Burning in the groin
In the groin region there are many muscular structures, important nerve tracts, sensitive organs of the intestinal, urinary and genital tracts, lymph nodes and joints. Many diseases of these structures can project their symptoms onto the groin, which is why groin pain is very unspecific and can have many causes.
The burning sensation in the groin must be taken seriously, however, as depending on the duration, intensity and type of pain, it can be a sign of sometimes threatening illnesses. However, many potential diseases can already be ruled out by precisely asking about the nature of the pain. A superficial burning sensation can indicate a skin disorder, while a burning pain that is aggravated by hip movements is deeper in the body.
The causes of a burning sensation in the groin are numerous. Even if the complaints should be taken seriously, one does not have to assume a threatening illness at first. Often only skin changes or temporary orthopedic complaints are behind the symptom.
Symptoms of the thigh muscles or the hip joint are very often noticeable as a burning sensation in the groin. They can occur, for example, after intense exercise or when certain movements are incorrectly carried out in the hips.
Long-standing complaints can indicate tendon, muscle or joint disorders. On the other hand, the organs of the urinary and genital tract are more rarely the cause of a burning sensation in the groin. Inflammation of the bladder, urethritis or infections of the genital organs can be the cause.
A very typical groin pain arises from diseases of the testicles or fallopian tubes and ovaries in women. In men, this can indicate testicular torsion (twisting of the testicle) or inflammation; in women, the burning sensation can also be the first indication of an ectopic pregnancy.
Rare causes of a burning sensation in the groin can be inflammation of the blood vessels, nerves or the inguinal ligament. Appendicitis, a skin disease of the groin or bone damage in the pelvis or thighbones can also be a cause.
Find out more about the topic here: Pain in the groin - these are the most common causes.
Inguinal fungus
A inguinal fungus is an infection of the skin with a fungal pathogen, which can be very persistent and uncomfortable. Fungi sometimes colonize healthy skin and rarely cause infections and diseases.
Some fungi, on the other hand, can be suppressed by healthy people, but can cause severe fungal infections of the skin in immunocompromised and sick patients. These infections are more likely to occur in the groin, as this is a warm area of the body that is often damp with sweat.
Especially in overweight patients, the excess abdominal fat can create a warm and humid climate in the groin area and other areas of the body, which provides the fungi with an optimal environment for reproduction.
The inguinal fungus manifests itself as an unpleasant reddening with a burning sensation and itching. Later on, bacterial infections can also develop on the inguinal fungus, which can sometimes form dangerous abscesses.
The therapy must be carried out with the help of certain drugs against the fungal colonization and is often persistent and protracted.
You can find more information on this topic here: Inguinal fungus.
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Meralgia paraesthetica
Meralgia paraesthetica is a pain caused by nerve compression in the groin area.
It is a very common clinical picture that can be very annoying for those affected in everyday life.
Below the inguinal ligament, a sensitive nerve runs on both sides, which pulls superficially onto the thigh and is responsible for the sensitivity of the outer upper leg. Due to its superficial location, the nerve can easily be pinched off and cause painful, burning sensations.
This often happens in overweight or pregnant people, with diabetes mellitus, after excessive exercise or during strength training. Tight pants and belts are also known to trigger meralgia paraesthetica.
Read more about the topic here: Meralgia paraesthetica.
Concomitant symptoms
In addition to the burning sensation in the groin, there may be pain of various types. Burning, pulling, dull or stabbing pain can be differentiated and provide important information on the diagnosis. Other accompanying symptoms can arise depending on the underlying disease and vary greatly.
Muscle, bone or tendon complaints are accompanied by pain when moving in the hip joint, as well as pressure pain on the hip and groin and restrictions in mobility. The affected areas may also be red, overheated and swollen.
Disorders of the skin in the groin can also be noticed as swelling and redness. In addition, weeping and uncomfortably itchy rashes can occur.
If parts of the urinary tract are affected by diseases or inflammation, symptoms occur more frequently when urinating. This can lead to fever, general malaise and bloody or cloudy discoloration of the urine.
In the case of severe acute symptoms of the intestine, fallopian tubes or other abdominal organs, what is known as an "acute abdomen" can also lead to severe abdominal pain, immune tension and circulatory problems.
also read: Painful urination
Drag in the bar
Pain in the groin is often described as pulling. Pulling pain can be a typical symptom of pulled tendons, hernias, urinary tract infections, ectopic pregnancies or testicular torsions.
All of these diseases can cause uncomfortable and severe pulling pains in the groin. The inguinal canal is to blame for these multiple causes of groin pain. This runs diagonally from the outer hip bones towards the genitals.
Blood vessels, lymph nodes as well as the spermatic cord run within the inguinal canal, in the course of which various diseases of the primary genital organs can lead to pulling in the groin.
