Stretch marks on the buttocks


Stretch marks are used in medicine as "Stria cutis atrophica"Or"Stria cutis desitensae" designated. Stretch marks that develop during pregnancy are referred to as "Stria gravida“.

Read more about the topic here: Stretch marks

Stretch marks on the skin are cracks in the subcutaneous tissue (Subcutis). For numerous reasons, such as hormonal fluctuations, genetic predisposition or rapid weight gain, the subcutaneous tissue tears.
The collagen fibers located there, which give the skin its elasticity, cannot withstand the stretching due to a strong pull or collagen weakness and tear.
These cracks appear as reddish stripes on the superficial skin. This is because the vessels in the subcutaneous tissue shimmer through. However, over time, the streaks fade and light scars remain.

Areas that are particularly often affected are the abdomen, chest, thighs and buttocks.


The causes of stretch marks are numerous. Women are often affected during pregnancy or puberty.
During this time, the female body is subject to strong hormonal fluctuations. A balance of progesterone and estrogens gives the connective tissue its strength. A lack of estrogen during puberty, pregnancy or especially during menopause leads to a loosening of the connective tissue structure. This makes the skin, at the time, more prone to stretch marks and cellulite.

Learn more about: Cellulite

During pregnancy, there is also an increase in the glucocotoid concentration. Glucocorticoids also lead to a loosening of the connective tissue and promote weight gain.

Other reasons include rapid growth, both height and weight gain, which can be the cause of stretch marks. In the context of bodybuilding with rapid muscle growth, stretch marks are often inevitable.
Obesity or drug-induced Cushing's syndrome can also be responsible for the development of stretch marks.
In Cushing's disease, on the one hand, there is enormous weight gain, especially in the face and trunk area; on the other hand, there is increased cortisone concentrations, which, like glucocorticoids during pregnancy, ensure a loosening of the connective tissue.

Read more about: Cushing's Syndrome

In the case of stretch marks on the buttocks, weight gain and the genetic weakness of the connective tissue play an important role.

Learn more about: stretch marks


The diagnosis is usually based on the clinical appearance. Typical locations and the appearance of the stripes usually allow a diagnosis.

These are helpful examination methods to clarify the cause Patient talk and a possible Blood test. Most important information about metabolic diseases or medication can be found out in the patient consultation. The blood test can provide increased security with regard to the hormonal and metabolic conditions of the body.

Concomitant symptoms

In many cases, patients feel a stretch on the skin itching. However, this itching should not be excessive. In very rare cases it can cause a Inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue come. Fresh tears / stretch marks are wounds of the subcutaneous tissue that, like superficial wounds, can potentially become inflamed. At Pain or Swelling a dermatologist should therefore be consulted for clarification. Otherwise, stretch marks tend to appear as a side effect of other diseases, including hormonal / metabolic diseases, obesity, and Cushing's disease.

Physiological processes can also have stretch marks as accompanying symptoms. Here are mainly to mention pregnancy, faster growth in height, faster muscle gain and puberty.

Treatment of stretch marks

There are now various medical therapy approaches or home remedies that promise relief. However, complete removal is only possible through one Skin graft possible. However, this is only used in very few cases, since leaving an operation scar is inevitable.

In addition to the surgical method, there are many other medical methods that weaken the appearance:

  • Laser therapy

  • Chemical peels: They serve to stimulate the epidermis to form new skin cells.

  • Mesotherapy: Medicines are injected directly into the strips, they are supposed to help the subcutaneous tissue heal.

  • Carboxytherapy: Injection of carbon dioxide creates an apparent undersupply of oxygen. It stimulates increased blood flow to the tissue to ensure local oxygen saturation. In this way, it promotes the body's own healing of the subcutaneous tears.

  • Local dynamic micromassage with high frequency ultrasound: This method should ensure better water distribution in the connective tissue and stimulate the formation of new collagen fibers.

  • Reflective Skintonic Depresso Therapy: A special massage technique that is supposed to stimulate the blood flow to the connective tissue.

In addition to the medical methods, there are also some home remedies that are intended to reduce the appearance of the stretch marks.
Preventive measures are always aimed primarily at one increased blood flow to the connective tissue from or should stimulate the Collagen formation Act. Prophylactic measures include alternating showers, exercise, a protein-rich diet, pressure and plucking massages, drinking a lot and the use of special lotions. Vitamin E oils are also said to promise relief.

