Muscle tear


Sports that involve very vigorous, abrupt use of the thigh muscles hold the highest risk of torn muscle fibers.

Almost every very active athlete at some point suffers an injury or muscle strain. The most serious injury to the muscle is a complete rupture of the muscle. Usually soccer players, short distance sprinters and tennis players are affected by a muscle tear.

In these sports, the thigh muscles in particular are stressed very strongly and abruptly. However, muscle tears can also occur in the event of traumatic injuries, for example an accident, or through the use of force. The movement exerted by the affected muscle can then no longer be carried out, in contrast to, for example, a torn muscle fiber.


The most important and concise symptom of the muscle tear is a very strong, piercing and sharp one painwhich occurs suddenly and without any warning. It gets stronger as you try to tense the muscle. For example, a torn muscle fiber of the right biceps can be felt when the muscle is tensed Pain in the right arm.

Depending on the size of the torn muscle and its location on the extremity are just that Dents or indentations to see. These can also indicate a muscle tear. A complete demolition can also be keyed from the outside.

In addition, the movement that was previously carried out is no longer possible.

Furthermore, it comes to a complete muscle tear heavy bleeding in the tissue. This can usually be seen as swelling after a day. Of the bruise becomes visible within a few days as a discoloration of the skin above and below the injury. In terms of hemorrhage, a distinction is made between iintra- and intermuscular bleeding.

  • A intramuscular bleeding is characterized by severe pain and a high increase in pressure in the affected tissue. The bleeding occurs within the muscle and its Fascia. The Fascia is a kind of connective tissue skin of the muscle. The increase in pressure will ultimately stop the bleeding. The freedom of movement of the muscle is severely restricted.
  • A intermuscular bleeding takes place in the connective tissue between the muscles. Due to gravity, swelling can usually be seen below the injury.


With help imaging procedures the muscle tear is made visible. Find thereby Ultrasonic- and Nuclear spin tests instead of. Also be Muscle function tests carried out. Very heavy bleeding can lead to complications in the diagnosis.


There are several therapy options:

  1. Body's own regeneration: Seat immediately after a muscle injury the body's own regeneration mechanisms one that inflammatory responses are the same. It finds one Blood clotting and Absorption of the blood from the tissue instead. Since these mechanisms occur immediately after injury, both active and passive movement of the injured muscle should be avoided.In the worst case, this could result in further bleeding. Of the Skeletal muscle as such, has a high regenerative capacity. During the actual regeneration of the muscle arise muscle fibers. But also arises Scar tissuewhich is less elastic than muscle fibers. In this phase, the muscle is prone to further cracks and injuries, as it has components with different stretching properties.
  2. Medical supplies: Since severe bleeding occurs in the event of a severe muscle tear, this bleeding must first of all be stopped. One follows the so-called PECH rules. PECH stands for the words "Pause-Eis-Compression-Hochlager" (English: RICE? rest - ice compression elevation). The point of these rules is to keep the damage to a minimum. To do this, the affected part of the body is first immobilized (BREAK). Sufficient cooling will reduce the pain and stop the bleeding (ICE). The cold leads to the Vessels compress in the affected tissue. Furthermore, the metabolism slowed down in the tissue, which minimizes tissue damage. It can then be a Compression bandage be applied for further hemostasis (COMPRESSION). Ultimately, it is best to position the affected limb above the heart level to encourage the blood to flow back (Elevate). This reduces the pressure in the damaged tissue. These measures serve as first aid in the event of a muscle tear, but represent no final therapy They can be carried out by laypeople until medical treatment is available.

Depending on the severity of the injury, different treatments can be carried out in the first few days.

  1. It will be different Medication administered for initial treatment, including Fibrinolytics and Muscle relaxants. Fibrinolytics promote the dissolution of the clotted blood in the bruise of the torn muscle. Muscle relaxants relax the muscle. Also be anti-inflammatory drugs, so-called Anti-inflammatory drugs, administered.
  2. Functional ones are used for further therapy Tape dressings such as Ointment dressingsthat promote swelling and stabilize the torn muscle.
  3. Ultimately, there is still the possibility of one Electrotherapy.
  4. After the fourth day you can use a Ultrasound therapy to be started. The ultrasound generates small mechanical micro-vibrations in the muscle, which have a massaging and warming effect. Their range is about 8 cm. Such a therapy loosens the muscles and promotes blood circulation, which ultimately promotes regeneration.

As soon as the patient is free of pain, a physiotherapy or one PNF to be started. A PNF is a proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation. This is a treatment method that aims to restore damaged movement behavior. It is about a physiotherapeutic, occupational therapy and speech therapy Treatment method. The aim of the PNF is to promote the interaction between muscles and nerves, and thus to consolidate a movement pattern. A passive stretching of the muscle may only be possible from the 8th week if the muscle tears. Active stretching, provided it is painless, is usually possible earlier.

In the case of very serious injuries, there is ultimately one surgery necessary. This is particularly indicated for athletes, as the muscle cannot spontaneously regenerate to the same extent without surgery. The torn muscle will be back sewn together. This will remove the bruise. The operated muscle must then be immobilized for at least four weeks to ensure good healing. As a rule, however, muscle toning physiotherapy is started immediately after the operation. This will also be despite one Plaster cast carried out.


Possible complications of a torn muscle are one severe scarring, one Myositis ossificans and a Cyst formation. The scarring creates a risk of further muscle fiber tears and makes the muscle prone to injury. Is scar tissue connective tissuewhich cannot contract in the healing muscle.

In the Myositis ossificans is it a ossification of the injured muscle. By Limescale deposits ossification zones arise in the injured tissue. This occurs particularly frequently in the Quadriceps femoris muscle of the thigh. This is the large muscle area on the front of our thighs. They also limit the mobility of the muscle.

A cyst is a closed, liquid-filled cavity. Disturbing cysts can surgically removed become.


You can get through a muscle tear stretching and sufficient Warm up prevent. You should also ensure that you have sufficient rest between intensive training units. Overloading should be avoided.