

Biolectra is a group of different drugs made by Hermes Arzneimittel. The Biolectra products offered are assigned to the group of dietary supplements and, depending on the product line, contain magnesium or zinc, or a combination of active ingredients from different dietary supplements. The products are available both as capsules and in the form of effervescent tablets or micro-pellets. The recommended daily dosage varies depending on the need for the respective active ingredient. Taking Biolectra can help to compensate for insufficiently met needs of the body for certain substances. However, it should be noted that Biolectra is a dietary supplement and therefore cannot replace a balanced diet, but only supports it.

When should Biolectra be taken?

There are a number of different indications which are suitable for taking certain Biolectra preparations. Taking these dietary supplements should be taken into consideration, especially if symptoms suggestive of a magnesium or zinc deficiency. A magnesium deficiency can lead to increased susceptibility to stress, muscle cramps, increased tiredness, headaches, constipation, confusion, palpitations or circulatory disorders.

Read more on the topic: Zinc in the human body

A zinc deficiency is typically associated with impaired concentration, hair loss, depression, weight loss, an increased susceptibility to infections and taste disorders. Other unspecific symptoms of a magnesium or zinc deficiency can occur.The reasons for the occurrence of these substance deficiencies are usually very different.

One-sided or inadequate nutrition often lead to these deficiency symptoms. Increased consumption due to sporting activities, stress or pregnancy are other possible causes that can lead to zinc and magnesium deficiency. Excessive consumption of alcohol is also often implicated in these substance deficiencies.

When should Biolectra not be taken?

There are some contraindications that must be observed before taking Biolectra products. The intake of magnesium is contraindicated in the case of kidney dysfunction and cardiac arrhythmias as well as massive dehydration (lack of water in the body) and is therefore not recommended in these cases. Preparations containing the active ingredient zinc should also not be taken in the event of kidney dysfunction. A prolonged intake of zinc can lead to a loss of copper in the body, which is why a doctor should be consulted in advance if the intake is planned for a longer period of time.

The use of Biolectra supplements should also be avoided if symptoms of overdose occur. Diarrhea, indigestion, rashes and a metallic taste in the mouth can be signs of an overdose.

How Biolectra works

All Biolectra preparations that contain zinc or magnesium will be orally (via the mouth) and then absorbed into the blood in the gastrointestinal tract through the intestinal wall. Magnesium and zinc take on numerous important tasks in the body. Magnesium takes mainly Influence on the correct functioning of the muscles as well as numerous Enzymes in the body and is also essential for cell functions in the body.

Zinc is a component of many enzymes and is for that correct Growth of cells and therefore essential for skin, hair and nails as well as for the healing of wounds. Zinc also plays an important role in sexual processes in the body and has a positive effect on it Immune system.

Side effects of Biolectra

As with all drugs, taking Biolectra with the ingredients magnesium and zinc is not without possible side effects. These occur in different frequencies and can be individually different. Biolectra preparations containing the active ingredient magnesium included, go with it Diarrhea and Indigestionn along.

Products which zinc can contain a metallic taste, a headache, fatigue and Vomit accompanied. The side effects can usually be managed by adjusting the dosage or by stopping use. If side effects persist, a doctor or pharmacist should be consulted.


If certain drugs and Biolectra preparations are taken at the same time, there may be undesirable interactions between the drugs. So magnesium shouldn't go along with that Antibiotics the group of Aminoglycosides or the Tetracyclines be taken. Simultaneous intake of the antibiotic substances is also important Nitrofurantoin such as Penicillamine to avoid.

When taking drugs that are against Cardiac arrhythmias are taken, undesirable interactions can occur. When taking magnesium and Calcium channel blockers, as well as certain Muscle relaxants there is often an increased effect of these substances.

Zinc can also die effect certain antibiotics, especially those of the tetracyclines and quinolones, reduce. The inclusion of iron, Copper, phosphate and calcium when taking zinc at the same time.

To be sure that no interactions are to be expected with the individual drug composition, a individual advice be done at a doctor or pharmacist.

Biolectra and alcohol

No interactions are known when taking Biolectra products and alcohol at the same time. However, since excessive alcohol consumption can lower the absorption of minerals, a dietary supplement with Biolectra magnesium and zinc is recommended for regular alcohol consumption.

Biolectra during pregnancy

The body needs an increased amount of magnesium and zinc during pregnancy, which is why the Biolectra preparations magnesium and zinc can be used during pregnancy without any problems

Biolectra while breastfeeding

In general, there is nothing to be said against the intake of magnesium and zinc during pregnancy. Since the need for these substances in the body is actually increased during this time, an additional intake is sometimes recommended.

Biolectra in children

Children can also suffer from a magnesium or zinc deficiency and should therefore consider dietary supplements when they experience typical symptoms. Taking Biolectra preparations is unproblematic for children. A doctor or pharmacist should discuss what dosage is appropriate for children in each individual case.