Wrinkle treatment

Definition of wrinkles

Skin folds are the wrinkles and twists that exist in the skin due to increasing mechanical stress at this point and due to the natural aging process.

Formation of wrinkles

In order to treat wrinkles, or to prevent them from developing in the first place, knowledge of how they develop is necessary. Wrinkles are natural and belong in that skin of people of all ages.
At the moment when facial expressions or gestures change, the skin has to adapt elastically to facial movements. In doing so, it automatically wrinkles. This happens regardless of age. However, this process involves reversible folds, i.e. When the facial expression is over, the skin folds usually disappear again. The formation of wrinkles is thus first of all a more mechanical Process. Requirements for "Wrinkling" and again "Unfold“Are elastic fibers of the skin that are mainly made by numerous amino acids be enforced.

The skin is the largest human organ that spans it completely. There are numerous under the skin Muscles. On the face, the facial muscles in particular contribute to the formation of wrinkles. With every change in facial expression, there is a contraction of facial expressions Facial muscles hand in hand. This process shifts the overlying skin and this leads to wrinkles. After the facial muscles have relaxed, the skin usually adapts to the new situation without wrinkles and is smoothed. Strongly and frequently stressed areas of the face show a slight permanent furrowing of the skin very early on. This is mostly independent of age at the Eye area to recognize whose skin often has to adapt to new facial expressions. A prerequisite for a quick and reversible smoothing of the skin is, among other things the number of amino acids present.

In the natural aging process, the number and availability of these amino acids continuously decrease, so that smoothing and regeneration processes require or take longer. no longer reversible can expire. As a result, wrinkles initially remain shadowy and then, with advancing age, are also present without facial movement.

Types of folds

Different types of wrinkles

There are the following types of folds

  1. Wrinkles
  2. Gravity folds
  3. Sleeping wrinkles and
  4. Expression lines.

1. Wrinkles mostly caused by a loss of volume. This is caused on the one hand by insufficient fluid intake in the sense of dehydration of the body, on the other hand by drying out of the skin from the outside.
2. Gravity folds of the skin are caused by tensile forces on the drooping parts of the body.
3. Sleep wrinkles mostly come about through mechanical lying situations at night and
4. Expression lines, as mentioned above, come through movements of the mimics lying under the skin Musculature conditions (Laughing, crying, talking).
Wrinkles are not only caused by a natural aging process, but also by external influences. People who have raised their skin Weather exposuresuch as wind and rain, will experience wrinkling earlier than people who are mainly in the home. Furthermore, the sun's rays acting on the skin play an extremely important role in the formation of wrinkles. The UV radiation also allows the skin to wrinkle faster through drying and degeneration processes. These wrinkles are usually not reversible. People who spend long periods of their lives outdoors often appear older due to increased skin wrinkling. Furthermore, the use of UV lamps or Solariums intensifies the formation of wrinkles. This wrinkling is also not reversible.

Wrinkles are usually the result of a natural aging process. A biological sense (in the sense of a protective mechanism) is only recognizable in the formation of wrinkles caused by UV radiation, in which the skin tries to make the skin surface rougher and less susceptible to solar and UV radiation by wrinkling.

Wrinkle Treatment Approaches

In principle, it must be made clear that the sustainable treatment of wrinkles is frustrating despite numerous approaches. In the Wrinkle treatment It is one hundred percent cosmetic intervention attempts, since the formation of wrinkles is neither a disease nor do wrinkles cause health problems for humans. The cosmetics industry has created numerous approaches to wrinkle treatment that focus almost exclusively on the application of certain cosmetic products Creams, Anoint or Gels relate to the skin.

The cosmetic substances mostly contain the amino acids necessary for skin regeneration. Even substances with added Hyaluronic acid are used. The use of Vitamin Athat is attempted to be applied to the skin by creams containing retinol. The effectiveness of all these substances must be left open.
However, the supply of moisture is relatively undisputed in wrinkle treatment. Here, too, there are numerous products from the cosmetics industry that are intended to provide the skin with fluids. Even if it is not entirely clear whether this procedure reverses existing wrinkles, however, it can be assumed that hydration has a preventive effect on further wrinkling.

