German term
not known
If you know him, look at it homoepathie@
Use of Pyrogenium for the following diseases in homeopathy
- Febrile, purulent, decomposing process
- ssevere flu
and - lung infection
- Non-healing ulcers
- typhus and paratyphoid
- acute inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract with vomiting
- heavy Diarrhea
and - Inclination to Circulatory collapse
Use of Pyrogenium for the following symptoms / complaints
- Medium is considered the last level in extreme exhaustion and immunodeficiency
- Septic conditions with chills
- restlessness
- All secretions with an extremely bad odor
- Freezing with a rising fever is an important symptom and this is where the remedy works best
- Pyrogenium has very similar effects to Lachesis
- Lachesis but is more suitable for processes without a fever.
More about this under our topic: Lachesis
Active organs
- Gastrointestinal tract
- liver
and - Gallbladder
- immune system
Usual dosage
- Drops and tablets Pyrogenium D6, D12
- Ampoules Pyrogenium D4, D6, D10, D12 and higher
- Globuli Pyrogenium D6, D12, D30