Running illnesses in general


Running illness is understood to mean ailments and symptoms that arise primarily during running or after long periods of training and have different causes.


A Running sickness occurs after:

  • long running,
  • with excessive exercise or
  • in case of overload.

She has different causes and Localizations. In general, it can be said that the causes of a running disease are mostly in a

  • Overload from Muscles and Tendons on the one hand
  • or in one anatomical condition lie to the other,

which does not allow the muscles and tendons to glide smoothly and so on increased friction leads.

to form

It can with the Running sickness different forms can be distinguished:

  • Shin splints
  • Piriformis Syndrome

Shin splints

Reason are Overuse of the Calf muscles.
These are referred to as pains by passing on Shin felt. The Shin splints is one of the most common runner diseases.

The cause of the pain is that the attachment points of the calf muscles, which extend into the Arch of the foot pulls, be irritated and also ignite can. As symptoms are cramping pain designated gradually during sports activities.

A shin splints is treated with

  • Quiet and
  • discharge.

The sporting activities that led to the symptoms should be reduced and paused in the following days. Furthermore should cooling Measures are carried out. If there are severe gradients, the use of anti-inflammatory drugs become necessary. Furthermore, overuse should be avoided in the future and sufficient Warm-up program With Stretching exercises before a training phase. In addition, the choice of shoes can help to avoid improper stress and train more balanced. If, despite the treatment mentioned, there is no improvement in the symptoms, consideration should be given to choosing a sport that joint- and muscle-friendly is, e.g .:

  • Cycle,
  • swim Etc.

Piriformis Syndrome

This is also a disease that often occurs in runners. Again, the cause can be in one Bad posture but also lie in a corresponding anatomical Given.

Of the Piriformis muscle is a muscle that attaches to the pelvic area and to the Femoral head pulls. If there is a thickening of the muscle or a relocation of the muscle due to an incorrect load, it can happen that the Sciatic nerve is pressed by this muscle. Pulling pains then arise, which mostly affect the corresponding leg and sometimes result in severe impairment of movement. This can also happen after long periods of sitting, if a steady, bent forward position is assumed Piriformis Syndrome come. There are numerous other diseases that trigger similar symptoms. For this reason, one should always rule out other diseases before diagnosing one Piriformis Syndrome is provided. This is also due to the fact that the treatments differ accordingly.

The Piriformis Syndrome is also treated first by doing the physical exercises that led to this condition first paused become. There are also numerous Stretching- and stretching exercises for the Piriformis muscle, which reduce the pressure on the sciatic nerve and so relieve the discomfort. The exercises have to be started carefully and gradually increased. The regularity can lead to a successful result. Can also be a medication the pain becomes necessary.

It comes in spite of that

  • Pain treatment,
  • Exercises
  • Sports breaks

for no improvement, should definitely one Imaging of the Spine take place to eliminate corresponding bottlenecks in the area of ​​the Backmarks to exclude.


Under the umbrella term Running sickness are summarized symptoms that result from either a

  • Overuse from Muscles and tendons arise or arise from
  • anatomical Realities result,

which can lead to constrictions and corresponding strain on muscles and tendons.

At the Shin splints there is an irritation of the attachment points Calf musclesthat especially with long To run can come about.

At the Piriformis Syndrome there is a thickening of the Piriformis musclethat differs from hip extends to the head of the thigh and contributes to the movement of the legs. The muscle can be thickened on the Sciatic nerve press and thus lead to corresponding pain. Pain pulling into the leg is most likely to be described. In the case of all symptoms of the running illness, the triggering sport should be selected first paused and a longer one rest time be inserted. Furthermore can stretching to be carried out for relief. Incorrect strain should also be reduced and running shoes should be checked.