Prescription sunglasses
Synonyms in the broader sense
Glasses, spectacle lenses, sunglass lenses
English: sunglasses
Use for sunglasses
Protection from light:
Prescription sunglasses and sunglasses are used in everyday life, especially in sunny weather and in summer, on the one hand to protect the eye from UV radiation and on the other hand to reduce the amount of light rays entering the eye. The latter is usually leading, as you can feel light rays directly in contrast to UV rays and these can cause the eye to glare.
This glare effect is caused by the fact that too many rays of light pass the eye and the light-regulating aperture (pupil) is no longer sufficient to filter the light. The result is that too many rays of light irritate the photoreceptor cells. This leads to the well-known glare effect with reflexive squinting of the eyes.
This leads to impaired vision and, under certain circumstances, headaches. Everyone has an individual sense of glare. For example, some feel blinded by just a few rays of sunshine and others only when they are exposed to intense sunlight. Accordingly, sunglasses are also used more or less. The same applies to prescription sunglasses.
Protection against UV radiation:
The filtering of the invisible UV radiation is, however, an almost more important task of sunglasses, as well as sunglasses with prescription glasses. UV rays go unnoticed and, if too large, can damage the fundus and the photoreceptor cells. For this reason, one should definitely not look directly into the sun for long periods of time (both protected and unprotected). For this reason, sunglasses with the latest generation of prescription lenses usually also have a UV radiation filtering function in addition to the function of filtering light rays. When buying prescription sunglasses, you should always make sure that a sufficiently high UV factor is incorporated into the glasses.
Sunglasses as a fashion accessory:
In addition to the above More medical aspects, sunglasses have also conquered the fashion market in the last few decades. Initiated by the fashion industry, sunglasses are now often worn on appropriate occasions and in combination with different clothing styles.
Sunglasses for psychological reasons:
Sunglasses and sunglasses with prescription lenses with sufficient tint have the property that the wearer can usually perceive his surroundings visibly, while the person standing opposite him or her usually cannot see the wearer's eyes. From a psychological point of view, sunglasses are used in addition to the above. Reasons are also often worn when patients cannot or do not want to withstand eye contact with the other person or have to avoid seeing them. In a distinct way it was Anxiety disorders, Social fears, etc. In conversation with someone else, sunglasses can convey a certain degree of security to the wearer. The interlocutor can, however, feel insecure because he cannot see the wearer's eyes.