Pain in the left lower abdomen


Lower abdomen pain on the left, abdominal pain on the left


There can be a multitude of possible causes for the development of left abdominal pain. As a result, the attending physician has to rely on a particularly detailed description of the pain in the left lower abdomen during the diagnosis. In this context, the exact localization with possible radiation areas as well as the quality (dull, stabbing, burning) and intensity of the pain play a decisive role.
The pain can also be felt more like a burning sensation.

Read more on the topic: Burning in the abdomen

Possible causes can range from an unhealthy diet, which affects the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, to uncomplicated food intolerance. In many cases, the underlying pain on the left lower abdomen is entirely harmless. However, since there are also important anatomical structures on the left side of the abdomen, for example the rectum, particularly severe and / or persistent pain should be consulted promptly by a specialist. A distinction should also be made as to whether the pain occurs in isolation in the lower abdomen on the left or whether other parts of the abdominal cavity are affected. Pain in the lower abdomen on the left can radiate to the right lower abdomen as well as to the upper abdomen, depending on the underlying cause. In addition, radiation of pain to the back and / or the chest cavity is conceivable. In addition, it should be observed whether the pain on the left in the lower abdomen is accompanied by other symptoms such as fever, nausea, vomiting or pain when urinating.

The gender of the patient concerned must also be taken into account when looking for the cause. While diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are among the most common causes of pain in the left abdomen in men, women can also have gynecological problems. In most cases, a detailed description of the symptoms perceived by the affected patient can provide a decisive indication of the underlying disease.

Causes of left lower abdomen pain

Pain in the left lower abdomen can be caused by various diseases. In most cases it will be completely harmless complaintswhich quickly subside without medical intervention. People who, however repeatedly with pain in the left lower abdomen should suffer for Consult a suitable specialist for clarification as soon as possible. This also applies to particularly severe pain on the left in the lower abdomen, which may be Radiate into the back or other parts of the abdomen. Due to the anatomical conditions, pain that occurs in isolation on the left side of the lower abdomen is often an indication of a Colon disease. The so-called "Diverticulitis“Is one of the most common causes of left lower abdominal pain.

For this reason, diverticulitis is also colloquially known as "left appendicitis“(Left-hand appendicitis) called. Diverticulitis is a condition in which Inflammate protuberances in the large or small intestine. Simple intestinal protuberances (Diverticulum) are not in themselves pathological and do not cause any complaints in the affected patients. In about In 90 to 95 percent of cases, such diverticula are found in the area of ​​the descending colon (i.e. on the left in the lower abdomen). Especially the S-shaped portion of the large intestine (Sigmoid colon) is particularly often affected.

It now comes to the area of ​​the intestinal protuberances Development of inflammatory processes, the affected patient experiences pain in the left lower abdomen. In addition, the pain usually goes with other symptoms, for example Constipation, gas, nausea, vomiting, painful urination and / or fever, hand in hand. The reason for the occurrence of diverticulitis, which leads to pain in the left lower abdomen, has not yet been conclusively clarified. However, it is believed that this disease mostly occurs through high-fiber diet, increased consumption of raw meat and a lack of physical activity is caused.

These factors lead to a significant thickening of the stool, which increases the pressure inside the intestinal tube and thus causes the mucous membrane to protrude outwards. On the basis of this formation mechanism it can be assumed that above all an increased risk of diverticulitis for people with frequent constipation consists. In addition, pain in the left lower abdomen can be caused by other inflammatory changes in the colon. Especially with patients who attend Ulcerative colitis pain in the abdomen can often be observed.

Also apply various impairments of the kidneys and the lower urinary tract to the common causes of the appearance of pain on the left in the lower abdomen. Especially stuck Urinary or kidney stones can cause corresponding symptoms. In addition, you can inflammatory processes in the area of ​​the lower urinary tract, for example a Cystitiscause severe pain in the left lower abdomen in the affected patient.

At Particularly severe pain on the left in the lower abdomen, radiating to the left flank, should also be a Inflammation of the left renal pelvis (so-called Pelvic inflammation) sonographically be excluded. Inflammatory processes in the area of ​​the kidneys or the lower urinary tract are usually associated with other symptoms. In addition to pain in the left lower abdomen, affected patients typically suffer from one burning pain when urinating, increasing need to urinate, difficulty holding urine, fever and chills. There Women have a significantly shorter urethra than men, inflammatory processes of the lower urinary tract can be observed mainly in women. Men, on the other hand, are affected much less often.

In addition, gynecological diseases must be excluded in women who complain of pain in the left lower abdomen. Various inflammations in the area of ​​the female genital organs can lead to pain in the left lower abdomen. In addition, a large and / or burst cyst on the left ovary can lead to a corresponding symptom. In addition, if the pain is severe, a so-called ectopic pregnancy should be ruled out. This can lead to a rupture of the affected fallopian tube and the associated large blood loss.

