The big topic of Sleep disorder covers many topics. Please also note all other topics related to sleepwalking on :
- insomnia
- Difficulty falling asleep
- Difficulty sleeping through the night
- Daytime sleepiness
- Insomnia from breathing pauses
- Twitching in sleep
- Sleep Apneu Syndrome (Causes of Internal Medicine)
- Sleep disorders (neurological cause)
Sleepwalking belongs to the group of parasomnias. They are phenomena that occur during sleep. They do not affect the quality of sleep or the restfulness of sleep. Sleep disorders are activities that a person engages in at night from sleep.
Night terrors
Night terrors (Pavor nocturnus) start out from deep sleep. It starts with a loud scream, sitting up in bed and wide-eyed. In addition, sleepwalking can also occur. When the person calms down and falls asleep, there is usually no memory of what happened.
Activities out of sleep
They engage in out of bed activities such as sitting up and looking around, pulling on the covers, or examining the wall near the bed. Automated actions often occur when getting out of bed. The therapeutic steps include information, room security, training reactions from the environment, observing sleep hygiene, relaxation exercises before going to bed, setting up resolution formulas and taking psychotherapeutic measures.
Nightmares are dreams with a strong negative tone that lead to awakening. A distinction is made between stressful dreams and anxiety dreams. They have different origins, including genetic factors, personality dimensions, neuroticism, anxiety, stress, trauma, medication, and sustaining factors such as cognitive avoidance. The therapy works with confrontation, coping with the nightmare situation and training the coping strategy.
REM sleep behavior disorder
REM sleep behavior disorder occurs when dreams are expressed. They are mostly intense dreams with pronounced body movements. There are massive movements here until you get out of bed.