Diaphragmatic Inflammation - How Dangerous Is It?
The diaphragm is a Muscle tendon plate, which occupies a central position in the body and the respiratory and digestive organs, so Chest and abdomen, from each other separates.
There are various holes in the diaphragm that allow the large blood vessels and esophagus to pass into the abdomen.
The diaphragm plays a crucial role in breathing.
In the case of inflammation, the Respiratory function of the human severely impairedwhich in severe cases too life threatening Situations can lead.
In addition, the diaphragm is also responsible for that Abdominal press responsible, which is used during bowel movements and the birth process.
A diaphragmatic inflammation can be caused by both Upper body disorders as well as independent illness occur.
The inflammation can infectious or mechanical causes to have.
Possible pathogens that can cause diaphragmitis include, among others Trichinias.
these are Roundwormswhich initially settle in the small intestine, but then penetrate the muscle tissue of the diaphragm via the bloodstream. Trichinias can get into the human body from eating raw pork.
Often there is diaphragm inflammation as part of organic damage. If the stomach is displaced, for example Leak stomach acid and the Strongly irritate the diaphragm. This can be done in the context of very overweight, because the pressure on the diaphragm is then greatly increased. Also a Diaphragmatic hernia can arise, which in turn can cause irritation.
Read more about the topic here: Diaphragmatic hernia
Chronic coughs can also lead to diaphragm inflammation. This can go so far that it is too small Cracks in the diaphragm come, which then ignite.
It can also be permanent Tension by stress or one wrong posture lead to inflammation of the diaphragm.
In many cases, the diaphragm inflammation does not occur as an independent disease of the diaphragm, but is a Concomitant symptom from various others Underlying diseases.
So can a pleurisy due to the anatomical proximity of the pleura and diaphragm, it is very light on this overlap.
Likewise, a Elevated diaphragm cause inflammation through permanent irritation of the diaphragm. The high level can be due to strong Obesity, tumors in the abdomen or morbid Enlargement of the liver or spleen.
Please also read our article on this Diseases of the diaphragm.
Inflammation of the diaphragm in pregnancy
Pregnancy can also lead to inflammation of the diaphragm.
The extra space that the infant takes in the stomach, the other will Organs displaced and have to evade. They also do this upwards and thus press on the diaphragm. Through the constant Pressure load the diaphragm may be irritated and then also inflamed.
Much rest and Lie are then helpful to relieve the diaphragm.
Inflammation of the diaphragm with cough
Cough can be both a cause and a symptom of diaphragmatic inflammation.
By chronic coughas often smokers have, or as part of a protracted cold, the diaphragm can become irritated and also inflamed in the further course.
Is the diaphragm inflammation caused by other causes, such as a pleurisy, but can also to cough and is one of the typical symptoms.
The symptoms of diaphragmitis are usually very clear.
There is pain in the diaphragm when breathing, which can lead to shortness of breath.
In addition, the patient feels uncomfortable pressure on the costal arch. This is particularly strong when talking, laughing or coughing, as the diaphragm is particularly stressed during these activities.
Often times, fever and cough are additional symptoms.
If the inflammation of the diaphragm was preceded by hiccups, this may indicate that the inflammation was caused by certain roundworms called trichinias
You can read more information about this here: You can tell if you have diaphragmatic inflammation by these symptoms
Shortness of breath
Shortness of breath is one of the most common and dangerous symptoms of diaphragmatic inflammation. The inflammation can affect various areas of the diaphragm, for example the pain-sensitive side facing the lungs or the muscles themselves. In all cases, breathing is restricted due to pain or reduced muscle work.
Pain-related breathing difficulties can be treated with pain relievers.
The weakened muscles, on the other hand, can persist for different lengths of time and cause severe breathing problems or even permanent respiratory damage. In the event of breathlessness, a doctor should be consulted immediately, as the clinical picture can worsen acutely and quickly.
At If there is a suspicion of diaphragmatic inflammation, a doctor should be consulted immediately. If the latter suspects diaphragmatic inflammation due to the usually clear symptoms, one follows physical examination of the patient.
Especially the one Thoroughly examines the chest as a disease in this area is often the cause of the diaphragm inflammation.
The lungs are bugged for a possible lung infection to be able to exclude. In order to be able to secure the existing suspicion, are often imaging procedures used and an X-ray examination carried out.
Also one Blood test to determine the Inflammation parameters in the blood belongs to the diagnosis. This can often also determine the extent of the inflammation.
Figure diaphragm
- Diaphragm (red) -
Diaphragm - Chest cavity -
Cavitas thoracis - Abdominal cavity -
Cavitas abdominis - Tendon center of
Diaphragm -
Centrum tendineum - Rib part of the diaphragm -
Pars costalis diaphragmatis - Esophageal slit -
Aortic hiatus - Vena cava hole -
Foramen venae cavae - Aorta in the aortic slot -
Aorta in the aortic hiatus - Loin part of the diaphragm -
Pars lumbalis diaphragmatis - Lungs - Pulmo
The diaphragm separates
the thoracic and abdominal cavities
You can find an overview of all Dr-Gumpert images at: medical illustrations
Often antibiotics are used for diaphragm inflammation, which have proven to be very effective. Since the inflammation usually occurs in combination with a very strong cough, a cough syrup can usually alleviate the pain and, by relieving the diaphragm, lead to an improvement in the symptoms.
In addition, the patient usually receives painkillers to prevent the relieving posture that is often caused by the pain.
Plenty of rest and avoidance of physical activity are necessary to improve the inflammation so that the diaphragm is not stressed by heavy breathing.
If an incorrect posture, for example due to stress, was the trigger for the inflammation, relaxation therapy is recommended to prevent renewed inflammation.
These home remedies will help with diaphragmitis
The rare diaphragmatic inflammation should first be clarified by a doctor before treatment, as various clinical pictures come into question as causes. The causes can be infectious, mechanical or chemical and therefore require very different treatment strategies.
Home remedies can be used as a supplement and to alleviate symptoms. The home remedies in the treatment of diaphragmatic inflammation primarily support the work of the diaphragm, contain sufficient rest and protection of the body to activate the self-healing powers and can also have an anti-inflammatory effect.
The focus is on adequate rest and physical rest as well as support for breathing, for example by inhaling anti-inflammatory and irritation-reducing substances such as eucalyptus, mint and essential oils. Eating a healthy diet in small portions can also help the body heal.
To reduce inflammation, anti-inflammatory foods like sage, onion, ginger, and nettle can be drunk in the form of teas. They also reduce the urge to cough and have a positive influence on gastric acid, which can also be responsible for diaphragmitis.
As a rule, diaphragmitis should follow two to three weeks have subsided.
A regular intake of the Medication and sufficient Protection of the patient are required for this.
How dangerous is diaphragmitis?
Nowadays, diaphragmatic inflammation is rather rare and when it occurs it is usually as a concomitant disease.
How dangerous it is depends entirely on the context in which it occurs.
It can be dangerous if the severe pain when breathing results in shortness of breath, which under certain circumstances can lead to a life-threatening situation.
Is diaphragmitis contagious?
In most cases, the diaphragm inflammation arises as a result of mechanical stresses in the chest area. In these cases, there can be no infection. However, if there is a pathogen-related infection, infection is in principle possible.
In fact, underlying pneumonia that spreads to the pleura, and hence the diaphragm, can be highly contagious. Especially immunocompromised people should protect themselves from the cough secretion of the person affected.
The rare trichinosis, which is triggered by roundworms and can affect the diaphragm, cannot be transmitted from person to person.