How do I get tanned (quickly)?
The skin generally turns brown when exposed to UV light. The light of the sun is natural and also used by most people. When sunbathing, people can also cover part of their vitamin D (cholecalciferol) needs with the help of UVB light. Vitamin D is essential for the human body. It is one of the fat-soluble vitamins and can be formed by the body with the help of UVB radiation in the skin from the precursor of the vitamin, 7-dehydrocholesterol. Vitamin D is important for the calcium balance in bones and blood. The tan itself is also largely caused by UVB radiation. UVB radiation belongs to the superordinate term of ultraviolet radiation, which also includes longer-wave UVA radiation. Ultraviolet radiation is invisible to humans and has a longer wavelength than the well-known X-ray radiation, but the overall wavelength is shorter than that of the light that is visible to humans.
Above all, we have that that the skin turns brown Melanocytes owe which one in the top layer of the skin can be found. The melanocytes form the melaninwhich one black-brown or reddish dye which is responsible for the coloring of the skin. It colors but not only the skin, but also that Choroid in the eye and people's hair. The melanin becomes to Protection of the skin from UV radiation poured out. The more sunlight that gets on the skin, the more melanin is released and the more brown the skin becomes. In addition to melanin, it also protects us Horny layer thickening from the dangerous radiation. Excessive radiation is therefore dangerousas they are ours DNA in our Change cells can what turn to Errors in cell division can lead. If the body cannot correct the mistakes, or if too many mistakes happen, it can lead to one uncontrolled growth of cells come and there may be a further consequence tumor arise. Generally one should only use the skin at low level expose to the sun. But if you can certain precautions you can do it too without sunburn a nice tan to get.
Important factors
Important factors on how do I get a tan quickly.
The most important thing is Skin type. Depending on You can have skin type longer or shorter to be in the sun without protection. And the sun protection should also be adjusted accordingly. One usually speaks of 4 different skin typeslocated in the Skin color, of the Hair color, of the Self-protection time and the probability getting sunburn make a difference. If you know your skin type, you can choose the right sunscreen right away. Also, you should not in direct sunlight expose. That is, a umbrella or even better one tree, should the Sun something hold off. UV radiation also passes through this protection.
It is the same Weather significant. Even if the sky cloudy is you can get tan. Of course you are a lot through the cloud cover better protectedas if the sun was shining brightly from the sky. This is why you don't have to worry as much about protecting your skin on days like this. If in the water was, you should afterwards apply cream again and again, because even if it says “waterproof” on the sun protection, the water washes some of it down again.
Now one might wonder why doing so much to protect yourself when trying to get a tan. Well, even if it certainly takes longer to tan if you always put on sunscreen, you end up benefiting from it for longer. Because you expose your skin to full sunlight without protection off, and you have one of the lighter skin typesso you get right fast one sunburn. This is not only dangerous for the skin, hurts, does not look good and is unpleasant, but in most people it only turns brown after the initial redness, but the skin does not stay on the body for long. Usually it starts very soon that the burned skin appears peels off. At the end then that's exactly how you are White as before. But for some people who generally go to the darker skin types it certainly counts without protection all work well.
In order to help a little with getting tanned, the subsurface or the Surroundings in which one is not insignificant. There water the Sun rays intensified, one becomes a lot brown fasterwhen you are on an air mattress, for example. But this is at the same time very dangerous, because you are first in the water notices lateif you have one sunburn has since the skin always is cooled. In addition, 60% of the UVB rays penetrate up to one and a half meters below the surface of the water. Also sand increases the sun's rays a lot, which is why you should be very careful here too.
So if you can lovely, even tan would like that lasts long so should one the Safeguards definitely hit. If you want to tan quickly, then many people will careless and leave the Protective creams etc. path, but you have to short term on sunburn and skin that has become quickly again peels off cease and in the long term, if the skin is often exposed to direct radiation, with earlier Skin aging resign. Is one nice brown, the skin reacts Not more so sensitive, but you should Again, don't forget about protection. Besides is still importantthat you can skin after sunbathing well cared for. One should moisturizing lotion use so the skin does not dry out.
How do I get a tan quickly without the sun?
Many people wonder, how do I get a tan quickly without going in the sun?
You can find a myriad of them in supermarkets and drug stores Cloths, Gels, Sprays, Creams and Pillswhich promise that one after ingestion or application brown becomes and that completely without sun. Most products take between one and eight hours to see the effect, which usually consists of slightly brown-looking skin holds the artificial tan Not much longer than a weekbefore you have to refresh them again. With most products you can choose between them for the face and those for the remaining body distinguish.
