Mercurius solubilis
German term
Mercury according to Hahnemann
Use of Mercurius solubilis for the following symptoms / complaints
- Inflammation of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and gastrointestinal tract
- General symptoms of intoxication:
- Metal taste
- Burn
- swelling
and - Swelling in the mouth
- salivation
- Tooth loosening
- Liver swelling
- Slimy Diarrhea with admixture of blood and Convulsions
- Chronic intoxication symptoms:
- progressive confusion
- Writing disorder
- Tremble
- emaciation
- Skin ulcers
- Inflammation of the periosteum
- purulent Conjunctiva- and corneal inflammation.
Characteristic for the remedy are:
- Bad breath and salivation
- thickly coated, swollen and scratched tongue with visible tooth impressions
- foul-smelling, sticky night sweats
- Sensitivity to cold air and to the warmth of bed
All inflammatory secretions are caustic, sharp, and purulent in character.
Use of Mercurius solubilis for the following diseases in homeopathy
- Poisoning (see below for complaints and symptoms)
Active organs
- Central nervesystem
- all mucous membranes
- bone
- skin
- connective tissue
- teeth
- liver
- eyes
Usual dosage
- Tablets D3, D4, D6, D12
- Ampoules D8, D10, D12 and higher
- Globules C30