Laser birthmark
Laser removal of the mole
If a birthmark is to be removed, it is possible to surgically cut it out completely (see also: Remove birthmark) or by laser treatment.
Basically, all conspicuous birthmarks that are potentially malignant (vicious) can degenerate should be completely removed surgically. The mole is usually removed under local anesthesia.
What are the reasons for removal?
The reason for the surgical removal of the birthmark is that the removed birthmark can then be examined histologically for malignancy or degeneration. The disadvantage of this method is that it usually leaves a scar afterwards.
With a laser birthmark, on the other hand, it is possible to remove the birthmark largely painlessly and without scarring. This is particularly useful on visible areas of skin, such as the face or décolleté. Local anesthesia is usually not necessary.
The laser can be adapted to the circumstances and the special requirements. In particular, the intensity, wavelength, pulse duration and pulse frequency influence the interactions with the tissue. These interactions often consist of thermal effects such as simple heating of the tissue, ablation, i.e. evaporation or deflagration of the tissue or chemical changes.
This property is used particularly in the context of photodynamic therapy. The heat on the birthmark will burn the surface of the birthmark. This removes it without leaving a scar. However, the histological examination is no longer possible after the laser treatment because the tissue has been completely destroyed. Furthermore, the laser beams do not penetrate deep enough into the tissue to ensure the necessary safety distance in the depths, should it be a degenerate process.
For this reason, birthmark treatment by laser is only used in the context of purely cosmetic birthmark removal. The laser treatment itself is usually very short; a treatment time of approx. 5 minutes can be expected for each birthmark.
After laser treatment, it is important to protect the treated area from sunlight or infection. Otherwise scar formation cannot be ruled out.
Cost of removal of moles
Many patients have the desire Birthmarks to have lasers, however, are not exactly informed about the costs. Because the exact costs to laser a birthmark are not uniform and vary depending on size, texture and malignancy (Wickedness). That is also crucial Amount of birthmarksthat the patient would like to have lasered. If a patient wants to have the birthmark lasered for cosmetic reasons, for example because the birthmark is in an inconvenient place in the face or in Cleavage is seated, this is done by the health insurance Not taken over because it is not a medically necessary procedure. Accordingly, the patient must, depending on the doctor, depending on the size and nature of the birthmark 50-70 € pay.
If further birthmarks are to be removed, the costs often drop slightly and to laser the remaining birthmarks, the costs sometimes only amount to 20-50 €. These costs are not fixed costs, but can vary from patient to patient.Smaller birthmarks, in particular, can also be lasered for a cost of € 20. At the same time, it can be the case that patients who have a conspicuous birthmark that limits or burdens them enormously in their everyday life can have this birthmark lasered without having to pay any costs.
As soon as it is a medically justified mission, the statutory health insurance must cover the costs of the maternity laser. The dermatologist alone decides when removing a birthmark using a laser becomes a medical and not a cosmetic indication, and the dermatologist must justify the use of the laser to the health insurance company. As soon as it is a mole that is malignant (malignant) appears to be this birthmark not lasered and thus the costs are not covered by the health insurance company, but in this case the health insurance company will pay for the Cut out and Examine of the birthmark.
Pain after removal
If a benign birthmark is removed using laser therapy, it usually does not cause pain, even if some patients are initially irritated by the gunshot noises of the laser. The laser only reaches the superficial layers of the skin and, thanks to its precision, also protects the adjacent tissue.
However, there is also the option of treating the area of skin with an analgesic ointment or local anesthesia (e.g. for larger moles) before the procedure. In rare cases, patients may experience a painless tingling sensation.
Read more on the topic: Birthmark itches
Plaster after removal
Since the laser only penetrates the superficial layers of skin when removing moles, there are no deep wounds. This enables the lasered area of skin to heal quickly. In order to minimize the risk of infection with viruses or bacteria and also prevent crust formation, there is the option of sticking special waterproof, breathable plasters. With these you can shower without any problems even in the days immediately after the laser treatment. After a few days, once the wound has healed and is dry, the plaster can be left off.
Healing after removal of the birthmark
Many patients have the desire to have their birthmarks lasered in order to achieve healing. However, it is very important to define the term healing precisely. If a patient wants to have a birthmark lasered, the dermatologist must first examine it carefully. Is it a birthmark and it is unclear whether it is malignant growth or just an ordinary skin lesion, the dermatologist has to cut out the birthmark and then remove it Pathologists (Doctors of the study of the disease) can be examined so that this means microscopy determine if it is a good (benign) or evil (malignant) Birthmark is.
Lasering a birthmark is therefore beneficial in terms of medicine no cure any malignant skin disease (Skin cancer). Therefore, the cost of having a birthmark lasered is mostly not covered by health insurance. If the patient hopes for a cure in the cosmetic sense through the birthmark laser, the laser method is definitely suitable. Especially moles on the face can be perceived as annoying for the patient. If the patient has the birthmark on his face lasered, he does not have to accept a healing process in the sense of scarring, as would be the case, for example, when cutting out the birthmark. However, it is important to know that laser treatment of birthmarks also takes a toll on the skin. The healing process after the birthmarks have been lasered takes about 3-8 weeks, depending on the patient and the location of the birthmarks. To accelerate healing, the patient should avoid the sun as much as possible and also lubricate the moles regularly to avoid irritating the skin. This supports the healing process after the birthmark has been lasered.
Recurrence of a birthmark (recurrent)
Many patients want to have one or more birthmarks lasered for aesthetic reasons, but fear that this will come back, that is, after the birthmark has been lasered, it will become a so-called Relapse comes. However, this only applies in rare cases, but it is possible that the birthmarks will come back after a while, even though the birthmark has been lasered. It should be noted that the recurrence rate is usually higher if the patient then has too much of the lasered birthmark sunlight expose.
It is therefore important to pay attention to the lasered birthmarks and to include them as soon as they are exposed to the sun cream with a particularly high sun protection factor. Nevertheless, even applying cream to lasered birthmarks cannot always prevent them from coming back. Therefore, every patient who wants to have their birthmarks lasered for cosmetic reasons should be aware that a lasered birthmark can also come back, sometimes even after a few years. So the safest way to remove a birthmark is this Cut outas it compares to the maternity leave here too no relapse comes.