Symptoms of fallopian tube inflammation


An inflammation of the fallopian tubes (Adnexitis) is a painful abdominal disease that requires treatment, as it can otherwise lead to serious complications such as infertility or peritonitis. It is therefore important that an inflammation of the fallopian tubes is detected in good time and treated with medication. The disease is caused by bacteria, and the infection often rises through the vagina into the lower abdomen. The affected women suffer from severe pain and a number of typical symptoms from the fallopian tube inflammation.


The symptoms of fallopian tube inflammation can differ in every woman, but there are some characteristic symptoms that can be used to recognize the disease. The most common symptoms include severe pain in the lower abdomen that extends to the back. The abdomen is sensitive to pressure and may feel bloated. The women affected feel exhausted and ill, and they can also develop a fever or high body temperature. The fallopian tube inflammation leads to discharge or spotting from the vagina and sometimes severe pain during sexual intercourse. Non-specific symptoms such as nausea, constipation or diarrhea can also be caused by an inflammation of the fallopian tubes.

However, there are a number of other diseases that cause similar symptoms. These include endometriosis (the lining of the uterus appearing outside the uterine cavity), kidney infections, appendicitis, or an ectopic pregnancy. If a fallopian tube inflammation is suspected, a gynecologist should be consulted immediately, who can make a clear diagnosis based on the symptoms and a gynecological examination and plan further treatment.

The symptoms of fallopian tube inflammation include:

  • Abdominal pain
  • Back pain
  • Spotting
  • discharge
  • Painful urination
  • Vomit
  • nausea
  • constipation
  • Causes of diarrhea

You will find a concise informative description of these symptoms below.

Abdominal pain

The main symptom of an inflammation of the fallopian tubes is abdominal pain, which can vary in severity. In some cases, the women affected have only minor symptoms, while other women suffer from great pain in the lower abdomen. It is important that the quality of the pain does not indicate the severity of the disease. It is quite possible that a very severe fallopian tube inflammation hardly causes any pain. Even mild persistent abdominal pain should therefore be taken seriously and clarified by a gynecologist

Characteristically, the pain occurs on one side of a fallopian tube inflammation. The pain comes on very suddenly and is described as stabbing or pulling, cramp-like pain in the lower abdomen. The pain can spread to the entire lower abdomen and back. Typically, external pressure exacerbates the pain. Women also suffer from lower abdominal pain during sexual intercourse.

For more information about this symptom, see Abdominal pain.

Back pain

A fallopian tube inflammation often manifests itself in the form of flank or back pain. The pain radiates from the abdomen to the lower back. It is often difficult for the women affected to recognize that the pain originates in the abdomen. The back pain occurs mainly in the area of ​​the tailbone and lumbar vertebrae. Back pain is particularly severe after sexual intercourse. Back pain occurs with fallopian tube inflammation because the back muscles contract as a result of the cramping pelvic pain. This leads to tension in the lower back muscles and pulling back pain. Therefore, gynecological diseases or menstrual pain are often associated with back pain. The doctor prescribes antibiotics and pain relievers such as ibuprofen or Voltaren® for an inflammation of the fallopian tubes, which should quickly subside the pain. Heat also has an antispasmodic effect and relaxes the muscles. Relaxation techniques such as autogenic training or progressive muscle relaxation also have a soothing effect on back pain.

Also read our article on this symptom Flank pain.


Spotting (also called bleeding between periods) can be an indication of fallopian tube inflammation. This is a light, brownish bleeding that occurs outside of your period. The fallopian tubes are attacked by the bacterial infection and there may be light bleeding from the vagina. However, spotting can also have harmless causes (e.g. hormone fluctuations) and do not necessarily indicate a pelvic disease. In combination with fever and pain, spotting should be taken very seriously and must be clarified by a doctor.

For details, see Spotting.


A common symptom of fallopian tube infections is foul smelling, yellowish discharge from the vagina. The growth of bacteria and the inflammatory process in the abdomen unbalance the natural flora of the vagina. As a result, there is an unusual vaginal discharge. Discharge that differs in color and smell from normal vaginal discharge is always a sign of abdominal disease and needs to be examined by a gynecologist.

A more detailed description can be found under Vaginal discharge.

Painful urination

Due to the inflammation of the fallopian tubes, those affected feel pain when urinating. The inflammation in the abdomen caused by bacteria can also spread to the lower urinary tract and therefore lead to burning or itchy symptoms when emptying the bladder. Burning pain when urinating is also characteristic of a cystitis and does not necessarily indicate an inflammation of the fallopian tubes.

Read more on the subject at: Painful urination


Vomiting is a relatively non-specific symptom that can have many causes. Vomiting can also occur if the fallopian tubes are inflamed. The inflammation in the lower abdomen irritates the vomiting center in the brain and causes vomiting. Vomiting alone is not a clear indication of fallopian tube inflammation, but in combination with abdominal pain or unusual vaginal discharge, a doctor should be consulted.


Nausea is often accompanied by vomiting and can indicate a disease of the abdominal organs. The bacteria that cause fallopian tube inflammation release toxins, which in turn activate the vomiting center in the brain. This causes nausea and possibly even vomiting. But the pain in the lower abdomen can also be so severe due to the inflammation that the women affected feel nausea. The nausea often occurs in combination with dizziness, paleness and sweating. Pain in the lower abdomen and nausea can be a sign of acute fallopian tube inflammation and require immediate specialist treatment.

You might also be interested in: Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract


An inflammation of the fallopian tubes can also cause problems in the intestinal area. Symptoms include constipation, gas, and painful bowel movements. From constipation (Constipation) one speaks when there is an irregular defecation. The stool is hard and dry and therefore difficult to pass. People who have not had a bowel movement for more than three days must see a doctor. If you have additional symptoms, you should think of fallopian tube inflammation.


In addition to constipation, fallopian tube inflammation can also cause diarrhea (Diarrhea) cause. The severe abdominal cramps caused by the inflammation also change the tension in the intestinal wall and lead to diarrhea. However, many women suffer from persistent abdominal cramps and diarrhea even during their period.

Read more on this topic at: Causes of diarrhea