Cause of tendovaginitis
Causes of tendovaginitis
The term Tendovaginitis (Synonyms: Peritendinitis, paratendinitis) describes the occurrence of inflammatory processes in the area of Tendon sheaths. As a rule, this inflammation manifests itself as sharp pain in the area of the affected tendons.
Although tendovaginitis can in principle affect all tendons in the body, its clinical picture can mainly be seen in the Ankle joint and Wrists observe.
Tendovaginitis can have many causes. In clinical medicine one broadly differentiates between infection-related and non-infectious Causes. The risk of developing tendovaginitis is particularly high in athletes or those people who put heavy stress on the wrists every day.
The reason for this is that rapid increases in load and / or long-lasting load intervals can lead to mechanical irritation of the tendon sheaths.
In particular, the use of unergonomic work equipment on the computer, which provokes long-term poor posture of the wrists, can cause excessive strain on the tendon sheaths hand have as a consequence. Furthermore, there is also the increased implementation of uniform movements, as for example in the rowing or Dumbbell training are a cause of the development of tendovaginitis.
In principle, tendovaginitis can occur on any tendon in the body. In everyday clinical practice, however, it has been shown that the tendons of the ankles and wrists are particularly affected. According to new studies, there is also a malfunction of connective tissue-forming cells (so-called fibroblasts) a decisive influence on the development of tendovaginitis.
The cause of tendovaginitis in this context is often the formation of inferior collagen (Type 3 collagen instead of Type 1 collagen), which can exercise no or only an insufficient support function. In general, infectious causes lead to the development of tendovaginitis much less often than non-infection-related influences. Especially in the wake of Stab wounds, which lead to tendon sheath openings in the area of the joints, the occurrence of tendovaginitis can be observed. The cause in these cases is the bacterial colonization of the areas close to the tendons. The typical bacterial pathogens that cause tendovaginitis include Staphylo- and Streptococci. In addition, it should be noted that tendovaginitis can also occur in the course of inflammatory rheumatic disease can occur.
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