Wrinkle treatment with ultrasound

Experience has shown that wrinkle treatment using ultrasound provides particularly good results for so-called "reducible wrinkles", that is, wrinkles with a depth of approximately 10 to 30 μm. For example, crow's feet can be effectively treated with ultrasound. As part of wrinkle treatment with ultrasound, the skin and the underlying tissue are gently heated by the ultrasound device. This leads to the detoxification processes and the body's own collagen synthesis being stimulated. This means that the production of firm connective tissue fibers is stimulated and toxins can be better removed.

Usually, wrinkles are caused by the loss or damage to collagen tissue. This is why this approach is an effective way to improve connective tissue. The ultrasound treatment also improves the blood circulation in the tissue and increases the permeability of the cell membranes of the skin cells. This supports the metabolic processes that take place naturally in the skin cells and promotes a healthy appearance of the skin. For wrinkle treatment using ultrasound, there are devices for home use in addition to a visit to the practice, which enable independent treatment for regular applications.

Read more on the topic: Wrinkle treatment with ultrasound

Wrinkle treatment with hyaluronic acid

Wrinkles arise from the loss of elasticity and volume in the subcutaneous tissue and from the stress of facial expressions or gravity. Hyaluronic acid occurs naturally in our skin and decreases with age. Hyaluronic acid is made up of complex sugar molecules and has the chemical property of binding large amounts of water. It is responsible for keeping the skin looking fresh and elastic. This connection with the formation of wrinkles results in the therapeutic effect of hyaluronic acid in wrinkle treatment.

Wrinkle injections with hyaluronic acid are suitable for filling skin lines and stabilizing them. You can use it to upholster tissue. There are different hyaluronic acid gels with different consistencies and viscosities that are used to treat wrinkles with different wrinkle depths and skin thicknesses. Wrinkle treatment with hyaluronic acid takes about 30 minutes and is carried out on an outpatient basis. A treatment costs around 300 € and depending on the location and depth of the wrinkles, a different number of treatments are necessary to smooth the wrinkles.

To treat wrinkles, for example, substances consisting of hyaluronic acid, vitamin A and moisture-binding components are injected into the skin.
The substance is applied under local anesthesia. After that, there is almost always a slight swelling of the skin surface. A total of 5-10 applications must be repeated. The application intervals are approx. 7-10 days.

Read more on the topic: Wrinkle treatment with hyaluronic acid

Wrinkle treatment with autologous fat

Treating wrinkles with autologous fat will do Lipofilling or Lipotransfer called. You inject your own body fat under wrinkles to build up volume and smooth the wrinkles. The doctor takes fat cells from parts of the body, thighs, buttocks or stomach. The fatty tissue is processed and, for example, injected under wrinkled areas of the face. This treatment lasts 1 to 2 hours and is usually repeated after a few weeks.

Read more on the topic: Wrinkle treatment with autologous fat

Wrinkle treatment with laser

The treatment of facial wrinkles using lasers is suitable for rejuvenating pre-aged skin as a whole. Laser treatment is particularly effective for smoothing out many small wrinkles, for example around the mouth. The method smooths the top structures of the skin. The popular “fractional laser treatment”, which activates deeper skin layers, has existed for a few years. The technique is called fractionated because the pillars are surrounded by normal tissue, which significantly shortens the healing time.

Wrinkle treatment with autologous blood

Wrinkle treatment with autologous blood is also called vampire lifting and is popular with American celebrities. The therapy aims to reduce wrinkles and fight them permanently by plumping up the skin. New blood vessels are to be formed, which ensure a long-lasting effect.

For this purpose, blood is taken from the patient, which is then processed. The important thing is the blood plasma, which is given into the patient's skin with the help of a special pen. The patients usually feel a burning sensation and no pain. The treatment is repeated every 6 to 12 months to maintain the effect.

Wrinkle treatment with botox

A well-known and at times very controversial procedure is botox therapy. Botox, botolulinum toxin, is a neurotoxin that comes from the Bacterium Chlostridium botulinum is won. It has been used and medically administered to smooth facial wrinkles since the 1980s. Botox blocks the transmission of stimuli between nerve cells and muscle cells. This causes the muscle into which Botox is being injected to become relaxed or paralyzed. Wrinkles that result from increased muscle pull (expression lines) can therefore be reduced by paralyzing the pulling muscle parts through botox injections.

