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Eyebrow color

Eyebrow color

The color of the eyebrows depends on the pigmentation due to the dye melanin. Eumelanin leads to darker, pheomelanin rather to lighter eyebrows. Genetic predisposition, exposure to the sun, cosmetic measures and structure

Tartarus emeticus

Tartarus emeticus

the naturopathic information portal. Here you will find information on the subject of Tartarus emeticus (homeopathy) that is understandable for laypeople.

Torn muscle fiber in the abdomen

Torn muscle fiber in the abdomen

- your orthopedic information portal. Here you will find helpful information on the subject of torn muscle fibers in the abdomen, clearly explained to laymen.



the sports medicine information portal. A lot of helpful information on the subject of cap muscles explained in an understandable way.

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Metronidazole and other nitromidazoles

Metronidazole and other nitromidazoles

The medical information portal. Here you will find information on the subject of metronidazole that is understandable for laymen....

Sebum glands

Sebum glands

the dermatological information portal. A lot of information on the subject of sebum glands is clearly described.



The nails on the toes are mechanical protective devices and fulfill important tasks of the tactile function by forming an abutment for the ball of the toe. A single nail consists of a nail pad, nail wall and nail bed. The nail plate is one

Chest pain

Chest pain

the internal information portal. A lot of helpful information on the subject of chest pain explained in an understandable way.

Abscess or boil

Abscess or boil

Abscesses form in the form of boils that are enclosed in a capsule. In contrast, a boil is an inflammation of the hair follicle.

Editor'S Choice 2025

Dead tooth

Dead tooth

When the inside of the tooth is damaged, the tooth dies. Because the death does not occur all at once, but rather from the point of damage to the tip of the root, it is possible that the upper nerve fibers have already broken down while the lower ones are still....

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