Epilation means taking out the hair, i.e. removing it along with the hair root. Of course, this is far more sustainable. A distinction is made between temporary, i.e. only intermittent, epilation, which can last up to several weeks, from permanent, i.e. permanent, at best.
For more information, see the main article Depilation.
Temporary epilation
The temporary epilation has been used for a long time and only requires simple utensils, such as one tweezers or one Epilator. The use of warm or cold wax and various sticky pastes falls into this group. All of these methods end up doing the same thing. Used correctly, they pull out the hair and its roots. This can be recognized by the fact that the hair becomes lighter towards the skin side. If the hair looks unchanged and dark, it has probably only been torn off instead of pulled out. The time it takes for new hair to grow depends on the person Growth phasein which the hair is at the time of Epilation located, from. A hair that is already in the Final stage of its development is stuck, so just before it is to fall out, a new hair will soon follow. However, it is also possible that the hair follicle is irreversibly damaged after several uses. This can be the case especially when a hair is in the growth phase. The methods of temporary epilation are just as inexpensive as the Depilation, however, are somewhat more difficult and often uncomfortable or even painful to use. For example, cooling the skin before epilation helps against slight pain. The Depilation can persist for a few weeks.
Permanent epilation
In the permanent depilation (Epilation) it is important to reach the hair in the correct growth phase. The best is for this first phase of hair growth, because in this the hair is still connected to the onion and it is possible to irreversibly damage this too, so that the hair cannot grow back. However, the individual hairs in a certain region of the body do not go through the same phases at the same time, so that after a single application, only about two thirds of the hair follicles (= follicle) will have become deserted. This makes several treatments necessary, the number of which varies depending on the procedure (epilation).
Laser and light treatments
These methods include laser and light epilation (epilation). With both methods, it is advantageous if the hair to be treated is as dark and thick as possible, while the surrounding skin is as thin and light as possible. This is due to the fact that the hair roots and bulbs have to absorb the presented light of different frequencies. Dark absorbs better than light. The more light is absorbed, the higher the resulting heat. Everyone who has ever strolled through the summer sun in a black T-shirt is familiar with this effect (epilation). The different light and laser technologies, which differ in the treated area and the physical properties of the light used, are therefore not applicable to all hair types and are equally successful. Although people with thin, slowly growing, light body hair are usually less likely to have the motivation for permanent hair removal (epilation), a general need for complete hair removal in certain areas of the body, for example the eyebrows, is growing, especially among women.
The IPL technology is a cheaper alternative to laser treatment and enables permanent hair removal. Find out more at: Permanent Hair Removal With IPL - What To Look For!
These people can get through Electroepilation (Epilation) be helped. With these procedures, the success is independent of the color of the hairs to be removed. When using alternating current (Thermolysis) the cells inside the hair follicle are melted down. The hair follicle becomes deserted and can no longer form hair. When using direct current, chemical substances are created that irreversibly damage the cells that would later have become hair and make regrowth impossible (epilation). If both direct current and alternating current are used, one speaks of the so-called Blend method (engl. blend = mixture).
Pain when epilating
Epilation is compared to other hair removal methods (Shaving, chemical depilation with creams, ...) as more painful.
Classically, three large supergroups have a stimulating effect on receptors of pain perception:
- thermal stimuli (warm, cold)
- mechanical stimuli (pressure, bruises) and
- chemical stimuli (poison, inflammation, acid).
During epilation, the nociceptors, which in the case of the skin are in its second large layer, the dermis, and are mostly free nerve endings (= nerve fibers that end blindly without a fixed structure), respond to the hair being torn out or respectively the hair roots, which are also anchored in this middle layer of skin between the upper skin (epidermis) and subcutaneous tissue (subcutis).
The pain that arises during epilation is therefore predominantly mechanical.
It is characteristic of pain receptors that they need a relatively strong stimulus to send their signal, and that they do not become less sensitive or dull in the event of similar stimuli in rapid succession (no adaptation of the nociceptors). That is why the beginning of a depilation process by epilation is just as painful as the end of this session.
