German term
Thorn apple
Use of Stramonium for the following diseases in homeopathy
- Manic states
- severe infectious diseases with inflammation of the meninges (meningitis)
- epilepsy
Use of Stramonium for the following symptoms / complaints
- Delirium
- Delusions
- cramps
- uncontrolled movements
- States of excitement of the highest degree with rush of blood to the head
- States of excitement of the highest degree with rush of blood to the head
- dilated pupils
- reddened eyes
- Seizures and confusion
- Noticeable loquacity with uncontrollable movements
- Desires for light and company
- Fear of water with swallowing spasms while drinking
- Grinding teeth
- Hot sweats with no relief
- Sexual over-excitability
- shamelessness
- Irregular and strong Menstrual bleeding
- hoarseness
and - Asthma conditions
- in the dark and in bright light
Active organs
- Central and vegetative nervous system
- Vagus nerve
- Bronchi
- Lungs
Usual dosage
- Tablets (drops) Stramonium D3, D4, D6, D12
- Stramonium ampoules D4, D6, D12 and higher
There is a prescription up to D3!