Depending on the location and depth of the wrinkles, the wrinkles disappear accordingly.

Areas of application are for example:

  • Wrinkles of anger and worry on the forehead
  • Crow's feet
  • Longitudinal folds on the neck
  • sunken corners of the mouth
  • Dimples on the chin

An initial effect sets in 48 to 72 hours after treatment and peaks after one to two weeks. Depending on the patient, the Botox effect lasts for four to six months. If the effect wears off, the treatment is usually repeated. Compared to the other interventions, the intervals are longer and amount to about 3 months to a year.

Side effects rarely occur when used correctly and usually disappear after a few months.

Before treatment, you should discuss with your doctor what medication you are taking, as antibiotics and sedatives can influence the effect. Botox treatment should be avoided during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Wrinkle treatment with gold threads

The so-called Russian gold thread is a method to smooth out the wrinkles. The Aptos threads are pulled under the skin like a tension net and smooth skin depressions. The doctor threads the thread with a fine needle under local anesthesia and follows the markings made previously. The network of threads placed under the skin is recognized by our body as foreign and enveloped by newly formed connective tissue. This fills in the wrinkles and smooths them out from the inside out.

The thread is then cut off at both ends and sutured invisibly under the skin. The skin becomes firmer immediately and the method takes less than two hours. The full result is shown after about three months and lasts for at least seven to eight years. It is important that this treatment is carried out under absolutely sterile conditions. The thread lifting is particularly recommended for the lower half of the face as well as the cheeks and temples.

Cosmetic surgery

surgical wrinkle treatment

Another large area of ​​wrinkle treatment is cosmetic surgery. In the meantime, numerous wrinkle treatment procedures, some of them surgical, have become established in Germany.

In the treatment of gravity wrinkles, there are usually injection procedures that are intended to help support the areas of skin that have been pulled down by gravity. In this way, attempts can be made to stabilize hanging areas, especially in the mouth and eye area. This is attempted by introducing filling material, which can consist of silicone, polylactide, plastic beads or Goretex. Here, too, the wrinkle treatment may have to be repeated at regular intervals. Slack lines are treated according to the same principle.

Facelifting is a very old process for smoothing wrinkles.
It is the most complex surgical procedure in wrinkle treatment. During a face lift, small, different cuts are made around the wrinkle region to be treated. To lift the forehead skin, incisions are made on the back of the head or on the sides of the ears and the skin is tightened backwards. The cuts are usually no longer visible later through the hairline. As a rule, repetitions only need to be carried out when the corresponding area of ​​skin has stretched again. But this can take a few years.
The cost of wrinkle treatments varies greatly and depends on the type and number of repetitions. When treating wrinkles, you have to calculate with 250 EUR per treatment. The relining process costs around EUR 190 per application. The use of Botox varies greatly, but costs from EUR 190 must also be expected here. The most expensive procedure is the facelift. Since this is a surgical procedure that involves anesthesia and postoperative monitoring, a few hundred to a thousand euros can quickly come about. The follow-up treatment of all wrinkle treatments is also the most complex. Because regular wound and follow-up checks after the procedure are a matter of course in order to prevent postoperative infections and complications.

Wrinkle treatment according to location

When it comes to wrinkle treatment, there are different therapeutic approaches depending on the location of the wrinkles.

Forehead wrinkle treatment

Forehead wrinkles are caused by frequent contraction of the skin, frequent raising of the eyebrows deepens the wrinkles. With age, the skin of the forehead increasingly loses subcutaneous fat and the wrinkles make the face look strained. In order to effectively treat the wrinkles of the forehead, hyaluronic acid is considered to be particularly effective. The wrinkles become smoother and can disappear. In the case of deep forehead wrinkles, several treatments are often necessary; the injections should be carried out at intervals of 4 to 8 weeks.

