Inflammation of the foot


Inflammation in the foot can arise for many different reasons

Of the foot is a complex structure from a Variety of bones, muscles, tendons, and ligaments, all interact with each other. Its structure is as complicated as that hand. Any of these structures can therefore be too Problems and complaints to lead.

Of the foot can be rough divided into three parts become: Forefoot (consisting of the five toes), Metatarsus (consisting of the five metatarsals) and the Rear foot (composed of a multitude of tarsal bones).


Symptoms of a Inflammation of the foot can have exactly the same properties as any other inflammation in the body.

The classic signs of inflammation are swelling (Tumor), Redness (Rubor), overheat (Calor), Pain (Dolor) and Functional restrictions (Functio laesa).

Depending on localization of inflammation in the foot can they Limitations and Symptoms be very different.
Is there a Inflammation in the forefoot only, almost normal walking is most likely possible. The further the Inflammation towards the heel is located, the greater the walking limitations can become.

Not just the location leads to different symptoms but also those Cause of inflammation.
While with a bacterial inflammation of the nail bed the classic signs of inflammation determine the clinical picture, it happens in one fungal nail bed inflammation often a weeping wound. In addition, they are affected nails yellowish discolored, thickened and crumbled. However, if the nail bed is through a viral inflammation with a Herpes virus affected, shows one above all Redness with blisters. In addition, the patient often takes Burning sensation and pain true in the area of ​​the nail bed.

A sudden severe pain, of the especially at night or after meals that are particularly rich in meat at the Big toe joint occurs is typical of a goutwhich has its origin in a metabolic disorder.

At a rheumatoid arthritis Patients complain of one primarily as the cause of inflammation in the foot increasing joint stiffness in the morningthat improves with exercise. Here is a symmetrical appearance typical of joint problems. Often therefore both hands or both feet affected. As the disease progresses, one develops increasing deformity and Destruction of the jointswhich clearly affects mobility. In addition to the severe pain that rheumatics suffer from, symptoms such as fatigue, fever as well as a general loss of strength occur.

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My name is dr. Nicolas Gumpert. I am a specialist in orthopedics and the founder of .
Various television programs and print media report regularly about my work. On HR television you can see me every 6 weeks live on "Hallo Hessen".
But now enough is indicated ;-)

Athletes (joggers, soccer players, etc.) are particularly often affected by diseases of the foot. In some cases, the cause of the foot discomfort cannot be identified at first.
Therefore, the treatment of the foot (e.g. Achilles tendonitis, heel spurs, etc.) requires a lot of experience.
I focus on a wide variety of foot diseases.
The aim of every treatment is treatment without surgery with a complete recovery of performance.

Which therapy achieves the best results in the long term can only be determined after looking at all of the information (Examination, X-ray, ultrasound, MRI, etc.) be assessed.

You can find me in:

  • Lumedis - your orthopedic surgeon
    Kaiserstrasse 14
    60311 Frankfurt am Main

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Unfortunately, it is currently only possible to make an appointment with private health insurers. I hope for your understanding!
Further information about myself can be found at Dr. Nicolas Gumpert


Inflammation of the Forefoot, of Metatarsus as well as the Hindfoot many can various causes to have.

In principle, inflammation can occur on foot their Origin in pathogens how bacteria, Mushrooms as well Viruses to have. Also Autoimmune diseases such as the Rheumatoid arthritis and the so-called reactive arthritisthat as a result of a bacterial infection at the Gastrointestinal tract, the Urinary tract or Genital organs can play a role.

However, inflammation can also caused by gout become. This is a Metabolic diseasethat are in a collection of Uric acid crystals in the Joints has its origin. In an acute one Attack of gout for example, mostly this is mostly Big toe joint affected and especially leads to strong Pain on rolling movements.

Also a chronic joint wear (arthrosis) can sometimes become inflamed and cause severe pain and discomfort.

At a Inflammation of the nail bed of a toe, the inflammation is mostly in the area of ​​the Tip of the toe. With vacancies you can bacteria, Viruses or Mushrooms penetrate the nail bed and become a pronounced inflammatory reaction and a spread to other parts of the Foot to lead.
The causes of such a lesion are diverse. Among other things can improper foot care, Chemicals, Cuts and Injuries as well as pressure points injuries of the Foot cause. Frequent and known pathogensthat become a Inflammation of the nail bed lead, are bacteria how Staphylococci and Streptococci, Herpes viruses such as Yeasts.
The most serious form of Inflammation of the nail bed is a Inflammation from the bacterial germs Staphylococci and streptococci. Basically here is a superficial from one deep inflammation to distinguish.
At a purely superficial infection is a local antiseptic therapy with creams sufficient. Once an infection goes deeper, must be a antibiotic or surgical therapy be performed. Of such a deep bacterial inflammation of the nail bed are mainly affected people who have a Defensive weakness consists. This often gets involved Diabetes mellitus (Diabetes) found in the history. The majority of patients also suffer from nail bed inflammation caused by yeast poorly adjusted Diabetes mellitus in patient history, the one optimal breeding ground for these mushrooms provides.

