How does the cervical mucus change during ovulation?
The cervical mucus is a liquid secretion that is formed by glands in the cervix. On the one hand, this secretion is intended to prevent germs from penetrating the uterus and, on the other hand, the advancement of the sperm should be facilitated and the life span of the sperm should be extended.
During the sterile days, the cervical mucus is thick or non-existent and a plug blocks the way into the uterus. As the fertile days approach, the mucus first becomes milky, creamy and finally liquid. This makes it easier for the sperm to enter the uterus.
How does the cervical mucus change during ovulation?
The nature of the cervical mucus is hormone-dependent. At the beginning of the cycle there is a menstrual period, then the uterine lining is built up under the influence of estrogen in order to prepare the egg cell to implant. As the estrogen level rises, more cervical mucus is formed, the consistency of which becomes increasingly fluid and transparent. Its texture is similar to raw egg white.
The tough plug of mucus that is on the cervix during the infertile days loosens, making it easier for the sperm to enter the uterus. Women experience increased discharge during this time. After ovulation, the mucus becomes stickier / creamier, whitish and is less produced.
Also read the article: How does the discharge change during ovulation?
Why does the cervical mucus change during ovulation?
The cervical mucus has two main roles. During the infertile days, it is particularly tough or not present at all, making it difficult for bacteria and sperm to find their way through the cervix into the uterus to protect the woman from ascending infections. As a result, sperm are exposed to the acidic environment of the vagina and die.
Under the influence of rising estrogen levels, more secretions are formed. In addition, it becomes thin
How sure can I use it to determine ovulation?
Assessing cervical mucus alone is a very uncertain method of determining ovulation. The change from viscous to liquid / spinnable develops slowly. In addition, this change can only be assessed by women who deal intensively with their bodies and have a regular cycle.
Ovulation occurs on the day with the best quality of cervical mucus, or if three days with consistently good cervical mucus are followed by a day of poorer quality. This means that the day of ovulation can only be defined in retrospect. Women with a very regular cycle can then predict the highly fertile days in the following month.
It is better to assess the change in cervical mucus in connection with other parameters in order to determine the time of ovulation. In addition to the body temperature and mean pain (drawing in the abdomen and breasts), the composition of the cervical mucus can be entered in ovulation computers. After a learning period in the first months of use, the computer can use the entered data to determine the time of ovulation.
Find out all about the topic here: Knowing ovulation yourself.
What do I have to consider in order to use the cervical mucus to get pregnant?
In order to be able to use the cervical mucus for successful family planning, women have to deal intensively with their bodies. The cervical mucus should best be examined several times a day before going to the toilet. The best mucus quality of the day is then documented. The best way to examine the mucus is with clean fingers. Here you assess the general feeling, whether the vagina is rather dry or moist.
Next, the optics are assessed. Here you can see whether the slime appears white, yellowish or transparent. At the end you check the quality. To do this, pull the secretion apart between two fingers. At the time of ovulation, long threads can be pulled between the fingers. Before and after ovulation, the threads tear off quickly or the mucus is crumbly.
There are categories for documentation that can be selected in some apps. The best quality of mucus is defined as S + (moist, soft vaginal entrance, fluid, transparent, thread-pulling / spinnable, like a raw egg). If three days with quality S +, a day with lower quality (mucus is creamy, whitish, tough, not easy to draw), the last day with S + is ovulation day. Thus, ovulation can only be determined retrospectively. Women with a regular cycle of e.g. 28 days can then predict the fertile days in the next month.
How can you encourage ovulation? Read more about this here.
What does spinnable cervical mucus mean?
When examining the cervical mucus, you take some secretion between two clean fingers before going to the toilet. You now try to pull the mucus apart between your fingers.
At the beginning of the cycle and after ovulation, the threads tear off quickly. Long threads can be pulled between the fingers for two to three days before and during ovulation. This phenomenon is called spinnable cervical mucus because the thin threads resemble a spider web.
When does the cervical mucus come?
At the beginning of the cycle, the vagina is dry, which some women even find very uncomfortable. Under the influence of estrogen, which increases steadily in the first half of the cycle, more cervical mucus is produced via the glands in the cervix.
Towards the middle of the cycle, the peak of cervical mucus production is reached. In addition, the consistency and color of the cervical mucus changes - the viscous, whitish secretion now appears transparent and fluid. This transfer point is on average on the 13th-15th Day reached.
Find out more about the accompanying symptoms of ovulation.
What does milky cervical mucus mean?
In addition to the consistency, the appearance of the cervical mucus is also assessed. A distinction is made between whitish, yellowish, milky mucus and glassy, transparent secretion.
Milky mucus is found at the beginning of the fertile days (approx. 10th-13th day of the cycle), until the mucus becomes more and more liquid and transparent. This would be a sign of the highly fertile days (13th to 15th day of the cycle).
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