Pectineus muscle

German: Comb muscle

  • to the thigh muscles overview
  • to the musculature overview


The comb muscle is located on the inside of the thigh and consists of a four-sided, long muscle plate. Of all the adductors, it is furthest up.

Other adductors of the thigh:

  • Long thigh tightener (M. adductor longus)
  • Short thigh tightener (M. adductor brevis)
  • Big Thigh Beater (M. adductor magnus)
  • Slim muscle (M. gracilis)

Approach, origin, innervation

Approach: Bony groin from the small rolling mound (Linea pectinea femoris)


  • Pubic crest (Pecten ossis pubis)
  • Pubic bones (Pubic tuberosity)

Innervation: Femoral nerve and N. Obturatorius

How is the muscle trained / contracted?

The pectineus muscle (comb muscle) is trained in strength training with the following exercise:

  • Adductor machine

For more information, see Weight Training

How is this muscle stretched?

The following stretches apply to these muscles:

  • Comb muscle (M. pectineus)
  • Long thigh tightener (M. adductor longus)
  • Short thigh tightener (M. adductor brevis)
  • Big Thigh Beater (M. adductor magnus)
  • Slim muscle (M. gracilis)

There are two ways to stretch the inside of the thigh. The athlete stands at double shoulder width, toes pointing forward. The body weight is shifted to one side so that the thigh of the side to be stretched is almost fully stretched. The upper body should be kept as straight as possible.
The second variant is done while sitting. The soles of both feet touch while the knee joints are pushed towards the ground.

See stretching for more information


The function of the pectineus muscle is an adduction (to the side of the body) in the hip joint. In addition, the comb muscle supports external rotation.