In the acute phase, retinoids / tretinoin / vitamin A acid preparations also help, but these are prohibited during pregnancy because of the teratogenic effect.

Laser stretch marks

Many different laser treatment methods have become established in the cosmetics industry. The main difference lies in the choice of a "fractional therapy"Or a"ablative therapy". In both procedures it comes to Removal of the top layer of skin by means of a laser. The newer method, fractionated therapy, only removes small areas of skin and leaves the surrounding skin in place. In several sessions, the skin is gradually removed in a "pixel-shaped" manner and new, young skin is reproduced.

With "ablative therapy", on the other hand, the entire area to be treated is immediately removed. Both methods have their advantages and disadvantages. Fractional therapy is significantly gentler on the skin, but usually shows a less effective result and requires several sessions. The disadvantage of ablative therapy is the aggressive approach and the long-term healing process.

Home remedies

There are many home remedies that are suggested, the effectiveness has not been medically proven, but there are some positive testimonials.

  1. At the Rub with lemon or orange slices it is important to ensure that the skin is intact. Small superficial wounds can cause a burning sensation.

Cucumber slices should also humidity to the skin and promise relief, this is particularly suitable for very sensitive skin.

  1. Peels to stimulate blood circulation. You can use scrubs from the drugstore or a simple mixture of oil and sugar.

  2. Aloe Vera creams to secure moisture and avoid further tearing of the skin.

  3. Vitamin E oils or coconut oil should help to moderate the appearance of the stripes.

  4. Move

The biggest challenge in using home remedies is having patience. Regardless of which method you choose to see an effect, it must be used regularly and frequently.

If you want to learn more about how you can strengthen your connective tissue, read more at: Strengthen connective tissue - These tips will help

Figure tighten connective tissue

Figure strengthening connective tissue

Strengthen connective tissue
I - skin with strong
connective tissue
(Firm skin surface)
II - skin with
Connective tissue weakness
(Dents on the
Skin surface)

  1. Skin - Cutis
  2. Strengthened fabric fibers
  3. Normal fat cells -
  4. Deep layers of fat
    (Fat reserve)
  5. muscle
  6. Enlarged fat cells
  7. Weak tissue fibers
    Methods affecting the connective tissue
    at least have a positive influence:

    A - weight normalization
    B - Balanced diet
    (fresh fruit, vegetables, reduction
    sugar and animal fats)
    C - Sufficient drinking amount
    (about 1.5 - 2 liters a day)
    D - Exercise regularly
    (Jogging, walking, swimming,
    Cycling, gymnastics-stomach-legs-buttocks,
    Aqua jogging)
    E - massages
    (Seaweed wraps, lymphatic drainage massages)
    F - skin care
    (Anti-cellulite creams)
    G - Surgical Measures
    (Liposuction, tummy tuck,
    Thigh and upper arm lift)

You can find an overview of all Dr-Gumpert images at: medical illustrations

Duration until healing

A Complete healing of the strips is not possible. The time until the stretch marks fade strongly depends on the extent and the individual connective tissue structure.

Stretch marks caused by rapid weight gain usually fade quickly when the extra weight is reduced again. This is particularly important for stretch marks on the buttocks, thighs and stomach. Sun exposure is another factor that affects stretch mark fading. Tanning the surrounding skin will help prevent red stretch marks from being so noticeable, as well as promoting fading.

However, exposure to the sun should be taken with caution in the case of stretch marks, as the fresh strips are particularly sensitive to UV radiation.

Stretch marks in men

Some men also have stretch marks, as they are in women Weight gain, stronger Muscle building and the puberty possible reasons for the development of stretch marks. Depending on the etiology, the stretch marks are usually found in different parts of the body.
Predisposed areas for severe weight gain are usually the abdomen, buttocks and thighs. Stretch marks, which arise as part of a strong muscle build-up, usually run in the shoulder and chest muscles. Even during puberty, due to rapid growth in height, stretch marks often appear on the shoulder girdle or in the hip area.

The treatment measures are the same for men and women.

Stretch marks up to the thigh

Women in particular complain of stretch marks. Most of you complain about stretch marks on your buttocks and the inside of your thighs. In some, however, there is also an overarching pattern of stripes from the bottom to the thigh.

A broader appearance is often associated with a general one Connective tissue weakness, you cannot influence this.

Only preventive measures can contain a possible expansion of the affected body region. In the case of congenital connective tissue weakness, however, even careful care cannot be a guarantee.