The most common causes of dry lips
Synonyms in a broader sense
chapped lips, chapped lips, sunburn on the lips
English: dry lips
The saliva, which is formed by the salivary glands of the throat and under the tongue, is used for moistening. The formation of saliva and, above all, the amount depends on various factors.
Decreased fluid intake:
The most common cause of chapped and dry lips is decreased fluid intake during the day. If people drink significantly less than the recommended daily amount of 2-3 liters and over a longer period of time, the total fluid content of the person drops, which must also be kept at a certain level so that everyday metabolic processes can function and be maintained. This also applies to saliva, which is still produced but loses its liquid properties.
It follows that the oropharynx can no longer be kept as moist as necessary, which results in dry lips. If this condition persists for a long time, the lips will crack, crack, and may become symptomatic with bleeding and pain.
Dry lips
- Angular rhinitis
(inflamed, torn
Corners of the mouth) -
Angular cheilitis - Cold sore -
Herpes labialis
(by the herpes simplex
Virus (HSV) triggered - Tear -
Rhagade - Lip red -
Labium, pars intermedia - Lip skin -
Labium, pars cutanea
A - Too little daily
Fluid intake
B - Stressful situations
(Sympathetic nervous system
is activated)
C - vitamin deficiency, especially at
Vitamin B2 and iron deficiency
D - Extreme temperatures
(very cold or high temperatures)
E - infections especially of
Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV)
F - common cold - cold weather deprives
of the skin (epidermis) Humidity
G - Frequent use of the
Lip care products leads to
Habituation effect
H - As a side effect of a
Chemotherapy (drug
Treatment of cancer)
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Figure causes dry lips
Causes in the baby
As in adults, dry lips can also affect babies multiple causes to have.
Dry lips can be a Warning signs of a negative fluid balance (Desiccosis), for example in the context of Diarrheal diseases or due to hot weather excessive sweating.
Dry lips can also be due to a baby in babies Iron deficiency occur. This mainly affects infants who Milk substitutes based on cow's milk receive.
Contains cow's milk far less iron than the one that is optimally tailored to the baby Breast milk.
In addition, cow's milk is less effectively absorbed in the intestine than breast milk, in general Milk and egg products decreases iron absorption in the intestine.
Furthermore, babies can Allergies develop against certain skin care products associated with dry lips, itching and burning.
So for baby care should only particularly mild products used that perfume free are and possible few additives contain.
Breast milk is ideal for the baby's dry lips; a few drops of it can be used passed on the child's lips become.
Breast milk is naturally very rich and guaranteed not to cause allergies or to contain dubious ingredients.
Mental causes
In addition to insufficient fluid intake, other factors as well lead to the fact that the saliva production is reduced and the mouth and lips no longer receive the necessary amount of fluid.
An important component here is the mental stress. There is such a thing in every human body sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. Of the Parasympathetic nervous system starts more when the person is calm and relaxed. It includes the Increase in gastric and intestinal function as well as saliva production.
It is the other way around Sympatheticthat comes into play in emergency situations and in situations when maximum concentration is required of the body. In these circumstances, saliva production is also reduced.
Saliva will naturally formedto break down the food in the mouth. In Stressful situations food intake is not to be expected anytime soon. The evolutionary stressful situationssuch as fleeing animals etc. are rather out of date today, so that today situations such as tension before exams, interpersonal disputes etc. The cause of the increased sympathetic activation are. People who often find themselves in these situations, are literally electrified and thus have a constant increase in the sympathetic system, complain more often dry lips due to decreased saliva production. If there is also one reduced amount of drink added, the effect of dry lips can be enhanced.
Vitamin deficiency
Rather rare causes of dry and chapped lips put Vitamin deficiencies so is the first Vitamin B2 and iron mirror (Iron deficiency), as such a deficiency can lead to the symptoms described. Iron deficiency can from an increased monthly menstrual period in women result, less often from a decreased dietary intake. The most common causes of a vitamin B 2 deficiency are mainly one-sided nutrition by the patient, as well as eating foods that are low in vitamins. Furthermore, the alcoholism a danger to a vitamin B2 and Vitamin B12- Deficiency.
Iron deficiency
One of many causes of dry lips can be one Iron deficiency (Sideropenia) be. In addition to dry lips, there are more serious symptoms of iron deficiency persistent weakness and tiredness, Pallor and dry, rough skin As a general rule.
