Treatment of a bone bruise
A bone bruise is a bruise in the bone. Bone contusions are closely related to broken bones. They are caused by blunt blows or direct violence on a bone, but do not break it. The cause of the pain a bruise causes is the destruction of surrounding tissue and smaller blood vessels. The extent of a bone bruise ranges from imperceptible to severe pain with an externally visible bruise and consequential damage.
Read more about the topic here: Bone Bruise - how dangerous is it?
A bone bruise can on every bone imaginable of the body arise. The basic treatment remains the same. Immediately after the bruise occurs, the affected part must spared become. Often the Violence during the Sports or at one accident. The bruised region should no longer burdened and so on immobilized become. In addition to the relief, the affected area should elevated become. The elevation causes that by gravity less blood from the bruise flows through and a possible bleeding with subsequent Hematoma is lower.
Duration of treatment
The duration of treatment for a bone bruise depends on the severity and degree of injury. It can last from 3 weeks to 2 years in complicated cases and depends largely on the general condition and behavior of the person concerned.
The size of the edema can provide an indication of the severity of the bone injury. In the case of a bone bruise, the first thing you should do is to go easy on the stresses that put pressure on the injured bone.
In the further course, it is then advisable to slowly increase the load based on the pain intensity. During the process pain relievers such as aspirin, ibuprofen or diclofenac can be taken and the bone metabolism can be supported by taking vitamin D.
By continuing all the usual activities and sporting activities, the healing process is unnecessarily prolonged. The location of the bone bruise also depends on the duration of the treatment, for example an injury to the pubic bone is sometimes the place that requires significantly longer therapy than other areas.
You can also use a rail or a Support bandage be used. A Support or Printing compound also counteracts a bruise by applying targeted pressure from the outside Swelling and Bleeding be reduced. There is also one cooling beneficial from the outside. The cold does one contraction the little concerned Blood vessels and less blood can come out of them and cause the bruise into the tissues. A minor bruise forms within a few days to a few weeks back independently.
In addition to these Immediate action after the bruise, some medication can die Make healing time more bearable. Non-prescription Pain medication can the permanent and the Stress-dependent pressure pain mitigate. As a rule, this time cannot be shortened with medication or other therapies. The painkillers reduce the pain until it heals itself and thus treat symptomatic. Typical means for this are the group of NSAIDs. These include, among others Ibuprofen and Diclofenac.
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If there are large bruises, the body cannot regress them on its own. In this case it may be necessary that the Effusion dotted or surgically opened will to eliminate the liquid. A invasive procedure always involves risks, but can in this case Prevent tissue infections.
For bleeding that includes the Bone marrow it can affect for weeks Damage to bones come. This leads up to one osteoporosis, which enormously favors fractures in other parts of the body. In the case of strong bone bruises with Bone loss go hand in hand Bisphosphonates the means of choice to strengthen the bone again. The entire healing time of a bruise is reduced by the The extent of the bruise certainly. In particular, the immediate measures that result from Quiet, cooling, Printing compound and Elevation can preventively facilitate healing.
Bone bruise on the knee
The knee is one for a bone bruise typical localization. Due to its prominent exposed location, it is often from more direct, blunt force affected. Often it is harmless. In the case of severe pain, a doctor should still be consulted in order to rule out further damage to the knee structures or broken bones. There are a multitude of under the kneecap Soft tissue structures and bonewhich are affected depending on the extent of the bone bruise.
Often just that Adipose tissue affected. However, small ones can also Blood vessels and the Joint capsule resulting in bleeding into the knee joint and a painful hematoma. The Knee swells, overheated and can sometimes be seen from the outside blue-reddish discoloration appear. Since it is used for a variety of everyday movements, it comes from the pain severe restrictions on movement. Here, too, the typical Immediate action take place immediately after the injury occurred. Painkiller can be used as a tablet or cream on the knee. At pronounced hematomas can with a cannula the Most of the effusion in the knee is suctioned off become.
Read more about the topic here: Bruise on the knee
Bone Bruise on the shoulder
A bone bruise of the shoulder occurs mainly in sports with intensive body contact or in falls in which the person concerned falls on their shoulders without supporting themselves. Blue-reddish discoloration that is visible from the outside can quickly develop. In the event of severe pain, a doctor should rule out an injury to the shoulder blade, collarbone, humerus or the tendons and muscles in the shoulder girdle.
Immediate measures must also be carried out on the shoulder in order to contain the bruise in advance. Only the elevation can only be fulfilled under certain circumstances. In more severe cases, the arm may need to be immobilized with a bandage or sling. In most cases, only large rotational movements in the shoulder are to be avoided.
Read more on the subject below Bruised shoulder.
Bone bruise on the ankle
Bone Bruises im Ankle joint often join Ball sports on, but can also go through Accidents and other blunt force effects on the foot. They are not to be confused with Ligament damage, for example when twisting an ankle. These cause a similar pain, often with bruising and discoloration of the skin.
The Occur and To run is disabled with a bone bruise. To two to three weeks at the latest, most complaints should be subside by itself. Here are the Immediate action of great use. However, if the necessary rest for healing is not observed, the process can go down to Months procrastinate and with constant pain accompanied.
You might also be interested in: Treatment of a torn ligament in the ankle and Pain in the ankle.
Bone Bruise on the elbow
Due to its prominent position on the arm, the elbow is also susceptible for bruises of the bone. Getting a bone bruise doesn't even require an accident or physical activity on the elbow. In the most cases only occur after the bruise Tenderness and a lighter one Pain on the move on. At severe, excruciating pain a doctor has to be consulted and often one too radiological image be made.
In the case of severe bruises, the arm must be spared and cooled. Then only help Wait and possibly pain reliever drugs. In the case of bone bruises on the elbow, the joint structure can be affected. Also injuries on Bursa within the joint are conceivable. If one of these structures is damaged, the Healing process takes longer.
Bone bruise on the heel bone
Since the heel bone daily dem body weight is exposed and surrounded by a cushioning layer of fat, bruises are rather rare. Especially when it comes to sports high weights or Jumps contain bone bruises on the heel bone. Pain from pressure on the heel speaks for one present bruise. Depending on the severity of the pain and if there is a bruise, the extent of the injury must be assessed. To complete healing should exposed to stressful sports be and the foot relieved and spared become. This bone bruise also helps above all Wait in combination with pain reliever drugs.