Slight pain on the left in the lower abdomen, which occurs in women around the 12th to 14th day of the cycle, can also simply be an indication of ovulation. In some women, this can also lead to more severe abdominal pain when ovulating. Furthermore, many women report that they suffered from mild, drawing to stabbing pain in the left or right abdomen during the first few weeks of pregnancy. The reason for this phenomenon could be, for example, the stretching of the so-called “mother ligaments”.

Muscle weakness in the pelvic floor area can also cause such pain. The pelvic floor can sag. The pain can also be felt in the middle of the abdomen.

Read more on the topic: Pain in the mother ligaments


In most of the cases this occurs Pain in the left lower abdomen not isolated, but in combination with other complaints. These accompanying symptoms can provide a decisive indication of the underlying disease.
Often these occur Pain also in the left ovary area on.

The pain is left in the lower abdomen by a Impairment of the gastrointestinal tract caused, the affected patients usually also suffer from nausea, Vomit, diarrhea or Constipation. Infection and inflammation of the colon often also go along fever hand in hand.

At Impairment of the kidneys and / or the lower urinary tract there is usually an influence on the urinary behavior (mostly those affected indicate a increased need to urinate on) and to one Radiation of pain in the left flank. In addition, it may in addition to the affected patient Occurrence of nausea, vomiting, painful urination, fever and chills come.

Harmless gynecological causes on the other hand, the development of pain on the left in the lower abdomen usually occurs in certain cycle sections on.

In addition, both the intensity and the quality of the pain in the left lower abdomen often allow conclusions to be drawn about the possible cause. Kidney and urinary stones, for example, cause a characteristic, wave-like pain pattern in the affected patient. On the other hand, inflammation-related pain can usually be felt all the time. The observation and the most detailed description of the symptoms perceived can therefore help advance the diagnosis without detours and enable a suitable treatment to be initiated quickly.


Exact localization, the quality of the pain and the intensity of the symptoms play an important role in the anamnesis.

The Diagnosis with pain on the left in the lower abdomen usually involves several steps. At the beginning, in order to roughly estimate the necessary steps, a detailed doctor-patient discussion (anamnese) be performed. During this conversation, the person concerned should understand what he or she has perceived Describe complaints in as much detail as possible. If there is pain on the left in the lower abdomen, they are the ones most likely to play exact localization, the quality of the pain (pulling, stabbing, burning, colicky) and the intensity of the symptoms a crucial role. In addition, it must be observed whether the pain occur isolated on the left in the abdomen or radiate into other areas, for example the back or the flanks. You can also possible accompanying symptoms (nausea, vomiting, fever) provide a crucial clue as to the underlying condition.

The doctor-patient interview is typically followed by a orientational physical examination. In a patient with left abdominal pain, this examination should not be limited to the left lower abdomen only. Usually the physical examination of the entire abdomen and kidney bearings. In addition, for people who suffer from pain on the left in the lower abdomen, a so-called "digital rectal exam" be performed. This investigation can in women for example one Provide an indication of whether a ruptured ectopic pregnancy is present. In men can above all Changes in the rectum and prostate excluded during the digital rectal exam.

To further clarify the complaints, a Ultrasound examination be performed. With this procedure you can Build-up of fluid in the abdomen and wall thickening of the intestine be detected. Especially Changes in the colon and inflammation of the pancreas can be diagnosed this way.

In addition, with the help of a Blood draw with subsequent laboratory examination various blood values being checked. Inflammatory processes of any kind are shown in this blood test by one Increase in inflammation parameters (C-reactive protein, leukocytes). In addition, if there is pain on the left in the lower abdomen, a small blood count and the most important pancreas values be collected.


Treatment for left lower abdominal pain always depends on the underlying disease. For example, could a Diagnosed inflammation in the area of ​​the colon will take place Therapy usually involves the administration of an antibiotic.

At severe and / or chronic courses but mostly has to be a surgical intervention, in which the inflamed sections of the intestine are removed and the healthy ends of the intestine are put back together. During this procedure will also the unaffected intestine examined as far as possible. In this way, possible bulges in these areas can be recognized early and treated without further removal of intestinal parts.

The pain is on the left in the lower abdomen Inflammation of the pancreas the patient concerned must immediately admitted to the hospital and treated extensively become. If the course is particularly severe, the pancreas can even be inflamed life threatening become.

Pain in the lower abdomen left through inflammatory processes in the area of ​​the renal pelvis or the lower urinary tract must always be evoked treated depending on the type and cause of the infection become. In most of the episodes one appears on the typical spectrum of pathogens adapted antibiotic therapy initiated. At Detection of kidney, bladder or urinary stones these must be removed promptly. Various options are available to the attending physician.

Man Woman

In a patient who complains of pain in the left lower abdomen, the possible causes sex-specific be. For this reason, different diseases must be excluded in men and women.

