Bruise on the ear


Ring ear, boxer ear, cauliflower ear, blood ear (in animals, especially domestic dogs)
English: auricular hematoma, othematoma


The medical term “hematoma” simply means bruise. The prefix “Ot-” shows that it is about the ear. The othematoma or seroma is therefore an accumulation of blood or serous fluid between the auricle cartilage and the cartilage skin (bruise on the ear).

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As Cause of an othematoma (Bruise on the ear) are shearing Violence and scharfes kinking of the auricle to watch. This also includes blunt blows on the earas they do in some contact sports, like Wrestling, boxing, judo, rugby, wrestling, MMA, water polo or even with bag carriers, possible are. By the Rupture of blood vessels, can be a bruise arise. If the injury remains closed, blood or serous fluid may get between Cartilage skin and Knotl accumulate. The Resorption tendency this fluid build-up is bad. A swelling arises that persists for some time. The bruise, in turn, can cause the cartilage to disrupt the nutrition of the cartilage. This allows it to Death of the cartilage come. It is typical for the elastic cartilage of the auricle that it cannot regenerate. That is, if an othematoma occurs repeatedly as a result of blows or violence, it will Bruise remodeled connective tissue and permanent disfigurement of the auricle is the result. Colloquially, one speaks of one "Boxer's or cauliflower ear".


Even if that trauma is typically painful, so it is Otematoma usually painless (Bruise on the ear) and is merely a reddish swelling Hearing deterioration by a massive swelling to be possible.


The Diagnosis is based on the clinical picture (Bruise on the ear). It's an enormous one Swelling at the front of the auriclewhich can be felt as a protrusion and in severe cases also visible. In this case it happens that the natural fold in the area of ​​the auricle can no longer be seen.
During a medical examination, various Accompanying injuries be excluded. The doctor also makes one for this Auditory test using a tuning fork or determines the frequency range that can still be perceived by the patient by recording a Audiogram. If an additional is suspected Temporal bone fracture a Computed tomogrampossible damage to the Petrous bone, as well as the Temporal bone, of Ear canal, of Middle ear or des Temporomandibular joint can be recognized.


The Treatment of the othematoma (Bruise on the ear) occurs in most cases conservative. Small swellings are treated with a pressure bandage or punctured. At the highest point of the protrusion, a sterile puncture needle into the bruise pricked and the blood or fluid withdrawn. A pressure bandage is then applied.
In severe cases it needs one surgery. Through the operational Cut out a small window (Cartilage fenestration), the accumulated blood of the effusion can drain away. In this way, the supply of nutrients to the cartilage is restored. A modeling bandage (e.g. made of cotton wool) created. In the case of recurring othematomas, which can also occur after surgical treatment, there is an option Piece of cartilage from the back of the auricle refer to. The wound is closed with a suture and can prevent renewed adhesion of the cartilage skin and thus a renewed accumulation of fluid.
In the Therapy is prophylactic antibiotic administration often advised to prevent a complication of this condition: the Cartilage inflammation (Perichondritis). Because by a later immigration of Germs and bacteria (e.g. Staphylococcus aureus) into the wound or puncture site, severe inflammation can develop. The attending physician should therefore always ensure a sterile work environment so as not to provoke an infection. The poor resorption in this area can lead to permanent changes in the shape of the cartilage and the irreversible image of the "Cauliflower ear" (bruise on the ear) arises.


A helmet or something similar should be worn as ear protection, especially in contact sports (bruise on the ear).