Homeopathy for psychological changes (psyche) during pregnancy
This is understood to mean harmless moods to Pregnancy depression.
Homeopathic medicines
At psychological changes (psyche) during pregnancy will be following homeopathic medicines used:
- Cimicifuga (bug herb)
- Ignatia (Ignatius Bean)
- Sepia (squid)
- Pulsatilla (pasque flower)
Cimicifuga (bug herb)
- The Pregnant women is full of despair and is afraid of complications that may arise
- This manifests itself in great restlessness, she has to walk around, talks a lot, cannot concentrate on one thing and is sometimes afraid of becoming insane
- To Birth preparation (Relief and avoidance of convulsive labor) take 5-10 drops 3 times a day.
Typical dosage of Cimicifuga (bug herb) during pregnancy: drops D3
You can find further information under our topic: Cimicifuga (bug herb)
Ignatia (Ignatius Bean)
Prescription up to and including D3!
- Mostly dark-haired women with irritable weakness
- moodiness
- Self-blame and tearfulness
- Responds to pregnancy with anger and bitterness
- Sigh deeply!
- Causes excessive movement nausea
- as well as Tobacco smoke
- Certain foods cause aversion one day and are well tolerated the next
- Everything is made worse by anger, shock and fear.
Typical dosage of Ignatia (Ignatius Bean) during pregnancy: tablets D4
You can find further information under our topic: Ignatia
Sepia (squid)
- The pregnant woman becomes indifferent to her daily duties.
- To her, being pregnant appears negative, like a difficult fate
- Don't want consolation
- want to be alone and have their peace
- Rooms full of people with stuffy air are not tolerated
Typical dosage of Sepia (squid) in pregnancy and changes in the psyche: tablets D6
You can find further information under our topic: sepia
Pulsatilla (pasque flower)
Prescription up to and including D3!
- Cries a lot and needs attention, encouragement and consolation
- Consolation amends immediately
- Alternation between laughing and crying
- The women freeze easily, but the complaints get worse when they are quiet and warm
- Aversion to fat and fatty meat
- Likes ice cream, but doesn't tolerate it
- Tendency to congestion and varicose veins on the legs
Typical dosage of Pulsatilla (pasque flower) during pregnancy: globules D6
You can find further information under our topic: Pulsatilla (pasque flower)
Important NOTE
If the symptoms are severe and persistent, there is one homeopathic self-treatment is not indicated. Caution especially with children and older, debilitated people. Danger of dehydration!