Smoking with tonsillitis


Tonsillitis, tonsillar angina


The term "tonsillitis" means the development of inflammatory processes in the area of ​​the tonsils (technical term: tonsils). It is one of the top 20 reasons to see a doctor. In most cases, tonsillitis is a very painful condition. If you look at the palate and pharynx of the affected patient with the mouth open, you can see the tonsils on the right and left in the throat. Inflammatory processes in the area of ​​the tonsils are usually indicated by a noticeable swelling.

The tonsillitis is usually caused by Droplet infection, so through Coughing, sneezing, or kissing, transfer. Triggers this disease both viruses and bacteria. Also are Mixed infections (so-called superinfections) possible. This means that at the onset of tonsillitis one viral infection is present, which is followed by a bacterial attack. The causative bacteria are in most cases group A streptococcithat already within a very short time with the help of a Throat swab (Strep test) can be detected.

To the typical Symptoms counting tonsillitis severe sore throat and difficulty swallowing. In addition, most of the affected patients have a pronounced general symptoms with high fever and exhaustion. In cases where the Almonds badly swollen can be in addition to a Blockage of proper ventilation of the ears come. As a result, patients feel severe earachethat gain in intensity as you swallow. Bacterial infections that lead to the development of tonsillitis also express themselves through noticeable pus deposits in the area of ​​the throat (so-called pus sticks).

The treatment The tonsillitis is primarily targeted after the causative agent. If the Strep test is negative, it is primarily assumed that it is a viral infection acts. In such cases the Treatment purely symptomatic. Especially pain reliever, antipyretic medicine how Paracetamol or Ibuprofen are suitable for treating the typical symptoms of tonsillitis. Bacterial tonsillitis will be with the help of an antibiotic treated. The drug of first choice in the treatment of pronounced, purulent tonsillitis is, especially when it comes to purulent tonsillitis highly contagious disease. Affected patients should consider their surroundings too one day after starting antibiotic therapy protect against possible transmission. Timely diagnosed tonsillitis that is properly treated will usually heal within one to two weeks completely off. Nevertheless, this clinical picture should not underestimated become. If the appropriate therapy is neglected, tonsillitis can occur serious complications entail. Also one Chronification of complaints is possible with inadequate treatment.

Smoking as a risk factor for tonsillitis

Smoking should be avoided during tonsillitis.

A tonsillitis is an infection that is primarily by viral and / or bacterial pathogens caused. One must therefore assume that only those people will get tonsillitis who have exposed to causative germs are. Still there is some factors, the the Risk of emergence various infections in general and the development of tonsillitis in particular.
Most of all smoking is considered serious risk factor for the development of diseases in the area of ​​the mouth, nose and throat. There are many reasons for this. For one thing, smoking exercises you stressful influence on the immune system of the organism. Verifiably, in the blood from people who smoke regularly, significantly less immunoglobulins (Proteins that serve the immune defense against foreign substances). People who smoke are because of this much more vulnerable for bacterial and viral infections as a non-smoker.
On the other hand, the development of inflammatory processes, which are also present in tonsillitis, clearly promoted by smoking. Also the Blood vessels in the area of ​​the nose and throat are verifiably impaired by smoking. Regular consumption of tobacco products leads to a Narrowing of blood vessels and thus to one Decrease in tissue blood flow. As a result, you can clearly fewer immune cells be transported via the bloodstream to the inflamed tonsils.

A another risk factor for the development of inflammatory changes within the oral cavity is the Consumption of alcohol. It is believed that the immune system works for a period of time after an evening of alcohol and nicotine consumption almost completely deactivated for about 24 hours becomes.

People who do Don't want to quit smoking, should think about strengthening their immune system in another way. Especially on one balanced diet rich in vitamins and plenty of exercise should be observed.

Smoking while having tonsillitis

Smoking weakens the immune system, so smoking should be avoided if you have tonsillitis.

Both that regular smoking, as well as the occasional consumption of tobacco products, can the Mucous membranes within the Oral cavity and strongly affect the area of ​​the pharynx. In most cases, smoking causes one Architecture restructuring of the individual mucous membrane cells. As a result, the normal function of the mucous membranes is not maintained can be. In addition, the Permeability of the mucous membrane cells significantly increased. Bacterial and viral pathogens succeed for this reason easier a portal of entry into the organism to find. People who smoke regularly are because of this significantly more at risk after contact with infected people to develop tonsillitis.

In addition, it can be observed that the Smoking if you already have tonsillitis the Healing process severely impaired. People who smoke develop in most cases much more pronounced symptoms as a non-smoker. Especially those that occur in the course of tonsillitis Sore throat and difficulty swallowing are exacerbated by smoking. The course of tonsillitis appears in smokers in general significantly more aggressive to be. Smoking causes it in most of the affected patients increased swelling of the tonsils. The formation of purulent secretions and the development of inflammatory processes is also a problem in patients who smoke, demonstrably increased. The main reason for this is that caused by smoking Previous damage to the tonsils. It also has caused by smoking negative impact on the immune system a decisive influence on the severity of the course of the disease. Furthermore, it takes a long time in people who do not quit smoking while having tonsillitis longer until the antibiotic therapy is successful shows. The exact cause of this phenomenon has not yet been clarified. Another risk of smoking while having tonsillitis is the increased likelihood of it Development of chronic disease courses. Patients with acute tonsillitis should do so Therefore stop smoking completely for the time being. Even staying in rooms in which people smoke can reduce the course of the disease through passive exposure influence negatively.