At a womanwho complains of pain in the left lower abdomen, should be in addition to the gender-unspecific diseases gynecological changes be excluded. In a woman, pain can be left in the lower abdomen inflammatory processes Clues. In addition, lead Large cysts on the left ovary typically cause left lower abdominal pain. Also Ulcers in the area of ​​the uterus the woman can cause corresponding symptoms. However, some women also report completely harmless causes of left lower abdominal pain. Kick this Complain approximately between the 12th and 14th day of the cycle on so they can be a reference to what happened ovulation be. Also one Early pregnancy and the accompanying Stretching of the so-called "mother ligaments" can cause left and / or right abdominal pain in a woman.

At a manwho has left lower abdomen pain should inflammatory processes in the area of ​​the testicles, vas deferens and prostate to be examined. In addition, especially in affected men often inflamed diverticula in the colon prove. Inflammation of the kidneys or the lower urinary tract can be causative in both sexes, but the danger is The development of such inflammations in women is significantly greater than in men. The reason for this is the fact that the The woman's urethra is much shorter than that of the man.


Pain in the left lower abdomen can indicate a Bladder disease Clues. The Cystitis (acute cystitis) represents in this context the most common cause An inflammation of the bladder is a Urinary tract infection. In most cases they are bacterial pathogenswho have the urethra to bladder get responsible for the inflammatory processes.

Inflammation of the bladder, which can lead to pain in the left lower abdomen, becomes clinically divided into two forms: the uncomplicated and the complicated inflammation of the bladder.

Uncomplicated inflammation the bladder can be found in people who basically have no risk factors for developing such an infection.

From one complicated cystitis one always speaks when there are risk factors, for example a Pronounced immunodeficiency or drainage disorders of the lower urinary tractare available.

There must be inflammation of the bladder urgently treated promptly become. In the case of bacterial genesis, it is advisable to initiate a antibiotic therapy. If appropriate treatment is neglected, the causative agent continues to rise via the urinary tract and possibly a so-called "ascending nephritis" cause.

It can also cause pain left in the lower abdomen Stones in the bladder caused. Bladder stones are Urinary stones that are stuck in the urinary bladder and block the urinary tract can. Since stones in the bladder do not cause discomfort in every patient, the Treatment mainly according to the size of the stones and the symptoms felt by the person concerned. If a stone in the bladder causes severe pain in the left lower abdomen, it should Appropriate treatment promptly be initiated. A small stone in the bladder can under certain circumstances with the help of medication and adequate hydration be washed out. Larger stones that block the urinary tract usually require more extensive therapy. In principle, these stones can be in the bladder chemically or mechanically reduced in size and then also be flushed out.

Pregnancy / ovulation

Pulling pains to the left and right of the abdomen are not uncommon for most women in early pregnancy.

Women who suffer from pain on the left in their lower abdomen should always consult a gynecologist if in doubt. The causes of these complaints may theoretically require clarification, but in many cases the pain follows a cyclical pattern.

If pain occurs on the left and / or right of the abdomen around the 12th to 14th day of the cycle, this can be an indication of the impending or already past ovulation. Symptoms that occur during ovulation usually do not need to be clarified by a doctor. In addition, there is no need for therapy for pain on the left lower abdomen caused by ovulation. It is therefore a completely harmless phenomenon that can be observed in many women. Depending on the individual cycle length (this can also be longer or shorter than 28 days), pain caused by ovulation on the right or left in the abdomen can also occur in a different period of time.

Read more on the topic: Ovulation pain

In addition, many women report having suffered from pain on the right and / or left of the abdomen, especially in the first few weeks of pregnancy. These symptoms can be related to egg implantation during early pregnancy. In addition, the stretching of the so-called “mother ligaments” can lead to pulling pains on the right and / or left of the abdomen during the first few weeks of pregnancy.


Depending on the cause, you can Pain in the left lower abdomen up to the right lower abdomen and back radiate. The most common cause of pain in the left lower abdomen and back is the so-called Diverticulitis. It is a Inflammatory disease that occurs in the area of ​​the smallest sacs in the intestinal wall and promptly treated by a doctor should be. Diverticula that do not cause symptoms in the person concerned usually do not require treatment. However, if the pouches in the intestinal wall lead to pain on the left side of the abdomen, which radiate into the back, then one should Therapy can be initiated. Especially Measures to help regulate bowel movements, are among the most popular treatment methods. Diverticula in the intestine that cause pain in the left abdomen and back are best treated by:

  • Low-meat and high-fiber diet
  • adequate hydration
  • regular exercise

If these treatment measures are not effective, the affected section of intestine surgically removed become. In addition, pain that occurs on the left in the lower abdomen and back can be a Indication of the presence of a pancreatic disease (acute or chronic inflammation of the pancreas) be. Above all, acute inflammation of the pancreas lead to the affected patient severe pain in the left lower abdomen and back. Typically, those affected also suffer from Nausea, vomiting, gas, and fever. Acute inflammation of the pancreas is one potentially life threatening illness, the urgently needs medical treatment.