Category : Surgery Online

Aortic dissection

Aortic dissection

- your medical information portal. Here you will find information on the subject of aortic dissection explained to laymen.

Aortic tear

Aortic tear

A tear in the main artery (aorta) can be fatal within a few minutes due to the large amount of blood lost. The most common causes of an aortic rupture are aortic aneurysms and high blood pressure. The aortic tear usually manifests itself as a sharp pain in the chest

Symptoms of aortic dissection

Symptoms of aortic dissection

An aortic dissection is a life-threatening situation and must be treated quickly. It is therefore very important to identify the typical signs early on. The main symptom here is the sudden onset, violent, stabbing pain

Symptoms of hemorrhoids

Symptoms of hemorrhoids

the medical information portal with lots of helpful information about hemorrhoid symptoms.

Blood in the stool from hemorrhoids

Blood in the stool from hemorrhoids

the medical information portal with lots of helpful information about blood in stool caused by hemorrhoids.

Aortic prosthesis

Aortic prosthesis

An aortic prosthesis can prevent a life-threatening rupture of the aorta and should therefore be used if the aorta is injured. such as an aortic aneurysm should be considered. Read all the important information about aortic prosthesis



- your medical information portal. Here you will find a lot of information on the subject of "transplantation" explained to laymen.

Diseases of the lungs that require surgery

Diseases of the lungs that require surgery

- the medical information portal. Here you will find information that is understandable to laymen and about diseases of the lungs that require surgical treatment.

Narrowing of the trachea

Narrowing of the trachea

the surgical information portal. Here you will find information on the subject of trachea constriction that is understandable for laymen.

Symptoms of goiter

Symptoms of goiter

the medical information portal. Detailed information on the subject of goiter symptoms explained in a layman's way.

Therapy of goiter

Therapy of goiter

the medical information portal. Detailed information on the subject of goiter therapy explained in a layman's way.

Inflammation in the nail bed

Inflammation in the nail bed

the surgical information portal. Lots of information on the topic of nail bed inflammation.

Coccyx fistula healing

Coccyx fistula healing

Your surgical information portal. A lot of helpful information about the healing of a coccyx fistula is clearly described.

Torn fingernail

Torn fingernail

Your dermatological information portal. Here you will find a lot of information on the subject of "torn fingernails" clearly explained.

Surgery for a nail bed inflammation

Surgery for a nail bed inflammation

the medical information portal. Here questions about nail bed inflammation are explained in a layman's way.

Inflammation of the nail bed on the finger

Inflammation of the nail bed on the finger

Your medical information portal. Here you will find a lot of helpful information about nail bed inflammation fingers.

Surgery: what is it?

Surgery: what is it?

the surgical information portal. Comprehensible information to explain the surgery.

Diseases of the lungs (surgery)

Diseases of the lungs (surgery)

the surgical information portal. A lot of information about surgical diseases of the lungs clearly explained.

Vasectomy - The sterilization of the man

Vasectomy - The sterilization of the man

Vasectomy is a small surgical procedure that is used for sterilization purposes on men. The vasectomy is mainly used in men who no longer want to have children and who have a safe method of contraception



A puncture is a generic term for a variety of medical interventions. Usually, a thin hollow needle or a corresponding instrument is used to pierce an organ, a body cavity or a blood vessel and either tissue or fluid is removed