Long-term consequences of smoking while having tonsillitis

The consequences of a regular Tobacco use are particularly noticeable in relation to the development of tonsillitis in the area of ​​the immune system and the health of the mouth, nose and throat mucous membranes.

Smoking affects the immune system to the extent that it is in the blood Immunoglobulins (Proteins for defense against pathogens) reduce. The immune system is also indirectly impaired by the fact that inhalation of the smoke over a long period of time Blood flow to the mucous membranes affects or worsens, so that the immune cells are less able to get to the site of infection.
In addition, the ingredients of cigarette smoke have been shown to damage the mucous membranes, so that on the one hand infection with bacteria or viruses is favored and thus tonsillitis is relieved. In the worst case, chronic tobacco consumption and thus permanent irritation of the mucous membrane can cause the development of a malignant tumor in the oropharynx (Oropharyngeal cancer).
In addition to tonsil carcinoma, these tumors also include carcinoma of the floor of the mouth and carcinoma of the palate.

Read more on the topic: Consequences of smoking

Should you stop smoking while having tonsillitis?

Since that Smoke In the case of an already existing tonsillitis, the symptoms can worsen and prolong the course or even lead to a chronic progression, tobacco consumption should be stopped and smoking stopped.

The aggressive substances that cause additional irritation of the oral mucosa with every inhaled cigarette and negatively affect the immune system, so that they counteract a physiological healing process. It can happen that if you continue to smoke during an acute tonsillitis, there may be increased swelling of the tonsils as well as increased pus formation and pain symptoms.
In addition, the phenomenon often occurs in patients with Tonsillitis and continued tobacco use slows down the antibiotic therapy prescribed by the doctor.
The reason for this has not yet been finally clarified. It is therefore strongly recommended that smoking should be stopped as soon as the first signs of tonsillitis appear or, better still, smoking should be given up as a preventive measure.

Can smoking cause tonsillitis?

Regular smoking is one of the main risk factors for developing tonsillitis.

It has been proven that smoking has a significant influence on the immune system, so that smokers on average fall ill and suffer from bacterial or viral infectious diseases than non-smokers. The reason for this is that a result of smoking is a decrease in Immunoglobulins (Antibodies / proteins to ward off pathogens) is in the blood, making it less effective against bacteria and viruses.
In addition, the tobacco smoke also irritates and even damages the oral mucous membrane, so that the mucous membrane of the almonds is also more susceptible to colonization by bacteria / viruses. In addition, the blood vessels in the nasopharynx are also influenced by smoke inhalation, so that the blood flow to the mucous membranes is much worse than in non-smokers.

This leads to the fact that less blood and thus also immune cells can get to the scene and the immune defense is affected as a result. In summary, on the one hand, the development of tonsillitis is promoted by smoking and, on the other hand, an inflammation that has started is promoted and literally supported.

Drinking alcohol during tonsillitis

In addition to the chronic consumption of tobacco smoke, an increased consumption of alcohol also plays a significant role as a risk factor for the development of tonsillitis. The mucous membrane of the oral cavity and throat is colonized by the body's own, healthy bacterial flora, which is permanently present in a specific bacterial and fungal composition and serves to ward off potentially pathogenic bacteria.
Under the influence of alcohol, this physiological composition can shift or be destroyed in such a way that inflammatory processes and Infection happening can occur more easily.

In addition, the ethanol contained in the alcohol has a toxic effect on the mucous membrane cells, causing it to Mucosal damage and disease-causing bacteria can penetrate more easily. In addition, the toxic ingredients of alcohol also affect the salivary glands, so that the composition of the saliva changes with fewer antibodies it contains, which weakens the immune response in the oral cavity.
Since it has been proven that increased alcohol consumption often correlates with increased tobacco consumption, renouncing both is a protective measure to prevent tonsillitis.

Figure tonsillitis

Figure tonsillitis

A - tonsillitis - Tonsilitis
B - Simple catharrhal angina -
Angina catarrhalis
C - throat findings in diphtheria
D - ulcers in bacterial
Forms of angina

  1. Palatine almond bay -
    Tonsillar fossa
  2. Hard palate -
    Palatum durum
  3. Posterior palatal arch -
    Arcus palatopharyngeus
  4. Anterior palatal arch -
    Arcus palatoglossus
  5. Palatine almond -
    Palatine tonsil
  6. Back of tongue -
    Dorsum linguae
  7. Uvula + soft palate
    (Soft palate) -
    Uvula palatina + palatum molle
  8. Meandering -
    Isthmus faucium
  9. Throat (back wall) -

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