Pain in the cervix
Cervical pain is an unpleasant sensation in the area of the uterus which, from an anatomical point of view, protrudes into the upper part of the vagina and merges into the cervix. The cervix is used to close and protect the uterus. Like any other area of the body, it can be painful and malfunctioning.
Often the pain is not just pain that is limited to the cervix, but also symptoms that involve the adjacent organs. There are many possible causes of cervical pain or abdominal pain in general.
Cervical pain has many possible causes. For example, inflammatory processes in the abdomen can affect the cervix due to its anatomical proximity. Inflammation of the vagina (colpitis) or the cervix (cervicitis) can spread to the cervix.
Also read our topic: Inflammation of the cervix
Mechanical processes can also lead to its irritation, whereby the smallest micro-injuries to the tissue lead to pain. This can be the case, for example, in gynecological examinations where the cervix is penetrated, such as in the case of a PAP smear as part of cervical cancer screening or a hysteroscopy.
In some cases, intercourse is the cause of the pain. The reason for this can be a hardened cervix or a position in which the vagina is penetrated particularly deeply, causing the penis to hit the cervix and irritate it.
In addition, the cervix can be painful during premenstrual syndrome (PMS), although other symptoms are usually added and patients do not name the cervix solely as the source of pain.
During pregnancy
During pregnancy, the cervix is used to close and protect the fruit cavity. The weight on it and the weight it increases as the pregnancy progresses can sometimes cause pain, some of which is movement-dependent.
If the symptoms persist, you should definitely consult the attending gynecologist, as it could possibly be a (beginning) weakness of the cervix. This shortens the cervix prematurely and begins to open, which increases the risk of premature birth. If the doctor finds such a weakness in the cervix, more frequent check-ups must be carried out and, if necessary, a cerclage must be used, which stabilizes the cervix again.
Also read our topic: Uterus subsidence
In traffic
Occasionally, there is pain in the cervix during intercourse. The risk is increased in positions in which the penis penetrates particularly deeply into the vagina or the male genitalia is too large in relation to the vagina.
The female cycle also plays a role, as the strength of the cervix varies depending on the time of the period. If it is hard and closed and the penis bumps repeatedly, this can lead to discomfort. Part of the pain is then also affecting the man. The same position with the same partner does not always have to be painful, but can be subject to cyclical fluctuations.
Before your period / before ovulation
The cervix, like the entire uterus, is subject to periodic changes; its consistency changes steadily during the monthly cycle:
- With the beginning of the fertile days and with the approaching ovulation, the cervix is soft and slightly open in order to be prepared for a possible conception.
- after the period it becomes harder again and closes up.
Some women find these cyclical changes uncomfortable. In addition, premenstrual syndrome (PMS) can also lead to pain in the cervix and in the entire abdomen a few days before the period.
Pain after a cervical examination
Occasionally, paresthesia or pain may occur in the examined area during or after a cervical oral exam. This is often an irritation of the cervix, but neighboring tissues such as the deeper sections of the vagina or the cervix can also be affected and cause discomfort. This can lead to micro-injuries to the tissue. The pain usually does not last long and subside as the tissue mechanically irritated by the examination recovers.
Pain after scraping
After scraping the uterus, pain in the cervix and / or abdomen can occasionally occur. These are mostly irritation symptoms.
During the scraping, the attending physician has to use the medical instruments necessary for the procedure to pass through the vagina and the cervix in order to reach the uterine cavity via the cervix. The cervix and the cervix are widened so that the instruments can be inserted. In the course of this, the tissue is irritated and the smallest tissue injuries can also occur in the area of the cervix, which can be partly responsible for the abnormal sensations after the scraping.
This pain usually lasts a few days and is often associated with light bleeding. However, this bleeding is not due to the cervix. The lining of the uterus is heavily stressed during scraping and bleeds for a few days.
Diagnostics to assess and record pain in the cervix begins with the anamnesis, i.e. a detailed discussion in which the doctor gets a first impression of the symptoms. The cervix can then be examined manually, whereby the examiner inserts one or two fingers into the vagina to feel the texture around the width of the cervix and look for abnormalities. Furthermore, the gynecologist can use medical instruments (specula) and a light source to look at the vagina and cervix and thus discover possible changes. If the examiner finds abnormalities, a colposcopy can also be performed, using a microscope in addition to the light source. This allows the tissue to be viewed more closely.
Concomitant symptoms
The cervix, which protrudes into the upper part of the vagina, merges into the cervix and is therefore part of it. These anatomical relationships often result in an interplay of symptoms, whereby, for example, complaints in the vagina area can also radiate to the cervix and vice versa.
Often the pain cannot be confined to the cervix alone, but the patient generally complains of abdominal complaints, without being able to name the cervix as the exact and sole cause. In the context of premenstrual syndrome (PMS), the cervix can cause symptoms before the actual period, whereby all associated symptoms can play a role. These include, for example, nausea, constipation or diarrhea, abnormal eating habits or mood swings. In the case of pain after gynecological interventions such as scraping, an additional symptom can be light bleeding.
There are different treatment options depending on the cause of the underlying pain in the cervix:
- If, for example, there is pain after a gynecological examination or an operation, physical rest and rest can provide relief.
- In the case of inflammatory changes, antibiotic treatment may be necessary, which lasts for several days. During this period, mild pain relievers can have a supportive effect.
- If the pain occurs during intercourse, it is advisable to try other positions to make the act more comfortable for both partners. It can also help to try out whether sexual intercourse is less painful at another point in time due to the cyclical changes in the consistency of the cervix.
- During pregnancy, pain in the cervix should definitely be clarified by a doctor in order to discover a possible weakness of the cervix at an early stage.
The duration of the pain in the cervix is very individual and different. Above all, the cause of the pain plays a decisive role, which in the case of an inflammatory process, for example, can persist for several days despite antibiotic treatment. In the case of pain, which is dependent on sexual intercourse, the complaints usually only amount to the duration of the act itself or slightly longer.
In the event of persistent, unclear complaints, a gynecologist should always be consulted. In addition, increased caution is required in the event of symptoms during pregnancy.