Wrinkle treatment of laugh lines

Frequent laughing and smiling often lead to the development of laugh lines with age. This creates laugh lines around the mouth and eyes. The hyaluronic acid in our connective tissue decreases and the skin ages. Injecting the smile lines with hyaluronic acid using a microsyringe leads to a filling of the tissue with hyaluronic acid and makes the wrinkles disappear after one or more treatments. You can see the effect immediately and get it after 2 to 3 sessions for up to 6 months. Afterwards, another injection is necessary to maintain the effect.

There are also combinations of botox and hyaluronic acid that are particularly useful for deep smile lines. Botox (Botulinum toxin) is also used alone against laugh lines. It is a neurotoxin that affects the transmission of excitation in cells. Botox basically prevents the muscles from tensing, so that the face is relaxed in these areas and no new wrinkles form.

Read more on the topic: Laugh lines

Wrinkle treatment around the mouth

Wrinkles often develop around the mouth over time as this region is exposed to high mechanical stress. Since the connective tissue is individually different, some wrinkles appear more and others less. Slight smile lines can be treated with make-up and products containing hyaluronic acid, creams, etc. Hyaluronic acid can be effectively injected under deep wrinkles around the mouth.

Wrinkle treatment on the neck

The neck is just as prone to wrinkles as the face. Compared to the face, however, the wrinkles on the neck are treated relatively neglected. Moving the head is particularly common in the formation of cross folds on the neck. One should take care of the neck as early as possible and apply it regularly. Exfoliating once a week can help keep the skin on your neck smooth and tight. If the wrinkles are pronounced, surgery can improve the complexion. Skin tightening can be done under the chin or behind the ears and tightens the tissue.

How can you prevent wrinkles?

Wrinkles appear in everyone with age as the skin thins and loses its elasticity. A healthy lifestyle and grooming can help prevent wrinkles. A balanced diet, careful UV protection, adequate sleep and the avoidance of stress, alcohol and nicotine have a positive effect on skin aging.

You should eat a lot of rich fruit and vegetables and you can do facial exercises ("FaceformingTry it out to prevent wrinkles. These "healthy grimaces" should improve the tension of the muscles in the face and thus reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

The following are used as anti-aging foods:

  • tomatoes
  • Carrots
  • Berry
  • spinach
  • broccoli


Creams and other skin care products that contain hyaluronic acid should be used regularly. It is important that the skin is supplied with sufficient moisture over the long term. Therefore, the face and neck should be moisturized daily.

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Wrinkle Treatment Costs

The costs of a wrinkle treatment differ greatly in the different treatment options. A botox treatment costs from around 300 to 600 €, while the more natural therapy with hyaluronic acid costs around 300 €. A microdermabrasion starts at around 90 € treatment costs and the laser therapy is heavily dependent on the effort and costs between 1,000 and 3,000 € for a treatment.

The size and location of the skin area to be treated is a cost-critical factor. The so-called vampire lifting costs from 400 to 800 € and the treatment of wrinkles with autologous fat from around 3,900 €. An outpatient session with the Russian gold thread method to smooth the wrinkles costs between 800 and 3,000 €, depending on the number of threads and the treatment zone.

What does the health insurance company pay?

The costs of wrinkle treatment are not covered by statutory or private health insurances, as this is an aesthetic measure.


wrinkles arise on the one hand as a natural aging process, on the other hand in mechanically highly stressed areas of the body. It is believed that the for Skin regeneration necessary amino acids decrease with increasing age, so that the skin can no longer so quickly return to its smooth, flat original position.
A slightly wrinkled surface remains, which increases in thickness as the process progresses. There are numerous factors that contribute to wrinkling faster. Sun and UV light, reduced fluid intake and reduced moisture supply to the skin also lead to faster wrinkling. Unhealthy lifestyle and inadequate nutrition also leads to a faster one Skin aging. The cosmetic industry offers numerous care products that are intended to prevent both wrinkling and wrinkling that has already occurred (Wrinkle treatment) should reduce. However, the effectiveness can usually not be confirmed. The plastic surgery also has numerous approaches to wrinkle treatment. They range from minimally invasive injections into the skin to complex ones Botox injections and up to a facelift. Overall, it must be stated that wrinkling is a natural aging process that cannot be stopped, at best it can be easily delayed.