Category : Pediatrics

This is how long scarlet fever usually lasts

This is how long scarlet fever usually lasts

As a rule, the duration of the scarlet fever disease depends on the duration of antiniotics and the general health of the child. When the symptoms are gone, you are no longer contagious and can go back to school

Vaccination against scarlet fever

Vaccination against scarlet fever

- your medical information portal. Here you will find information on the subject of "Vaccination against scarlet fever" explained to laymen.

How often can you get scarlet fever?

How often can you get scarlet fever?

Basically, you can get scarlet fever more than once. However, it is often not that easy to distinguish a scarlet fever infection from other infections. According to the current state of science, infection with scarlet fever is possible three times

Complications of scarlet fever

Complications of scarlet fever

Scarlet fever infection can have numerous complications. The greatest danger is when the disease is not completely cured and the pathogens can spread throughout the body. Hence one should especially with children

Course of whooping cough

Course of whooping cough

- your medical information portal. Here you will find information on the subject of "whooping cough progression" explained in a layman's way.

Three Day Fever - How Contagious is it?

Three Day Fever - How Contagious is it?

Dr-Gumpertd.e - Your Pediatric Lexicon. Here you will find helpful information on the topic of three days of fever- How contagious is it?

Incubation period of Pfeiffer's glandular fever

Incubation period of Pfeiffer's glandular fever

The incubation period is the time from the time of infection to the onset and onset of the first symptoms. It takes one to seven weeks, depending on the person, before Pfeiffer's glandular fever breaks out.

Therapy for three-day fever

Therapy for three-day fever

- your pediatric information portal. A lot of helpful information on the subject of "Therapy of three-day fever" explained in a layman's way.

Rash with glandular fever

Rash with glandular fever

A rash can result from Pfeiffer's glandular fever, but it is not a must. Wheals or pustules often develop, which are also accompanied by severe itching. If possible, scratching should be prevented because it may be present

Duration of Pfeiffer's glandular fever

Duration of Pfeiffer's glandular fever

The duration of glandular fever varies widely. Symptoms usually last a few weeks and consist of weakness and swollen lymph nodes. Even after the symptoms have subsided, the virus remains dormant in the body and can lead to you

Diagnosis of glandular fever

Diagnosis of glandular fever

The diagnosis of Pfeiffer's glandular fever is made both clinically and in the laboratory. There are various test methods that are used to rule out differential diagnoses, i.e. similar clinical pictures.

Chronic glandular glandular fever

Chronic glandular glandular fever

Chronic Pfeiffer's glandular fever is understood as the occurrence of symptoms for 3 months after infection with the Epstein-Barr virus. It occurs very rarely. The symptoms are somewhat more unspecific than in the acute form.

Homeopathy for glandular fever

Homeopathy for glandular fever

- the pediatric information portal. A lot of helpful information about Pfeiffer's glandular fever homeopathy clearly explained.

Glandular Fever - How Contagious is it Really?

Glandular Fever - How Contagious is it Really?

- your medical information portal. Here you will find a lot of information on the subject of "Glandular fever - how contagious is it really?" Explained in layman's terms.

Glandular fever in babies

Glandular fever in babies

Pfeiffer's glandular fever, also known as Epstein-Barr virus infection, infectious mononucleosis or "kissing disease", is caused by an infection with the so-called Epstein-Barr virus. It is a virus out

Baby massage

Baby massage

A baby massage serves primarily to strengthen the relationship with the child and to give the child both psychological and physical relaxation.

Late sequelae of Pfeiffer's glandular fever

Late sequelae of Pfeiffer's glandular fever

An illness caused by Pfeiffer's glandular fever can under certain circumstances last a very long time and thus also have some long-term effects such as fatigue or stress on the liver, spleen or the immune system.

What happens in puberty?

What happens in puberty?

Puberty is a defining period in the development from child to adult, which usually begins earlier in girls than in boys. In addition to the gender physical changes and the development of sexual interest also run

Short stature

Short stature

Short stature is used when the person concerned is less than 97% of all people in his or her age group. One cause may be the family's short stature. On the other hand, a delayed entry into puberty can also be a reason