the abscess, certain measures and more or less time are necessary for healing. If there is a risk of bacteria remaining in the wound, antibiotics are given to kill them off completely. This can be done in tablet form, as an infusion or with the help of antibiotic carriers as part of the surgical procedure. It is important to conscientiously follow the care and hygiene measures after opening.
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If the abscess is large, the abscess must be surgically removed. The first step is an opening and inflamed, damaged tissue and pus are removed. Wound healing takes a few months with these interventions. If the abscess cannot be completely removed, drainage is placed for 6-8 weeks. Thereafter, regular medical check-ups are required. The patient is instructed how to take care of the wound and how to support the further healing of the wound. In some cases, the surrounding tissue can be impaired, which can lead to functional restrictions. In addition, occupational or physiotherapy is sometimes necessary. In very rare cases, the inflammation cannot be removed with a single operation and the operation must be repeated. The abscess can also recur. In these cases, a repeated opening of the abscess may be necessary.
For more information, see: Surgery of an abscess
Do I need to take antibiotics to cure an abscess?
Since an abscess is caused by a bacterial infection, antibiotics are often used to kill the bacteria. At best, appropriate substances are selected depending on the pathogen. Since the antibiotics help kill the bacteria, they can help the healing process. They can support the body's immune system in fighting the pathogens.
How is the homeopathic treatment of an abscess carried out?
In some cases, homeopathic treatment can have a supportive effect in addition to conventional medical treatment. Sebum nutmeg is often used to treat an abscess. This substance is also called Myristica sebifera. It should promote the opening of the abscess and thus lead to relief. A controlled drainage of the pus favors the healing process. If homeopathic treatment is desired, the type and duration of taking the remedy should be discussed with the doctor.