Broken bone in the foot


A broken bone in the foot can be more or less painful

In the case of a broken foot, different bones can be affected, both the toes and the Metatarsus and the Tarsus break.
These are very different injuries with different symptoms that require different treatments.
A fracture of the toes, metatarsus or tarsus is called a fracture of the foot.

So the toe bones break (Phalanges), the metatarsals (Metatarsal bone) or the tarsal bones (Ossa tarsi).


A fracture of the toe bones (Phalanges) can affect one or more toes.
Each toe consists of three limbs, i.e. three individual bones, the exception is the big toe with only two limbs.

The most common toe fracture occurs on the base member. Symptoms of a toe fracture are those that appear immediately strong pain. One happens relatively quickly swelling and one bruise (Hematoma) on the corresponding toe.

Also one Misalignment of the affected toes can occur and is often caused by the tendons attached to the toe bones. Furthermore, there are functional restrictions in the sense of reduced mobility, so that those affected often spare the injured foot.

At the Metatarsal fracture (Metatarsal fracture) the symptoms depend on whether a single metatarsal bone is broken, or whether adjacent bones and structures such as Tendons, ligaments, or soft tissue are injured.

As a rule, the person affected feels pain, which can vary in severity depending on the severity of the injury.
The pain worsens when exerted, i.e. when it occurs, which is why those affected often assume a gentle walk or a relieving posture.
This is often accompanied by swelling of the foot and a bruise (Hematoma) on. Less often, broken and displaced bone fragments lead to a misalignment of the foot, which is abnormally mobile due to the deformity.

In the case of an open fracture, there is an open wound from which bone parts protrude and which is very susceptible to Infections is.

If one of the seven tarsal bones breaks, moderate to severe pain occurs. Furthermore, a bruise and swelling often occur.
As a rule, there is a load restriction, due to which the person concerned only treads very carefully and takes a gentle cycle.


The doctor can usually diagnose a foot fracture by asking about the circumstances of the accident (anamnese) and the clinical examination.

Sure clinical signs of a broken bone are one Axis misalignment, abnormal mobility, visible bone fragments with open fractures or Crackling and grinding noises (Crepitations) that occur when the bone fragments are rubbed together.

Uncertain signs of a broken bone are pain, swelling, bruises (Hematomas), Overheating and restricted mobility.

Even if there are certain signs of fracture, a X-ray diagnostics necessary.
For this purpose, recordings are made in several levels.
More complicated fractions can be made with a Computed tomography Recording can be better captured. If stress fractures or soft tissue injuries are suspected, a Magnetic resonance imaging to be useful.

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My name is dr. Nicolas Gumpert. I am a specialist in orthopedics and the founder of .
Various television programs and print media report regularly about my work. On HR television you can see me every 6 weeks live on "Hallo Hessen".
But now enough is indicated ;-)

Athletes (joggers, soccer players, etc.) are particularly often affected by diseases of the foot. In some cases, the cause of the foot discomfort cannot be identified at first.
Therefore, the treatment of the foot (e.g. Achilles tendonitis, heel spurs, etc.) requires a lot of experience.
I focus on a wide variety of foot diseases.
The aim of every treatment is treatment without surgery with a complete recovery of performance.

Which therapy achieves the best results in the long term can only be determined after looking at all of the information (Examination, X-ray, ultrasound, MRI, etc.) be assessed.

You can find me in:

  • Lumedis - your orthopedic surgeon
    Kaiserstrasse 14
    60311 Frankfurt am Main

Directly to the online appointment arrangement
Unfortunately, it is currently only possible to make an appointment with private health insurers. I hope for your understanding!
Further information about myself can be found at Dr. Nicolas Gumpert

root cause

The toe bones usually break as part of trauma.
These external influences can be, for example, hitting an edge.
Such a break is also referred to as "Nightwalker fracture“Because everyone has struck their toes in the dark.
Heavy objects falling down can also break your toes.

However, a fracture of the toe bones also occurs as a sports injury, especially common when playing soccer. A metatarsal fracture is also caused by acute trauma or as stress fractures.

These stress fractures recur chronic overuse and are mainly found in competitive athletes such as dancers and runners.

The tarsal bones are through each other strong band connections stabilized, isolated tarsus fractures are rare. The injuries are caused by direct violence such as heavy falling objects or in the context of traffic accidents.

The consequence are frequent Comminuted and compression fractures. In addition to the traumatic fractures, there are also fatigue fractures of the tarsal bones, the result of diseases such as osteoporosis (Bone loss) are.


Treatment for fractures in the foot depends heavily on the bone affected, the type and complexity of the fracture, and the extent to which the surrounding soft tissue is affected.

Treatment of a toe fracture can be conservative or surgical, depending on the findings.
In most cases, even with comminuted small toes, is a conservative procedure is sufficient.

This therapy is based on the principle of immobilization, which ensures that the bone fragments can regularly grow together again. For this there is a calming Special association used, which is left on the foot for a few weeks.

Furthermore, a Support in the shoe sole to get integrated. Often the broken toe is attached to the neighboring toe, which increases the support effect.
If the (dislocated) Fractures of the toe bones must be fixed before immobilization (Reduction) happen in the right position, which is usually done under local anesthesia (Local anesthesia) happens. This may cause swelling of the toes Cool and Elevate of the leg to be improved.

Painkillers such as NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, e.g. Ibuprofen or diclofenac) as well as pain ointments.

Surgical intervention is most often performed on the base of the big toe. The operation can also take place local anesthesia be performed.

First the fragments are set up (repositioned). Then the broken parts are held together by a wire so that they can grow together (Osteosynthesis).
Also the use of Screws or plates may be necessary.
The foreign material that has been brought in is usually removed after a few weeks and months.

Reduction, if necessary, is also the first step in metatarsal fractures. In the metatarsal bone, closed and open fractures occur; the latter are broken bones in which the soft tissues lying above the bone are severed, so that a connection between the fracture gap and the outside world exists via the open wound and germs can occur (contamination) can come.

A stable closed fracture can now last for a few weeks through a plaster cast be immobilized.
If the closed fracture is unstable, the metatarsal fracture is caused by so-called Kirschner wires fixed.
This procedure is percutaneous (through the skin) feasible and does not necessarily require open surgery.

In any case, fractures that cannot be reduced from the outside must be brought into the normal position by an operation and then fixed.
In the case of open fractures, a reduction is also carried out first and then the fixation, which often results in severe damage to the soft tissue so that only a temporary reduction and Antibiosis respectively.

Once the soft tissue has recovered, the therapy closes in the form of a final reduction and fixation External fixator (Fixation from the outside) or Kirschner wires.

The wires are usually removed after a few weeks, but can also be left in the foot. Depending on the injury and severity, conventional (non-operational) and surgical treatments are possible.

The conventional methods use a plaster cast to immobilize and bond together the bone fragments. The surgical procedures first reduce the fracture and then stabilize it. Then an active one Exercise therapy very important to restore mobility and functionality of the foot.


The prognosis is relatively good for the various fractures of the foot bones, so that there are usually no permanent damage or load restrictions.

As with any other procedure, infections or Intolerances the narcotics occur.

Another complication that specifically affects the foot is one delayed wound healing. A dreaded complication, especially with a metatarsal fracture, is the so-called Compartment syndrome.
The rupture causes vascular damage and bleeding into the soft tissue. This increases the pressure in the affected tissue and compresses the nerves, leading to a loss of function of nerves and muscles.
It also results in a circulatory disorder, which can lead to tissue death and loss of the foot.

Warning signs are pronounced circulatory disorders, shiny, swollen skin and abnormal sensations.