Strength training in adolescence
Strength training in adolescence is an often discussed topic that raises many concerns. Well-known concerns are that weight training is dangerous and harms the child's development. There are many exercises that teenagers cannot yet do, and many children do not want to do strength training at all.
On the scientific side, there were additional concerns due to incorrect studies. For example, there is not enough testosterone in a young person's body to build up muscles. In addition, strength training endangers the height growth of under 18 year olds. Most importantly, there were concerns that weight training might stop growth. However, it is now known that there were misinterpretations of the studies in this area and that some of these were only insufficiently carried out.
Scientific point of view
For many there is also the question, Why already performed strength training in adolescence should be, as this training is actually only associated with adults. Because force one central ability of the body is Movements to implement, there is nothing against training this in adolescence and on a solid base deliver. If you start strength training in adolescence, you can positive impact on the entire musculoskeletal system emerge and form a good foundation for adulthood. Adjustment symptoms of strength training occur Muscles, bone, Ribbons, Tendons and the central nervous system on. The ability to concentrate is also trained through strength training. The young athlete learns 3-dimensional movements know and learn how to best focus on it.
In the meantime, many studies have been carried out on this subject and new knowledge has been gained. The concerns of growth damage were quickly resolved. As a rule, young people move around a lot, jump, run and climb. Much higher loads can be measured on the joints and bones than would be possible with strength training. Studies have shown that age-matched strength training can lead to enormous increases in strength. In addition, if used correctly, strength training in adolescence can be an effective measure to increase bone density and help prevent injuries. It should be noted that training for an adult cannot be transferred one-to-one to a teenager. The training must be tailored to the age and development of the young person. Taking the important points into account, training in adolescence can enable strength gains of up to 30 percent without harming the body. In addition, the coordination between and within the muscles improves significantly.
Strength training in adolescence only makes sense if the motivation for it comes from free will and the young person is fully involved. In addition, an adult should always be present at the beginning to prevent injuries and incorrect execution. In general, strength training is often ascribed a high injury rate. According to current studies, this is not true. In weight training, there are only 0.0003 injuries for every 100 hours of training. For team sports such as soccer (6.2 per 100 hours) this value is significantly higher. So strength training is a relatively safe sport if you follow a few rules.
Read more on the topic: Strength training for children
Training methods
Weight training on machines took a long time not a good reputation when used on young athletes. One pays attention to one correct setting on the joint angles and on the weights, can trained on the machine without hesitation become. Especially the exact dosage is guaranteed with machine training. In addition, you can isolate the desired muscles work out. However, there should always be one competent person to be present.
In addition to training on the machine, there is also that Possibility with free dumbbells to train. This training is a bit more demanding and should therefore only be performed after one certain time to get used to it can be applied. In exercises with free dumbbells, both the target and the Support muscles trained. Furthermore, the coordinative aspect very well covered. Exercising with free weights is usually a very functional workout and therefore very effective. A supervisor is very important here, too, because the Risk of injury in the free dumbbells compared to the machines slightly increased is.
Another option is training with the own body weight. This workout is very popularbecause it is simple, natural and highly functional. One advantage that young people especially appreciate is that it is probably the cheapest form of training is because you don't need a gym or equipment to train. One disadvantage is that Load dosing as the level rises. With your own body weight, it always becomes with an increasing level harder to maintain the exercise dose. This form of training is therefore only of limited use for competitive athletes and advanced athletes.
These are the starting points three forms of training available, whereby training with body weight is the cheapest option. If you have the necessary change, you should have one Studio with a machine training kick off. After a certain period of acclimatization and the first successes, you can then switch to training with free weights in order to ensure further progress.
Training structure
Both Load norms no precise statement can be made for young people, as the development among young people is here an important role plays. The load should be individually adjusted by an expert.
Similar to adults, teenagers should also have one small warm-up program complete. Ten minutes of dynamic Warm up exercises are recommended to prepare the body for training and to prevent injuries. Afterwards, a short warm-up should be carried out on the equipment for each form of exercise before starting the usual loads. The Main training should in teenagers no longer than 30 minutes last.
At the Training scope should carefully constructed become. It is recommended for the first few weeks a maximum of two units per week to be completed so that the body can adjust to the stress and a complete recovery is possible between the units. Studies have found that once a week training already has significant successes. Come one second training session in addition, the increase in strength increases again by about 33 percent.
Based on study results, teens should be more likely to do strength training on repetitions put as on weight. That means one lower weight combined with 15-20 repetitions is more effective than a heavy weight with only six to ten repetitions. The high number of repetitions allows better adaptation of the holding and supporting apparatus. When designing the training plan, it should be ensured that all major muscle groups are stressed equally no imbalances arise and multi-joint exercises are preferable. Muscular imbalances that were developed in adolescence are only very difficult to rebalance.
In adolescence should different contents trained be to a good development of the body to support. In addition to jumping strength training, the Strengthening the postural muscles in the foreground stand. The young person learns deal with weights and develops a feeling for different loads. The Cardiovascular system benefits significantly from strength training in adolescence. The Fat levels in the blood can be improved and become one healthy lifestyle contribute. Coordination training, endurance training and muscle building training round off the program Training profile for teenagers from.
It is extremely important for young people and children Enjoy your sport to have. Fun and motivation are the basic requirements to be able to carry out strength training with young people. Otherwise the exercises listless and sloppy executed. Successes are significantly lower and lead like one Devil's spiral to even less self-motivation.
In general, it can be said that starting training in adolescence or well suited for puberty is to get you started in strength training. In this phase of life the body produces more Hormonesthat are responsible for muscle growth. At this time, the body reacts very well to training stimuli.
Weight training in adolescence has increased in recent years in society, such as gained importance in the scientific field. Many prejudices were dispelled and new studies have shown that strength training is for adolescents conducive can be if you can observes certain framework conditions. Protection against injuries and long-term damage plays perhaps the most important role here. So always at the beginning used an experienced supervisor who is familiar with the exercises and the loads that apply to young people. Strength training in adolescence should generally always be considered one complementary activity are perceived and are not considered the center of life. The muscle building training should be under strict compliance with the load sizes for young people. On Bodybuilding should be avoided in this phase of life until the growth plates close.