Weight training and fat burning
Synonyms in a broader sense
Muscle building, aerobic training, strength, training methods, weight loss, bodybuilding
Definition of strength training
Strength training is the conditional appearance that is primarily aimed at increasing muscle mass. In recent years, however, this has increasingly established itself in other sports and since then has no longer been seen as monotonous lifting of dumbbells in fitness studios. Especially the one Prevention and rehabilitation sports rely on a targeted to the diseases of civilization such. B. To prevent or rehabilitate a lack of exercise and the balance of the muscles.
Targeted strength training has become an indispensable part of fat burning training today. In every modern Training plan to Reduction in body fat exercises to strengthen the muscles must be included.
Definition fat
Fat is an important energy store for our body (Read also: Fats in the human body).
Compared to a motor, the human body also needs energy to perform.
In addition to the carbohydrate store, the fat store is the basis for athletic performance. However, the problem with this store is that the body can store fat unchecked, and thus fat-related excess weight arises.
Read more on this topic: Endurance sports and fat burning
Definition of obesity
As Obesity a deviation from Normal weight designated. Because the weight of the human body is not just by fat is determined, obesity can also be caused by other factors such as increased muscle mass be conditional.
Nobody would say that trained strength athletes have too much body fat. The currently best known method for determining obesity is the so-called BMI (body mass index). It is calculated from the body weight in kg divided by the body height in square meters. E.g.:
75 kg / (1.83) 2 = 22.4
Table (according to WHO 2000) for determining the body mass index
Underweight: <18,5
Normal weight: 18,6 - 24,9
Pre-obesity: 25,0 - 29,9
Obesity grade I: 30,0 - 34,5
Obesity grade II: 35,0 - 39,9
Obesity grade III: >40,0
Definition weight loss
The problem of weight loss in losing weight through exercise is a mundane but crucial problem that is often overlooked. The most important characteristic when losing weight is defined as the weight displayed on the scale. Exercise and especially strength training can even increase body weight due to the increased muscle mass. Success in losing weight is therefore falsified by the scales and often leads to a loss of motivation. More important than the display on the scale is the personal feeling that one develops through sport. If you still don't want to do without electronic controls, you should buy a scale with body fat measurement.
Definition yo - yo effect
When trying to lose weight, there is often a short-term loss of weight, but the joy of the lost pounds does not last long, because after the end of a diet the body pulls back its padding, and, much worse, the body weight even rises above pre-diet levels.
If this procedure is repeated several times, this is called the Jojo effectwho is like in a Vicious circle can make losing weight hell. But what happens in the body during the yo-yo effect?
The human body is geared towards all kinds of adjustments. Every sporting load leads to an adaptation in the organism. Nothing else happens with a diet. You can find more information on the subject here Jojo effect
Reduced food intake increases the risk of a negative energy balance. E.g. your body burns approx. 1700 kcal of energy per day. If your food intake is exactly the same, you are maintaining your body weight.
Everything that remains below this value in food intake leads to weight loss, everything above this value of 1700 kcal. lying means "you are getting fat".
When you lose weight, everything speaks in favor of keeping the energy you take in through food as low as possible (simply eating less).
But this has a fatal consequence. The body can adapt to the reduced food intake. The energy consumption per day after the diet is no longer 1700 kcal, but 1400 kcal (the basal metabolic rate is reduced). If you then eat normally again after the diet, the energy balance is no longer correct and you gain weight. More and more after each diet.
Energy supply
The human body burns fat and carbohydrates around the clock.
This consumption of energy is called the basal metabolic rate. The amount of energy that exceeds the basal metabolic rate per day is referred to as the power turnover or (labor turnover).
It depends on the muscle work / sport you do. The goal of fat burning training through strength training is not to keep the performance metabolism as high as possible, but to increase the basal metabolic rate. This is done through regular, targeted exercise.
Forms of training
How you exercise is critical to the success of any strength training program for burning fat. Especially in the beginner area, particular attention should be paid to mistakes in dealing with strength training. It is important here that the load on the training must be as extensive as possible, with particular attention being paid to the so-called large muscles (Gluteus muscles, leg muscles, back muscles). Because the bigger the muscle, the more energy is burned.
When doing strength training with the goal of burning fat, only 2 types of strength training are possible:
On the one hand, the training mainly with low intensities and very high repetitions (strength endurance method) to increase the local fatigue resistance of the muscles and at the same time burn fat during this training. Make sure that you train with at least 50 repetitions and more and that the movements are not performed too quickly. The breaks between the training sets should not be longer than 30 seconds. up to 1 minute. This training should be done especially for beginners.
On the other hand, the muscles should be specifically built up for fat burning training. With such training, the number of repetitions is reduced and the intensity increased. However, such training requires experience in strength training, and is therefore not yet suitable for beginners in strength training.
Read more on the topic: Lose weight by burning fat
Motivation in strength training
For many beginners, the motivation for strength training is a particular obstacle. Here are a few tips on how you can motivate yourself for a workout and stay on the ball.
- Realistic goals. The goals you set are particularly important for strength training. Be realistic about your performance and don't overdo yourself. It is better to plan a little less, but also to adhere to it, than to undertake too much what you cannot keep. Only those who achieve their goals remain motivated in the long term.
- Regulated training times. Make a plan to exercise at specific times. These times / days must then also be adhered to.