In all Self-tannersWhat you don't need the sun for is that Dihydroxyacetone. Dihydroxyacetone is a sugar, of the With the amino acids and Proteins of the horny layer, this is the top layer of the skin made up of dead cells, responds. The Dihydroxyacetone colors so the top layer of skin a. The horny layer of the skin dies but regularly frombefore a new horny layer is formed. That's why holds that tan just a couple of days on. There are numerous pills on the market that are supposed to cause a faster tan. Many of them stimulate melanin production and this gives the skin a brownish tinge. But right here's the catch. If the melanin production is so high and you then go into the sun, the skin can no longer cope, because the melanin production is so high that it not only tans but also burns in the end.
With Self-tanners it behaves a little differently as mentioned above. In contrast to the pills, they do not change the melanin production. However, there are also other problems with these. It is very difficult, Tanning creams to be applied so that they evenly cover the skin. Mostly stay somewhere stains left, Where to little or no tanning cream came there or at the same time stains, the particularly dark because too much cream was applied there.
There are also Cloths and Sprays, but which are similar difficult to apply are. In addition stink many creams after a while, which can be very uncomfortable. A type of shower is currently booming in London, where dihydroxyacetone is used to create a kind of mist that also makes the skin look tan afterwards.
In addition to the creams, there are also gels and tissues, as well as sprays, as mentioned. Everyone then has to be individual find out for yourselfwhat type of self-tanner is best to handle.
How do I get tan quick, not red?
Many people who tan in the sun turn up first once a sunburn a before the burned skin then in brown recolored. Especially when the skin after winter is still very sensitive and still whole hell is, you run very quickly danger, one sunburn to get. That's why you should themselves in any case always very much apply lotion wellbefore sunbathing. As mentioned above, this is what it is for importantthat one his Skin type knows and then one to it matching sun protection elects. The most common range from around 6 to 50 SPF (sun protection factor). If you want to be on the safe side, you can always advice and professional information at a Dermatologist to fetch. Here, too, you can have your skin type determined, which is definitely the most reliable method.
Especially after sunbathing should the skin well cared for become. There are special ones for that After sun lotionswhich the skin the necessary humidity hand back. You cannot extend the sun protection with various sun creams, you have to keep the protection renew. Even if you use waterproof sunscreen, you should after swim re-cream. Likewise, you should never in the blazing sun lay. Since the UV radiation can also pass through umbrellas and tree tops, and the skin is then tanned more gently, you should rather in the shadows lay. Especially the Midday sun you should definitely avoid. There are detergents for textiles that make the garment more impervious to UV radiation with each wash cycle.
How do I get tanned on my legs quickly?
There are significant differences in the skin on different parts of the body in many people. For example, there are people who respond very quickly to the Legs brown and rather slowly im face. But there are also those who are exactly the opposite. Women in particular would like beautiful brown legs when the time for skirts and dresses starts again in early summer. However, there are no tips that fit all women at the same time. Take some Sun oils with sun protection factorto tan the legs faster and others in turn Self-tanner in all different forms. Of course you can too place the rest of the body in the shadein order to then more easily align the legs with the other body parts, or the other parts of the body in front of the sun too protect. Of course there is also the option of ins solarium to go.
How do I get tan quickly with fair skin?
Tan for fair skin is natural possiblebut you should pay special attentionto avoid getting sunburn. Depending on the skin type you should use sunscreens Sun protection factor from 30 to 50 use. Even with the protection of a sunscreen you just get a tan it takes something longer, but is much gentler and you can enjoy the tan longer. Above all, one should be bright Never expose skin to direct sunlight expose and yourself prefer in the shade hold up. Once you have one sunburn, the tan never lasts long, that I the skin starts very soon peel off.
How do I get a tan quickly?
For tanning in the face is there extra self-tanner and devicesthat only to tan the face. Because there are always people who tan quickly on all other parts of the body, but not on their face. In principle, the same applies here as for all other body parts. Whereby you still have the face especially protect should because it always is more of the Sun and the UV rays exposed, as all other parts of the body.
How do I get a tan quickly in the solarium?
At the solarium Just as with sunbathing, the same applies that you should not expose your skin to too much radiation. Nevertheless, the UV light of the solarium contributes to that Vitamin D is formed and is for depressed people or people who themselves especially in the dark months not feeling good mentally, a good alternative to the sun. In addition, going to the solarium is sometimes also for those people prescribed by the doctorthat under strong acne suffer because so the excessively oily skin and the Pimples to be dried out a little. In some tanning beds UVA radiation offered the advantage have that they brown immediately and in some there are both types of radiation, so that the important vitamin D can also be formed.
Some people use it the solarium also for pre-browning before them in the vacation fly and expose themselves to the sun there. If the skin is already tanned, this can protect a little from the sun. Nonetheless, you are in the sun in the solarium and also after the solarium ensure that the skin is adequately protected and cared for. In the solarium actually applies to tanning the same as for the sunbathing, because here the same radiation is applied.