Homeopathy for shingles

Medical: Herpes zoster

Also read everything about the disease Shingles.

Homeopathic medicines

The Shingles often shows up in the chest area and can be caused by the following homeopathic medicines be treated:

  • Apis (honey bee)
  • Rhus toxicodendron (poison sumac)
  • Arsenicum album (White Arsenic)
  • Cantharis (Spanish fly)
  • Clematis recta (upright clematis)
  • Iris versicolor (multi-colored iris)
  • Mezereum (daphne)

Apis (honey bee)

  • Initial stage of the disease with swelling and burning, stabbing pain in the affected areas
  • Sleepy patients without thirst
  • Exacerbated by heat
  • Mend the cold and fresh air

find application Apis (honey bee) at Shingles especially in Tablets D6.

Further information is also available at: Apis (honey bee)

Rhus toxicodendron (poison sumac)

  • At first it felt like dislocated
  • Numbness, tingling
  • Later burning, stabbing pains with reddening of the skin
  • Itching, dark red blisters that become purulent
  • Pain better from hot and humid compresses, worse from cold air
  • Very restless patients

Typical dosage of Rhus toxicodendron (poison sumac) at Shingles: Tablets D12

More information on Rhus toxicodendron (poison sumac) you get under our topic: Rhus toxicodendron (poison sumac)

Arsenicum album (White Arsenic)

Prescription up to and including D3!

  • Very intense, burning pains that get worse, especially at night (between 1 and 3 a.m.)
  • Improvement from hot applications
  • General weakness, nocturnal restlessness with fear up to fear of death
  • Thirsty patients who often drink small portions but never much at once
  • Blisters turn dark

General dosage of Arsenicum album (White Arsenic) : Drops D12

You can find further information under our topic: Arsenicum album (White Arsenic)

Cantharis (Spanish fly)

Prescription up to and including D3!

  • Pain is felt like a burn pain, better by cold
  • Large confluent blisters, itching

In the case of shingles, Cantharis (Spanish fly) can be used in the following dosage: Tablets D6

More information about Cantharis (Spanish fly) can be found under our topic: Cantharis

Clematis recta (upright clematis)

  • Shooting pain with intense itching
  • make cold applications worse
  • Worse also in the warmth of bed
  • Small blisters that burst and crust quickly

In the case of shingles, Clematis recta (upright clematis) can be used in the following dosage: Tablets D6

More information aboutClematis recta (upright clematis) can be found under our topic: Clematis recta

Iris versicolor (multi-colored iris)

  • Burning pain with itching, which worsens at night
  • Often at the same time disturbances in Gastrointestinal tract for example heartburn, acidic Vomit
  • Blisters burst quickly and turn into pustules
  • The right side of the trunk is preferably affected
  • Depressed patients

In the case of shingles, Iris versicolor (multi-colored iris) can be used in the following dosage: Tablets D6

More information about Iris versicolor (multi-colored iris) can be found under our topic: Iris versicolor

Mezereum (daphne)

  • Burning, sharp, tearing pain
  • Aggravate touch, water, cold and warm bed
  • Unbearable itching, especially intense in the warmth
  • Vesicles with pale yellow secretion
  • After bursting, crusts and thick crusts form, including pus
  • Nerve inflammation in the area of ​​the Trigeminal nerve (Facial nerve) possible

In the case of shingles, Mezereum (daphne) can be used in the following dosage: Drop D12

More information about Mezereum (daphne) can be found under our topic: Mezereum