- Training partner. If you don't enjoy training alone, train with like-minded people.
- Music. Train to the right music. That motivates more than you think.
- Variety. A change in the training plan is not only effective for training, but also promotes motivation to train.
- Enter your training days in a calendar.
Training plan for beginners approx. 45 min.
Training should be designed so that every muscle group is trained with every workout. All 9 training devices listed below should be completed per training day.
Back training
The intensity should be chosen so that 5 repetitions are still possible.
- Lat pull (1 set, 25 reps, 60% intensity, 1 min break)
- Lat train with a wide grip (2 sets, 25 reps, 60% intensity, 1 min break)
The upper body must be kept upright during the following exercise.
- Rowing/Back insulator (1 set, 25 reps, 60% intensity, 1 min break)
- Row / back isolator with wide or narrow grip (2 sets, 25 reps, 60% intensity, 1 min break)
The following exercises require slow movements.
- Butterfly reverse (3 sets, 25 reps, 1 min break)
Leg training
The intensity should be chosen so that 5 repetitions are still possible.
- Leg press (3 sets, 20-25 reps, 70% intensity, 1-2 min break)
- Calf lifter (3 sets, 30 reps, 60% intensity, 1-2 min break)
- Thigh flexors (3 sets, 25 reps, 60% intensity, 1-2 min break)
Abdominal training
Exercise until you are completely exhausted.
- Crunches (straight, 3 sets, maximum repetition, 1 min break)
- Reverse crunch (3 sets, maximum rep., 1 minute break)
Execution as for straight crunches, but with the elbows on the opposite knee.
- Crunches (diagonally, 2 each on the right and left, 20-30 reps, high intensity, 1 min break)
Diet and Weight Training
During strength training with a focus on fat burning, special attention must be paid to diet.
Trying to get great exercise while dieting is neither possible nor useful.
The reduced food intake due to diets has a negative effect on athletic performance, and one often feels too weak and unmotivated to be able to perform athletic performance.
Therefore you should pay attention to the correct nutrient intake before, during and after training (see also: Natural bodybuilding - what is it?). Before an athletic performance, and this does not only apply to strength training, the body should be adequately supplied with carbohydrates / polysaccharides (see also: Fitness diet).
This could e.g. with pasta, rice ... up to 3-4 hours before training. If you feel too weak during training (circulatory problems, feeling hungry ...) it is advisable and possible to briefly replenish the carbohydrate store with sugar.
This can be done with simple energy bars / chocolate bars. These can then be consumed without a guilty conscience, because the energy contained in this bar is burned immediately during exercise and not stored. A carbohydrate-rich (polysaccharide) food intake immediately before training is not recommended, as it takes at least 3 hours for the carbohydrate stores to be available as energy.
After strength training, you should provide the body with sufficient protein (fish, meat ...). Since sufficient protein is normally absorbed through food, additional preparations such as B. protein shakes not required.
However, such food supplements are appropriate for vegetarians. High-fat foods should be avoided when training with targeted fat burning. If you don't want to do without diets, you should do it in a training-free time.
Read more on the topic: Muscle building nutrition plan
Strength training basics
Exercise regularly.
It is better to spread your training effort over several days than all at once in one day. -
Train progressively.
Especially with beginners, the training successes are very quick and in great jumps. Therefore increase the workload with your performance. -
Take breaks.
Muscle building and fat burning do not happen during training, but in the phases in between. Therefore, take regular breaks. (at least 24-48 hours per muscle group). -
A change in the training plan is very important in order to achieve the desired success. There are different training devices for the same muscle group, which should also be used alternately. -
Correct training stimulus.
Set the right training stimulus during training. This should neither be too low nor too strong. -
Repeat first, then increase intensity.
For beginners, coordination often poses problems during strength training. In order to avoid incorrect execution and injuries, train with light weights for the time being and then increase the intensity as you perform more confidently. -
Strength over endurance.
When it comes to fat burning training, first strength training, then endurance exercise. -
Big muscle groups first.
First train your big muscles and then the smaller ones. -
Make sure you wear the right clothing.
Training gloves are advisable for beginners and advanced users. -
Advice from specialist staff.
Ask your questions to the trained trainers in the fitness studios and they will always give you a first introduction to new training equipment.
Motivation in strength training
For many beginners, the motivation for strength training is a particular obstacle. Here are a few tips on how you can motivate yourself for a workout and stay on the ball.
- Realistic goals.
The goals you set are particularly important for strength training. Be realistic about your performance and don't overdo yourself. It is better to plan a little less, but also to adhere to it, than to undertake too much what you cannot keep. Only those who achieve their goals remain motivated in the long term. - Regulated training times.
Make a plan to exercise at specific times. These times / days must then also be adhered to. - Training partner.
If you don't enjoy training alone, train with like-minded people. - Music.
Train to the right music. That motivates more than you think. - Variety.
A change in the training plan is not only effective for training, but also promotes motivation to train. - Enter your training days in a calendar.
Further information
Other topics that might be helpful are:
- Strength training
- Weight training and calorie consumption
- Muscle building
- Weight training for women
- functional strength training
- Weight training for the elderly
- Strength training in childhood
- Strength training in adolescence
- Training plans
- EMS training
- Body types
All subjects related to the area sports medicine have been published, see: Sports medicine A-Z