One of the most common causes of groin pain is an inguinal hernia. A weakness of the connective tissue in the abdominal wall leads to a bulging of the intestine on the inguinal canal outside the abdominal cavity.
Read more about the topic here: Drag in the bar.
Pulling on the thigh
A burning sensation in the groin that spreads towards the thigh is not uncommon. Both muscular structures and nerves pull from the lower abdomen under the inguinal ligament towards the thigh.
The most common cause of discomfort in this region is muscle strain and overuse after excessive exercise or incorrectly executed movements. Pulls in the groin can be very uncomfortable and lead to instability in the hip joint.
In rare cases, the pain can also be caused by nerve irritation. This can occur with herniated discs, for example. Here the intervertebral disc presses on the nerves emerging from the spine and can cause pain that is transmitted along the groin to the thigh and in severe cases even to the foot.
During pregnancy
Burning or stabbing complaints in the groin are not uncommon during pregnancy. The basis here is often an interplay of various problems that can be traced back to pregnancy. Due to the release of certain pregnancy hormones, many muscles in the body relax, which can lead to many kinds of complaints.
The relaxed muscles of the abdominal wall and the additional pressure and weight load caused by the growing child can also cause discomfort in the groin. Hernias of the abdominal wall can also occur favored by the pressure and the slack muscles.
In the event of complaints during pregnancy, a doctor should be consulted immediately. In rare cases, a burning sensation in the groin can be attributed to a problem with the uterus (uterus), which can endanger pregnancy. Incorrect position of the embryo can also cause problems in the groin. These can even be an important diagnostic sign for this.
Find out more about: Lower abdominal pain during pregnancy.
Can that be a sign of pregnancy?
A burning sensation in the groin is a rather unusual sign of pregnancy. However, it can indicate an incorrect position of the embryo. A common birth abnormality is ectopic pregnancy, in which the embryo lodges in the fallopian tube rather than the uterus.
Before the pregnancy is known, stabbing and burning pains can occur in the lower abdomen and in the groin on the side of the fallopian tube affected. Nausea, vomiting and light bleeding from the vagina can also follow.
The ectopic pregnancy must be terminated surgically to preserve the fallopian tubes and ovaries and to prevent complications. A normal so-called "uterine" pregnancy often only causes symptoms of the lower abdomen and groin in much later stages.
more on the subject Ectopic pregnancy you'll find here.
The diagnosis
The diagnosis begins with a detailed inquiry about the symptoms and a physical examination. Many diseases can already be differentiated from one another based on the character of the pain and the burning sensation.
The physical examination can detect redness, overheating and swelling, which indicate an inflammatory process. If there is a suspicion of a disease of the bones, the hip joint or the spine, radiological methods are used, for example X-rays or CT examinations, on which bony structures can be displayed in high resolution.
Ultrasound examinations or computer tomography can be used to depict possible diseases of the organs of the abdomen or pelvis. In order to rule out inflammatory processes or certain organic malfunctions, a blood test should not be missing in a comprehensive diagnosis.
The treatment
Treatment, as well as the many causes of a burning sensation in the groin, can vary widely. Since in the vast majority of cases there are only temporary complaints of the muscles or tendons, the leg and hips should first be spared until the symptoms improve.
Extremely strong or long-lasting complaints must nevertheless be clarified by a doctor at an early stage, although the therapy can be very different.
Symptomatic therapy to relieve the burning sensation can be done with mild pain relievers. These include above all drugs from the NSAID group, for example ibuprofen or diclofenac.
In the case of a skin disease, causal therapy can be accompanied by further drug treatments or, in the case of a hernia and diseases of the urinary and genital tract, even operations. If, in addition to the burning sensation in the groin, there is also defensive tension in the abdomen and circulatory problems, the dangerous clinical picture of the "acute abdomen" can be present, which is often treated with immediate surgery to diagnose and correct the disease.
To prevent groin discomfort due to muscular problems, hernias and intestinal diseases, strong abdominal muscles, a healthy diet and avoidance of risk factors such as obesity and smoking help in the long term.
The duration
The duration of the burning sensation in the groin depends on the underlying disease and the severity of the underlying symptoms. Simple strains of the muscles can subside within a few days. Typical irritations and complaints of the fallopian tubes or testicles can also manifest themselves in a temporary burning sensation in the groin and recede within a few hours.
In other cases, the duration depends primarily on the treatment status of the underlying disease. Only when this is treated successfully do the symptoms in the groin subside.
Drug treatments require a certain period of time until the active ingredient is available in sufficient quantities and the inflammation or disease is reduced.
Surgical procedures can remedy the illnesses, for example an inguinal hernia, immediately, but require a subsequent recovery phase of a few days or weeks.