Bullying in primary school


At the mobbing a person is bullied and subjected to psychological terror by his fellow men for a long time, with the aim of getting them to leave the relevant institution, be it school or work.


The victims of such condemnable actions are mostly people who are in the group because of their reserved character not able to distinguish themselves or who stand out because of their origin, because of her social class or other physical or behavioral characteristics differ from the others. The group of perpetrators often builds up around a person or group of people who can present themselves well through their self-confidence and who occupy a fixed and leading position in the group or school class. In many cases the group of “bullies” consists of many followers who are afraid of becoming victims themselves if they do not take part.

Bullying begins in kindergarten and can continue through school and into professional life. The shapes are of different nature. Either physical assault like hitting, kicking, scratching, spitting and that forcible removal of personal items are just as much a part of bullying as verbal attacks with insults, scornful nicknames or mobbing. Another important point that also plays a special role in the health of the victim of bullying is psychological terror. The person concerned is ridiculed, nasty rumors are spread, threats and prohibitions are pronounced or simply ignored and treated like air. In today's age, when more and more young people with their own mobile phones or access options at home have access to the Internet, the area of Cyberbullying increased greatly. In Internet forums, many find the courage to spread disparaging remarks more quickly and the inhibition threshold drops massively.

The Consequences of bullying can be very different. A person's character is shaped during their school days. There Primary school plays an important role as the first phase. The role of the victim can continue when the class changes school to the middle school level and can cause serious psychological damage to the victims. The teachers must stop bullying as quickly as possible. In doing so, they have to develop a special feel for those situations, because many victims of bullying do not dare to actively seek help. The cooperation of the teachers with the parents of the victim and the perpetrator can prevent long-term damage and save the childhood of the young people concerned. There are various points of attack to prevent bullying in primary school.

Bullying by teachers

Bullying is usually done among students in primary school. But there can also be disagreements between students and teachers. The teacher has the duty to act professionally and to put the pupil in his place in his educational function. This can be personal Conversations with the parents or the exclusion from certain school events. However, all punishments should be kept within reasonable limits. If punishment is used without the student doing or saying anything offensive, then classmates and parents should be alerted. Because the enormous power position of teachers over their students can also be used negatively.

First of all, parents should be personal Contact the teacher record and seek a clarifying conversation. In this way, conflicts can possibly be uncovered and resolved. If this is not successful, you can turn to the next higher instance, the class teacher or the school management. A transfer to another class can be the first step in the bullying teacher 's lack of understanding without the child having to leave school. If you get support from the school management, a teacher who behaves irresponsibly can also be put on leave or transferred to another school. Threatening to take these steps can have a deterrent effect, which is not really the point, but can enable the child to go about normal school life.

Unfortunately, however, it is often reported that the contact with the school management is not fruitful either, because the colleagues do not blacken each other. Now everything is in the hands of the parents. The next higher instance like that Education Office can be contacted in writing. Involving a lawyer should be considered if there has actually been physical assault or an act of “coercion”. Parents should consider moving their child to another school if the situation at school is borderline. In many places it is a sad reality that parents cannot do anything against the actions and behavior of teachers if they do not themselves have the moral right to act responsibly and in the interests of the children.

Not only is a child bullied, but for example the entire class collective, Parents can join together and together complaint submit in various instances of school law. This approach is usually more fruitful. If the situation does not change, the teacher or the school management can be threatened with a lawyer or with the publication of the grievances. This approach does not seem to be the most elegant approach, but it should at least have an effect on the school management, who is mostly in public.

Legal action

Many parents believe that steps that are perfectly legal at the legal level are pointless with underage offenders - in this case active bullies. However, this approach is wrong because the following applies to bullying too: Parents can be held responsible for their children. Before legal action is initiated and a lawyer is consulted, the situation should first be resolved through personal discussions with the teachers and the parents of the bullying children. Most children do not even realize that they are actually committing a crime. If they are then informed about the facts, many perpetrators of bullying reflect and refrain from taking appropriate action in the future. It must also be expected that the parents of the perpetrators will stand behind their protégés and try to downplay the bullying, to downgrade it as childish stupidity. If, even after the events and the psychological stress for the victim of bullying have been clearly explained, they do not understand, legal assistance may be necessary.

Bullying is not just childish stupidity - Bullying becomes punishable from a certain point. Serious insults, defamation and defamation are criminal offenses. Even if a person in Germany is only of criminal age from the age of 14 (a report to the police against the bullying perpetrators would be pointless), civil law proceedings can be initiated. So the parents of the bully can be warned and informed about the wrongdoing of their child through the lawyer.The next step would be putting one on Cease and desist treatywhich obliges the parents to prevent their pupils from bullying of any kind in the future. Since a breach of this contract and the parental obligations associated with it is a Fine from 2000 to 5000 euros parent should understand the urgency of the situation. The legal fees for the ongoing proceedings must also be borne by the parents. If they refuse to sign a cease and desist treaty, they can be sentenced to do so in court.

Actions - what can you do?

It must be taken for granted that any form of bullying is prevented. The situation must be properly assessed by parents and teachers so that, on the one hand, unnecessary accusations and, on the other hand, individual children or groups are not terrorized. If a child comes to their parents, teachers or someone else they trust, the problem must be dealt with seriously. Often, by the time they ask for help, the children have been in the role of victims for a long time and have tried to sit out the bullying up to now. Many children do not even dare to seek help because they are afraid that the "sneaking" will worsen the situation. It is up to the parents or teachers to recognize signs and actively approach the affected child. It is important to note what exactly happened, where, at what time and why. With such records, it is easier in retrospect to confront the perpetrators or their parents with their misconduct. Not all parents will accept allegations that their children misbehave in school. In the worst case, however, a lawyer can be called in and the problem can be dealt with legally.

Every teacher also has an educational function within a certain framework, which he should also exercise in the subject of bullying. If a victim of bullying visits the teacher or if he or she notices that bullying is being carried out in his class or school, there are various options for how to proceed.

First of all, a Meeting between perpetrators and victims take place where the victim can speak freely, protected by the teacher. The reaction of the perpetrator to what has been said can influence the further course of action. Followers in particular often refrain from such actions when they are confronted directly with the suffering of the victim of bullying. A follower would not start bullying another child on his own, but does so to save face in the group and not to fall into the role of victim himself. Especially with small children, such as in elementary school, behavior can be positively influenced by stories and games. The teacher first describes how a victim of bullying feels and describes the feelings as closely as possible to the entire class.

Next is the option of a Incorporate role playin which a child assumes the role of victim and is exposed to bullying within an appropriate framework. The role must not be taken by an actual or former victim of bullying, otherwise the child will only experience additional emotional stress. Preferably a perpetrator should take on the role of victim and thus see how terrible the opposite position is in that power structure. The sense of right and wrong should be strengthened in this way and encourage the children to abandon further bullying attacks in the future and to reintegrate the affected child into the community. The process must be supported by the entire teaching staff, because not only one teacher is responsible for one class. Involving colleagues ensures that the situation is monitored across the board. The parents must also be informed about the measures. For example, your task could be to empower your child.