Over a certain period of time, however, in the vast majority of cases, epilation is felt to be less painful. What is the reason for this development?
Several factors play a role here:
- On the one hand, less hair grows back after repeated epilation. With hair that was caught during the epilation process in the exact growth phase of its life cycle, the chances are good that the hair will not grow back at all. Therefore, from time to time there will be less hair that needs to be removed.
- Second, the hair that grows back after epilation usually grows finer and thinner than before. The reason for this is the damage to the hair roots, which occurs when the entire hair is torn out, including its anchoring. When you epilate again, these thinner hairs cause less pain.
- In addition, the skin gets used to the stress of epilation and so does the psyche.
An extremely important component in the sensation of pain is always the cognitive evaluation of what is happening in the brain. When the procedure of depilation is known and practiced and conscious or unconscious fears no longer play a major role, when epilation has become a routine, the pain becomes accustomed and the perception of it becomes significantly weaker.
When assessing and observing the above-mentioned factors, it is always important to note the different individual pain perception of different people:
Both the pain threshold and the perceived pain intensity are highly variable. What is unbearable for one person is just a slight tug and at most a bit uncomfortable for the other.
Nonetheless, for those interested in medium-term hair removal, even after a painful first attempt, it is worth trying epilation at least one more time.
In most cases, the procedure is not as painful as it was before.
Tips to prevent pain
In order to alleviate the pain when epilating, you can also use a few tricks:
- For example, it is advisable to bathe before hair removal, but not with too hot bath water. Warm water softens both skin and hair and opens pores. The hair can thus be pulled out of its anchorage more easily. However, strong heat (for example from very warm to hot water) even intensifies the pain. It is much better to recommend cooling the affected areas, for example with the help of a pre-cooled epilator or with the help of cold towels or the like.
- It is also helpful to stretch the skin a little and pull it taut, because this results in a direct tear at the hairline during epilation and prevents unnecessary stretching and pulling of the skin.
- Ultimately, the pain will subside more quickly if, before and after epilation, for example, you run your flat hand gently over the depilated area or massage the area a little. On the one hand, this results in a kind of "deflection“For the pain sensors, which react to the slight pressure, and on the other hand, the blood circulation is promoted, which can also have a pain-relieving effect.
Read more on the topic: Epilating without pain
As with most cosmetic treatments, the duration of epilation depends of course on many different factors.
The influencing factor is, of course, the size of the area to be depilated. As a rule, epilation of the legs is more tedious than depilation of the bikini area.
The time required also depends on the individual pain perception of each person; if you feel very severe pain, you may need a short break more often and interrupt epilation more often.
It is also important to note the different sensitivity of the different parts of the body:
While the legs can in all likelihood be depilated in one go, the bikini line, like other sensitive areas, needs a little more time.
The total time required therefore depends not least on the working speed. Of course, this is also a question of routine:
- How often has epilation been carried out?
- Has the optimal technology already been found?
- How effectively is it treated?
So all in all, frequency is also an important factor. As already explained above, fewer and finer hairs grow back after each epilation. For the first depilation with a lot of, relatively thick hair, you therefore need a longer period of time than at a later point in time when only a few remaining hairs have to be removed.
In general, it can be assumed that as a beginner, it takes about 30 minutes to depilate both legs to about knee height. If there is any preparation (Take a bath or the like, cf. above) you should plan accordingly more time.
The result of the epilation lasts for a few weeks afterwards: It usually takes about a few weeks four to six Weeks before the first hairs grow back. From this point on, a little patience is required. Since the optimal length of the hair for epilation is approx 3-5mm lies (Shorter hair can neither be grasped by a single pair of tweezers nor by the device), the waiting time until the next epilation is delayed by a few more days.
