Naturopathic detoxification


The naturopathic detoxification assumes that numerous substances from food and metabolic processes accumulate in the body over time. Chemicals or metals such as e.g. the amalgam but also include essential substances such as iron, zinc, Calcium, magnesium may have accumulated too much in the body.
From a conventional medical point of view, e.g. a Copper poisoning an alarming clinical picture, which is caused by the accumulation of copper on the eyes or in the liver with liver dysfunction.

From a naturopathic point of view, however, a much lower copper value, which is considered harmless in conventional medicine and can hardly be proven, would be considered dangerous. The Naturopathy assumes that even slight increases in certain substances can lead to certain clinical pictures. For this reason, in this case she strives for so-called naturopathic detoxification. This detox can be done with the administration of so-called Antioxidants respectively. These antioxidants, which are also known as radical scavengers, include the following substances:

  • Vitamin A
  • vitamin C
  • Vitamin E.
  • Carotenoids
  • Polyphenols
  • Flavonoids
  • furthermore radical-scavenging enzymes, e.g. heme-containing peroxidases (catalase and gluthadione peroxidase)
  • Superoxide dismutase.

It is assumed that the so-called oxidative stress is in a balanced equilibrium with antioxidative processes in all metabolic processes. If this equilibrium is shifted in the direction of oxidation, this is the first step in the development of numerous diseases, e.g. M. Alzheimer's, Cancer, Heart attack, Arteriosclerosis and heart failure. The radical scavengers should be ingested through a healthy lifestyle with the daily diet. From a naturopathic point of view, detoxification takes place daily through the intake of selenium, zinc and the substance indole-3-carbinol.

If there is a disruption of the above-mentioned detoxification of kidney, liver and bile, it is believed that the toxins are in Blood, lymph and connective tissue accumulate. Other organs are also affected and thus form the basis for the development of serious diseases.
Also read our topic detoxification


There are a variety of naturopathic options one Heavy metal pollution diagnose the body. By kinesiological testing proceduresThe energy levels of the individual organs and a causal heavy metal load can be determined with the pendulum or through electrical anchoring. The following factors can lead to poisoning of the body and should be treated: Tooth fillings, saucepans, deodorant or sea fish can bring an increased metal content into the body. In homes, through potting soil or air conditioning, fungi can enter the body and cause disease. Chemicals can enter the body through pesticides or food additives. Drug residues and vaccinations can also build up and be stored in the body. Dead or root-treated teeth should also be held responsible as a source of poison. With paint, varnish and glue, solvents can cause serious illnesses through the skin and the air we breathe. Hormones that either enter the organism directly through medication or via treated meat products also represent a source of danger in the body.

Principles of naturopathic detoxification

The Naturopathy assumes that the person must be in an energetically healthy state, i.e. must have enough energy to be able to carry out a detoxification. If a patient has suffered a serious illness or if he is in a difficult situation, an energetic balance should first be established before a naturopathic detoxification can be started. Spring and autumn are so-called change times and must be observed. The elimination pathways (called “channels” in naturopathy) must be free and open before detoxification can begin. These channels include stool, which should be guaranteed daily, elimination through the kidneys and daily Drinking amount of 1.5-3 liters. Breathing through the skin and breathing through the lungs, which are also regarded as excretory organs, should also be flawless.

Forms of naturopathic detoxification

JSO detox therapy

This is a form of naturopathic detoxificationin which the entire organism is involved. The detox is by means of Globuleswhich is made in a spagirical way. In spagiric production, plant parts are first crushed, an aqueous extraction is made with the addition of sugar and yeast, and then the aqueous press juice is separated from the plant residues. While the pressed juice is directly diluted homeopathically (D2), the plant residues are subjected to an alcoholic extraction before the dilution. Finally, both dilutions are brought together again (the so-called spagiric mother tincture).

