Toe anatomy
The toes (lat .: digitus pedis) are the end members of the human foot. Normally a person has five toes on each foot, which are systematically numbered from inside to outside in the anatomy with Roman numerals from one to five. The big toe is therefore called digitus pedis I or hallux, the second toe as digitus pedis II, the third toe as digitus pedis III, the fourth toe as digitus pedis IV and the little toe as digitus pedis V or also as digitus minimus . Analogous to the fingers on the hand, each toe has a nail. The toes play an important role for the mobility of the foot and for a safe stance and gait.
Bones and joints
Man owns each foot as a whole 14 toe bones. The big toes (digitus pedis I or hallux) are made from each two Bones formed, the remaining toes (digitus pedis II to V) from each three bones. These bones, which divide the toes into two and three limbs respectively, are called Basic link (lat .: Phalanx proximalis), Middle link (lat .: Phalanx media) and End link (lat .: Phalanx distalis) (since the big toe is only made up of two bones, there is only one base and one end, no middle). The base, middle and end phalanx of a toe consist of three areas, which in anatomy are called Base, body and head are designated. The limbs or bones of a toe are connected to one another by joints. The head of one link forms a joint with the base of the following link. The joint between the metatarsal bones and the base phalanx is called the metatarsophalangeal joint or Metatarsophalangeal joint. The joint between the base member and the middle member is called Central joint or proximal interphalangeal joint (PIP), the joint between the middle link and the end link as End joint or distal interphalangeal joint (DIP). The joints of the toes are surrounded by connective tissue joint capsules and thus secured.
Muscles and movements
Numerous put on the joints of the toes Muscles at which their origin at either bone of Lower leg or on the bones of the Foot to have. By coordinating these muscles together, it is possible to move the toes in many different directions. For one, the toes can towards the ground flexed what one calls Flexion designated. On the other hand, they can towards the ceiling be stretched what one calls Extension designated. It is also possible to spread your toes apart. The Spread the toes apart is called Abduction designated. If you bring the splayed toes back into the starting position, this is called adduction.
The diffraction the toe (flexion) is through the Flexor toe muscles completed. A distinction is made here in the anatomy of the long toe flexors, which have their origin in the bones of the lower leg and from there to the toes, from the short toe flexorswhich have their origin on the sole of the foot and therefore have a shorter course to the toes. Important representatives of the long toe flexors are the Flexor hallucis longus muscle, which, among other things, is responsible for flexing the joints of the big toe (digitus pedis I or hallux) and the Flexor digitorum longus musclewhich flexes the remaining toes (digitus pedis II to V). To be mentioned as short toe flexors are the Abductor hallucis muscle, of the Flexor digitorum brevis muscle and the Adductor hallucis musclewhich support the flexion of the big toe (digitus pedis I or hallux), as well as the Flexor digitorum brevis musclewhich contribute to the flexion of the remaining toes (digitus pedis II to V). Of the Abductor digiti minimi muscle also supports the diffraction of the little toe (digitus pedis V or digitus minimus).
The Elongation of the toes (Extension) is through the Toe extensor muscles guaranteed. Here, too, one can distinguish in anatomy long toe extensors, which originate from the lower leg bones, and short toe extensors, which originate from the bones of the foot. Long toe extensions include the Extensor hallucis longus muscle and the Extensor digitorum longus muscle. Of the Extensor hallucis longus muscle serves to stretch the big toe (digitus pedis I or hallux) towards the ceiling, the Extensor digitorum longus muscle the extension of the remaining toes (digitus pedis II to V). The short toe extender that Extensor hallucis brevis muscle and the Extensor digitorum muscle support the extension of the toes towards the ceiling. Spreading the toes (Abduction) is through the Dorsal interossei muscles enables. The closing of the splayed toes ensure the Lumbrical muscles and the Plantar interosseous muscles.
So that the mentioned Tense muscle groups and a Movement of the toes you need them electrical signals (Commands) from annoy from the Spinal cord. Two nerves, the Tibial nerve and the Fibular nerve. The toe flexor muscles, the muscles that are responsible for spreading the toes, and the muscle groups that cause the spreading toes to close, receive electrical signals from the Tibial nerve and its branches. The toe extensor muscles, on the other hand, are Fibular nerve provided. Even the sensitive sensations of the toes, like pain, warmth or cold, pressure and vibration are among other things through the Tibial nerve and the Fibular nerve transmitted.
Blood supply
In addition to an electrical signal, which they use various annoy the different muscle groups of the toes also need one Supply of blood. This takes place via various branches of the Anterior tibial artery, which at the Front of the lower leg runs and branches of the Posterior tibial artery, which is at the Rear of lower leg is located.
Toe deformities
Lie Malformations or Misalignment of the toes before, this is referred to as Toe deformity. Toe deformities can innate, that is, present from birth, or acquired. Acquired Toe deformities only develop in the course of life, mostly due to unsuitable footwear. Examples of congenital toe deformities are shortened toes (Brachydactyly), the Missing one or more toes (Oligodactyly) or that Presence of an extra toe (Polydactyly). Acquired toe deformities are common. Examples are the hallux valgusin which there is a painful deviation of the big toe outwards comes and the Hallux rigidusin which there is a Stiffening of the metatarsophalangeal joint of the big toe comes. The most common toe deformity is the Digitus malleusin which there is a claw-like curvature of a toe comes. Some of the mentioned toe deformities can result operational Interventions are corrected.