Category : Neurology-Online

The inflammation of the nerves on the back

The inflammation of the nerves on the back

Your medical information portal. A lot of helpful information on the subject of nerve inflammation is clearly described.

Numbness of the face

Numbness of the face

The causes of numbness in the face can be many. In principle, damage or irritation to a nerve can be responsible for this.

Spinal Muscular Atrophy - SMA

Spinal Muscular Atrophy - SMA

- your medical information portal. Here you will find information on the subject of spinal muscular atrophy explained to laymen.

Numbness in the hand

Numbness in the hand

The hand numbness is caused by damage to or irritation of the nerves leading to the hand. Pain and failure symptoms can occur.

Numbness in the foot

Numbness in the foot

There are many causes of numbness in the foot. One possibility is external pressure on a nerve, which is colloquially referred to as a foot asleep.

The numbness of the tongue

The numbness of the tongue

The numbness of the tongue can be triggered by various diseases. Most diseases are harmless or treatable.

Numbness of the lip

Numbness of the lip

Your medical information portal. A lot of helpful information on the subject of numbness is clearly described.

Pinched nerve on the hip

Pinched nerve on the hip

the medical information portal. Here you will find helpful information on the subject of pinched nerves that is understandable for laymen.

Stroke of the cerebellum

Stroke of the cerebellum

Symptoms of a stroke of the cerebellum differ from those of a classic stroke and are therefore not so easy to recognize for the layperson.

Blood clots in the head

Blood clots in the head

A blood clot in the head area can be triggered by a fall, but it can also occur spontaneously without a specific trigger. If a clot forms in a vessel in the head, the resulting plug closes the vessel. This can now be the blood supply

Peroneal palsy

Peroneal palsy

- your medical information portal. A lot of helpful information on the subject of peroneal palsy is clearly described.

Numbness in the leg

Numbness in the leg

A numb feeling in the leg describes a reduced sensation. Such a sensitivity disorder can have very different causes.

Shingles on the head

Shingles on the head

- your medical information portal. Here you will find information on the subject of "shingles on the head" explained to laymen.

Bernhardt-Roth syndrome

Bernhardt-Roth syndrome

- your neurological information portal. A lot of helpful information about the Bernhardt-Roth syndrome or Meralgia paraesthetica explained in a layman's way.

Burning Feet Syndrome

Burning Feet Syndrome

Burning feet syndrome is a combination of symptoms that result in pain in the feet that people experience as a burning sensation. These usually occur at night and usually result in reddening, flaking and increased sweating



There are often harmless causes behind shrugging, such as a magnesium deficiency or stress. But also rarer and more serious illnesses can be behind a twitch in the shoulder. Here are, for example, Parkinson's or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

Bragard test

Bragard test

By performing the Bragard test, damage to the spinal nerve roots L4 to S1 or the sciatic nerve can be detected. At the same time, the sign is typically positive for meningitis.

What are the side effects of valproic acid?

What are the side effects of valproic acid?

Valproic acid, also known as valproate, is a drug used to treat seizure disorders, also known as an anti-epileptic. It is a very potent drug, but like all drugs, it also has side effects.

These symptoms will help you identify a blood clot in your head

These symptoms will help you identify a blood clot in your head

- your medical information portal. Here you will find information on the subject of "These symptoms can be used to identify a blood clot in the head", explained in a layman's way.