In the JSO detox therapy the following substances are used:

  1. Cochlearia cp JSO (normalizes the digestive glands and eliminates toxins mainly through the gastrointestinal tract)
  2. Echinacea cp JSO (excretes the toxins via the lymph fluid)
  3. Allium cepa cp JSA (excretes the toxins in the urine)

All three remedies should alternate over 6-8 weeks in a dosage of 10-15 globules three times a day be taken. The globules should be allowed to dissolve whole in the mouth and taken about 30 minutes before meals. Hyperthyroidism can be observed as a side effect.

Phoenix Detox

In this naturopathic detoxification, means are also taken that were created by a spagirical production.
in the 3-day change the following drugs should be taken:

  • Phoenix Silybum spag. (mainly affects the regulation of the metabolic processes in the liver, stimulation of the intestinal muscles and normalization of the bile composition. Dosage: 3x60 drops),
  • Phoenix Solidago spag. (causes better blood circulation in the kidney tissue and thus leads to increased excretion. Dosage 3x60 drops)
  • Phoenix Urtica-Arsenicum (dissolves the substances stored in the fat and connective tissue and makes them available for excretion. Dosage: 3x20 drops)

The phoenix therapy should still include a daily intake of Thuja-Lachesis spag. supplemented and taken over a period of approx. 45 days.

Detoxification according to Schlenk

Before the therapy, a hair analysis should provide information about the corresponding heavy metal exposure. In addition to an accompanying JSO globule cure, you can also take Acetylcysteine ​​(3x200mg), zinc (25mg), selenium (2x100 micrograms) such as Coriander drops To mobilize heavy metals, part of the Schlenk detoxification process.
A main component of the therapy is the drinking of heavy-metal-releasing teas.
Herba Artemisiae, Herba solidaginis, Herba Hederae, Radix Bardanae, Radix Cichorii, Radix Taraxaci are types of tea that can be used here and have a correspondingly dehydrating or gall flow-promoting effect. In addition to the fluid intake of about 3 liters a day, an intestinal cleansing with Spak should also be performed.
Essence Okoubake and a hair analysis after 6 months for control.

At pregnancy, Kidney dysfunction, Heart failure and dementia Detoxification according to Schlenk should only be carried out after careful consideration of the risks.

Special forms

Colon hydrotherapy:

This form of therapy of drainage and naturopathic detoxification is used in the treatment of fungal infections of the intestine as well as the treatment of infections, rheumatism, psoriasis, migraines, allergies, cardiovascular problems and much more.

The patient lies on his back and with the help of a pipe 10-12 liters of warm water are introduced into the intestine without pressure. To loosen intestinal remains, massaging movements are performed over the abdomen. After approx. 45 minutes, the water is discharged again via a closed, draining system. In some cases, oxygen is added to the rinsing water. This should stimulate the intestinal activity again. A treatment usually consists of around 15 enemas. The treatment can lead to electrolyte shifts with cardiovascular disorders in the patient.


Another naturopathic detoxification process in the broadest sense is deacidification, which is used very often. Acidification of the body can not only be the cause of numerous diseases, but also the breeding ground for infectious diseases. Patients suffering from overweight, sedentary lifestyle, grief or depression are certain to have a high acidity in their blood. Increased tiredness and a decline in performance, sleep disorders, pain, joint problems and depression can also be caused by overacidification. People who are chronically acidic should drink plenty of fluids and exercise a lot in order to counteract the imbalance between acids and bases. Furthermore, from a naturopathic point of view, the intake of various acid-binding and acid-excreting drugs is recommended. The daily food selection should be balanced and mainly contain potatoes, fruit and still water. If possible, alcohol and nicotine should be avoided entirely, and the consumption of sweets should be restricted. Another deacidifying therapy can also be manual therapy with massages and cupping, in which the connective tissue is better supplied with blood through manual pressure, thus ensuring the removal of waste products and acids. With cupping, a round glass, open at the bottom, is placed over an area of ​​skin on which a piece of burning cotton is placed. The cooling creates a negative pressure that pulls the tissue upwards at this point and thus better blood circulation. Cupping glasses can be placed on several parts of the body at the same time and thus contribute to an increase in the removal of toxins and waste products.

Read about another way to detoxify your body: Schüsslersalz No. 6