Schüssler Salt No. 26 Selenium

application areas

The Schüssler salt selenium is made from the chemical element selenium, so it is not a salt in the chemical sense. Selenium is toxic in large quantities, but in very small quantities it is essential for survival: As a so-called trace element, it is essential for certain biochemical reactions in the liver to take place.
These reactions mainly ensure the detoxification of the body and the binding of free radicals (molecules that react with the membrane of body cells and so can destroy the cell). So selenium also contributes to cell protection.

The areas of application of Selenium result from these functions: For example, it is suitable for smoking cessation, for depressive moods, chronic states of exhaustion ("burn-out syndrome") and for supporting the liver in natural detoxification.

Read more about detox.

In which diseases is it used?

Selenium is used for a variety of diseases: First of all, these include mental health problems associated with chronic fatigue and exhaustion. This can be, for example, acute exhaustion, depressive moods, depression or burn-out syndrome. Selenium is also suitable for the prevention of such complaints in the event of permanent stress or the feeling of being overwhelmed.

Another spectrum of use is detoxification. Here, Selenium can be used as a support in the treatment of addiction, for example in smoking cessation. Selenium also helps with the breakdown and excretion of all other (especially exogenous) toxins. An example is the application after alcohol consumption, but the elimination of environmental toxins is also supported by selenium.
In addition, it is used in addition to drug therapy for diseases that have their origin in the "affluent society": diabetes mellitus (especially type 2), arteriosclerosis, increased blood lipid levels (Hypercholesterolemia).

For what symptoms is it used?

With the Schüssler salts - similar to homeopathy - you can recognize a person who needs a certain salt by certain external and personal characteristics. However, when it comes to external features, the so-called face analysis makes up the majority of the visual diagnosis. Face analysis means that the features can be found on the face.
With Selenium, these characteristics include signs of premature aging and general fatigue, such as gray hair at a young age, dark circles under the eyes and involuntary twitching of individual muscles in the face, such as the eyelid. In addition, Schüssler’s theory assumes that certain personality structures have an increased consumption of certain substances (trace elements, etc.), which then have to be replenished in a targeted manner
A person who has an increased consumption and thus a greater risk of a deficiency in selenium is characterized by forgetfulness, lack of concentration and self-doubt. In addition, these people are usually shy of touch and freeze quickly. The subjectively strongly increased need for sleep of those affected is also noticeable.

Active organs

Selenium acts primarily on the liver. As mentioned above, selenium is also involved as a trace element in vital biochemical reactions that serve to detoxify and bind free radicals.
Another site of action is the psyche, on which Selenium, like most other Schüssler salts, has an influence. In addition or through this, Selenium ultimately has an indirect effect on the whole body, for example by stimulating the metabolism or supporting the protection of the arteries.

Read more information about the functions of the liver here.

Usual dosage D12

Selenium is usually administered in either the D6 or D12 potentiation. D6 is usually chosen for a treatment that is exclusively or primarily carried out by selenium. If selenium is given as a supplement to another salt, however, D12 has proven its worth.
To use Selenium externally, two to three tablets can be crushed and mixed with a little water to form a paste, which is then applied to the appropriate part of the body. While adults can take two tablets three to five times a day, children under six should only take half a tablet twice a day. In acute need, however, the intake of selenium can also be prescribed significantly more frequently.