Herpes viruses however, once they have entered the body, they remain there a life long. Through situations in which the body increased stress, illness or UV radiation is exposed, there is a strong increase in this Viruses with symptoms.

Cause for a Inflammation of the foot can also Bruises (Pressure ulcer) in the heel area, which is common at prolonged bed rest occur when the heel does not match prophylactically protected becomes. Here are also Pressure points with ulceration (Ulcer formation) to mention, which is often caused by shoes that are too tight in patients with peripheral Nerve damage by Diabetes mellitus or with one peripheral arterial disease can arise. These ulcers can then spread through the Colonization with skin germs ignite.


The foot is also examined clinically.

The Diagnosis is done by a Interplay of anamnesis, Laboratory diagnostics, physical examination and Imaging.

In the first place is this Inquire about the symptoms. It is important to know when this started and in which intensity it occurs, whether it occurs frequently and whether rest brings relief from the symptoms. This Questions help the examinerto limit the number of possible diseases.

Then the clinical examination of Foot. This is mainly based on external changes paid attention to such as redness, swelling, wounds or pressure points.

The next diagnostic step is usually followed by one laboratory examination of Blood with consideration of the Inflammation values like that C-reactive protein (CRP), the Sedimentation rate (BSG) or the Leukocytes (White blood cells).

Additionally you can radiological methods as a conventional x-ray or one Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or a Computed tomography (CT) are used.

If a Inflammation of the nail bed for complaints in foot is responsible, can with the help of a smear the pathogen can be identified. If this is not possible, a so-called Culture created whereby the pathogens, if any, can multiply.


The therapy one Inflammation of the foot depends on the Cause of the discomfort and whether it is a acute or chronic events acts.

In principle, the patient with occurring pain Pain medication can be administered. One therapy option is the gift so-called nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs how Ibuprofen or Diclofenac as another pain medication Paracetamol proven. If the pain is very severe, the Administration of opioids like morphine to be considered. Treat pain relievers here just the symptom but not the root cause.

Has inflammation on foot, for example at a Inflammation of the nail bed, its origin in Pathogens such as bacteria, Mushrooms or Virusesyou try that Eliminate germs.
In the case of a purely superficial infection, there is a local antiseptic therapy with creams sufficient.
As soon as a Infection deeper enough, one must antibiotic or surgical therapy be performed. The antibiotic therapy depends on the expected germ spectrum. Since it is a viral infection of the nail bed frequently Herpes viruses acts, the gift must be one Antivirals such as acyclovir be considered.
It is also with one Inflammation of the nail bed important that the Trigger the inflammation is avoided. Often is with a bacterial or fungal nail bed inflammation a badly adjusted one Diabetes mellitus to find, so that first the Blood sugar optimally adjusted and should be checked regularly.
Supporting a Inflammation of the nail bed Act Baths and ointments with anti-inflammatory additives. Usually such an inflammation is accompanied by pain, so that a Immobilization of the affected area is advisable. In any case it is important to consult a doctor in time. It is not advisable to work on the inflamed area yourself.

If the cause is more acute Attack of gout is, can Gift of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs how Indometazine such as Steroids or colchicine to provide relief.

At a rheumatoid arthritis will be as well nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs as well as steroids used. In addition, here Methotrexate and, depending on the severity and inflammatory activity, biologicals such as infliximab can also be used. Should be supportive in any case occupational therapy come into use.


A important preventive measure against inflammation on foot is primarily, on one appropriate foot care to pay attention. This is special in the elderly important, as these are often due to restricted mobility no longer independent taking care of her Feet can take over. It is recommended that you get a Appointment for foot care to be agreed with a podiatrist.
Smallest injuries, which represent a gateway for germs and bacteria, can for example through ingrown nails arise and through a proper and regular foot care effectively prevented. Therefore it is recommended that the Always cut nails straight and filing down to a Ingrown nails to prevent.
After washing your feet should always completely dried off be so no bacteria or mushrooms in the moist and warm spaces between the toes can multiply.
It is also recommended Wearing comfortable and wide shoesto remove pressure points on the Feet to avoid.


The prognosis is directed especially after the cause of inflammation.

Is a rheumatic disease as the Rheumatoid arthritis cause of the inflammation of the foot, then, is one Cannot heal. This is because it is a Autoimmune diseasethat runs in spurts and thus more or less appears. However, through the Introduction of new drugs, like the so-called biologicals, that Disease progression to treat much better.

are Bacteria, fungi or viruses for a foot inflammation, it can be caused by a Elimination of these germs, a cure can be achieved.

At Diabetics, the one high disposition for colonization by such germs can be through consistent treatment of germs, of Blood sugar as well as through suitable footwear a rapid decrease in symptoms can be achieved.