Epilating ingrown hairs
Ingrown hairs can arise after both shaving and epilation. They usually show up faster after a shave than after an epilation. If ingrown hairs are present, the skin on the affected area must not be epilated again until the ingrown hair has healed. Otherwise infections and major inflammations can develop.
Ingrown hairs cannot be removed by epilating, as the epilator cannot grip them. The ingrown hair is below the surface of the skin, where it cannot be reached by the epilator's small grasping forceps. Epilation can therefore only cause irritation or injury to the affected area. Good quality epilators, good skin preparation, and regular post-epilation exfoliation will reduce the chance of hair ingrown.
Read more about this at: Remove ingrown hair
Pimples After Epilation - What To Do?
Epilation is an effective method of cosmetic hair removal that can also be done at home. However, many people shy away from epilation, as it is usually associated with pain and uncomfortable pimples.
In fact, it is not uncommon for skin irritations and small pimples to appear after epilation. Sensitive areas of skin, such as the genital area, are quickly affected by such pimples and redness. There are a few things you can do before epilating to avoid pimples. Epilators should always be used on clean, oil-free skin. The best time to do this is after the shower, if the skin has not yet been cream. Oily skin can prevent the epilator from gripping the hair properly, creating pimples. Chilled skin is also easier to epilate and shows less irritation or pimples after epilation. The skin can be pre-cooled well with a cooling element, a chilled towel or similar also works well.
Even after epilation, there are a few things that can be done to prevent breakouts from occurring. A well-tried trick is to use baby powder immediately after epilation or shaving. Nourishing moisturizers or lotions also prevent pimples and care for the skin. Cooling not only helps before, but also after epilation. It also works well against swelling or redness.
Anti-inflammatory skin care products such as Bepanthen or ingredients such as aloe vera are particularly suitable for post-epilation care. However, if there are pimples, you should be careful not to scratch them or to irritate them as this can cause inflammation.
Read more about this at:
- Anti-inflammatory cream
- Avoid red spots after epilation
Epilation in the genital area - what should be considered?
There are different statements and recommendations about epilation in the genital area. Most epilator manufacturers do not recommend epilation of the genital area. The intimate area has very sensitive skin and can be irritated very quickly. Inflammation can occur and, if the epilator is used improperly, injuries can occur.
If you still want to epilate the genital area, you should take some precautions to carry out the epilation as gently as possible. The skin should be free of grease residues, clean and dry. Epilation of the genital area is still more painful than on other parts of the body. To reduce the pain somewhat, it is also advisable to cool the skin beforehand with a cooling element or a chilled towel. Even after epilation, the cooling will help soothe the genital area and prevent irritation.
For a smooth result, you should stretch a small area of skin between two fingers and epilate it quickly. If you sweat and the skin becomes moist again during epilation, you should dry it off before further epilation. After epilation, the skin must be cared for with moisturizing creams such as Bepanthen to prevent irritation.
Epilation on the face
Epilation on the face is a great way to remove unwanted hair over a longer period of time. Shaving is not well suited for this, especially with women.
But not every epilator is suitable for epilation on the face and especially the sensitive upper lip. Special epilators for the face or epilators with special attachments should be used. These attachments are smaller than the body attachments and thus enable more precise work.
For facial epilation, it is very important to prepare the skin well, otherwise the result will not be as satisfactory or irritation will occur. The face should be washed and dried well before use. Warmth or cold can help soothe the skin beforehand and make epilation more pleasant. Whether one prefers warm or rather cold for preparation depends on the individual preference. A warm chamomile steam bath can help open pores and make epilation easier. Cooling with a cooling element, however, reduces redness and irritation after epilation. A special face attachment of the epilator or a facial epilator must be used for epilation on the face. Only a small area should be epilated at a time. The epilator is then placed on the stretched skin at a 90 ° angle. After epilation, the facial skin should definitely be cooled. This is even more important than on other skin regions, as redness is directly visible here and is difficult to conceal. Then it is recommended to apply a moisturizing care product. However, epilation should not be performed on very sensitive facial skin or acne.
Read more about this at:
- Impure Skin - Causes and Treatment
- Remove lady's beard
Epilation under the armpits
Many women, but also men, shave their armpits, both for aesthetic and hygienic reasons. After a shave, however, stubble can quickly be seen again on the armpit, which is why epilation leads to long-term satisfactory results.
Similar to the intimate area, the skin on the armpits is very sensitive. For this reason, many people initially shy away from epilation. With a good preparation of the skin, however, the armpits can also be epilated well. The rumor that epilation of the armpits could lead to inflammation of the lymph nodes underneath is also not true. Armpit epilation is not dangerous and can therefore be carried out without hesitation. Before the epilation, the armpit should be cleaned and freed from cream or fat residues. For epilation, you lift your arm above your head and bend it at the elbow so that you can stretch the skin of the armpits with your hand. With the other hand you bring the epilator to your armpit and carefully epilate from the outside in. For a smooth result you should epilate against the direction of hair growth.
Deodorants should not be used after epilation as they can cause irritation. Even tight clothing can then irritate sensitive skin. A moisturizing cream for the care of the epilated armpit is highly recommended.
Epilation on the legs
The epilation of the legs is very popular because it provides more long-term hair freedom than a conventional shave. The skin on the legs is also not as sensitive as, for example, on the face or genital area, and is therefore easily accessible for epilation. Unfortunately, epilation is not completely painless. However, with a good preparation of the skin and good care after epilation, major irritations can be avoided.
Most epilators promise a hair freedom of 4 weeks. Hair growth varies greatly from person to person, so that many people have to epilate again after just 2 weeks for smooth legs. The pain sensation for most people decreases significantly after repeated epilation, so that epilation is often preferred to shaving. The best time to epilate your legs is after you shower. The warm water opens the pores and makes epilation easier. However, many people also find cooling the skin beforehand to be very beneficial. However, it is important that the skin is always free from grease residues and dirt. To epilate the legs, place the epilator on the leg at a 90 ° angle and begin epilation on the ankle. Then you work your way up to your thighs. The epilation is further simplified by clamping the skin between two fingers. This makes it easier for the epilator to grab the hair.
The hairs on the legs should not exceed a length of 5 mm, as the epilator cannot grip the long hairs. After epilation, good care is very important.
How often can you epilate?
Epilation should only be carried out when the hair has grown back on the affected area. Depending on the individual hair growth, this takes between 2 and 4 weeks. More frequent epilation therefore makes no sense and does not bring any advantages. In the course of a lifetime, however, you can epilate as often as you like. The epilation does not lead to lasting stress on the skin.
While some people only need to epilate every 4 weeks to get a hair-free result, others need to repeat the epilation at shorter intervals. This has nothing to do with the epilator, but depends on the individual hair growth.
Epilation during pregnancy
Most women do not necessarily want to do without smooth skin during pregnancy. Epilation also offers a good option for long-term hair removal during pregnancy.
Some product information contains contraindications to its use during pregnancy. If in doubt, you should not use such a device. Basically, however, nothing speaks against epilation.
The skin of some pregnant women is easier to irritate than outside of pregnancy. Blue spots or small bleeding can also occur preferentially. Furthermore, the sensation of pain can be more sensitive than usual. However, this varies greatly from person to person. However, epilation should not be used on skin that becomes easily inflamed or immediately after the skin becomes infected.
Epilation of the genital area is possible in principle, but should not necessarily be carried out. Small injuries there can easily lead to infections and are extremely uncomfortable. Epilation of the genital area should be avoided, especially in the last trimester of pregnancy. The epilation of the bikini line, on the other hand, is usually not a problem. Pregnant women should pay particular attention to their well-being and their skin. If the epilation is well tolerated, it can be carried out. However, if severe irritation occurs, it is advisable not to epilate the skin again. Just like outside of pregnancy, care of the epilated skin is particularly important.