A large part of the iron in the human body is in the dye red blood cells (hemoglobin of the Erythrocytes) and takes on the important role of the Oxygen transport.
Are the Iron supplies used up, it can become a Anemia (anemia) come. A common reason for iron deficiency is that insufficient intake with food. The body cannot produce iron itself, so women need around 1.5 mg of iron per day, men around 1 mg.
In the pregnancy the iron requirement doubles the expectant mother, here is a special one adequate intake to pay attention.
Iron deficiency is that in our society most common deficiency disease In general, 5-10% of the total population and up to 20% of young women in Europe suffer from it.
Since the human body can use animal iron more efficiently than vegetable iron Vegetarians and vegans are particularly at risk. You are advised to do so after a meal Refrain from coffee or black teabecause the included Tannin prevents iron absorption in the intestines.
Likewise prevent Milk and egg products iron absorption.
vitamin C on the other hand promotes iron absorption and should for example be in the form of citrus fruits promptly with a meal be included.
Next fleshhowever, especially red meats like beef, are also available many plant foods such as spinach, dried apricots, oatmeal, lentils, flax seeds and pumpkin seeds valuable iron suppliers.
If a healthy iron level cannot be achieved through a balanced diet, the doctor can Iron supplements prescribe. Another cause of iron deficiency pose Bleeding most commonly affected are women with a very strong Menstrual period (Menorrhagia) who regularly lose large amounts of blood during their period.
But also unrecognized (occult) Bleeding in the Gastrointestinal tract can and should lead to iron loss Exclusion of other causes iron deficiency should be considered.
Please also read our article on this Consequences of iron deficiency.
Numerous infections can also be cracked and dry lips to lead. In rare cases, a Fungal attack (e.g. candita albicans) at the Buccal mucosa or lead to a dry environment on the lips. However, viral infections, such as the Herpes virus, mostly on the Underside of the lips leads to small ulcerations and can also dry out the lips as a result. Bacteria are less likely to cause dry and chapped lips.
Depending on the climate
The skin of the body has next to that Passing on of pain as well as heat and cold stimuli also one Protective function. The skin of the lips is of its texture, however much more sensitive to the climate than the skin of the rest of the body. So particularly cold outside temperatures can lead to a rapid dehydration of the lips.
In extremely cold regions where the outside temperature is in double-digit minus range the unprotected lips in particular react with dehydration and painful bursting.
Also the quick change between cold and warmth favors dry lips.
Cosmetic abuse
There are numerous cosmetics and creamsdeveloped by the cosmetic industry for lip care and recommended to be used several times a day. However, particularly fatty products have the property with long use the opposite to effect. So you can from one Habituation effect speak that arises from long-term use, i.e. if more and more of the product is not applied, the lips will dry out. The cause of this phenomenon is not fully understood.
The body can also act against certain products previously unknown allergy develop, which often leads to the desiccation described after application. Typically a product allergy is also associated with one itch or burning combined.
Wound healing disorders
To Injuries to the mouth and the lips, wound healing disorders can occur in rare cases. There are many reasons for this. Often a Diabetes mellitus behind it, which has not yet been discovered. Wound healing disorders are not infrequently accompanied by dry and chapped lips.
Dry lips after chemotherapy
Patients undergoing chemotherapy or radiation therapy often complain of dry or chapped lips. The purpose of chemotherapy for cancer (tumor) is to inhibit all rapidly dividing cells from dividing. The cells of the mouth and lips also belong to the rapidly dividing cells.
In most cases, after cycles of chemotherapy, inflammation in this area and dry lips occur for this reason. In the case of irradiation, it depends on the area in which the irradiation is carried out. In the area of the mouth, throat and palate, but also in the area of the neck and larynx, it can happen that the lips are also in the corresponding radiation field. Depending on how often the irradiation has to be repeated or how high the radiation dose is, it can also lead to inflammation and drying of the lips.
chronically dry lips
Most people suffer occasionally under dry lips.
So dries cold winter air the lips quickly and the change between the harsh outside air and the warm, dry heating air can be very exhausting be.
But who persistent under dry lips suffers, should other causes consider.
An obvious cause of chronically dry lips can be decreased fluid intake be, at least 1.5 to 2 liters of water or unsweetened tea should be drunk daily to replenish the body's fluid stores.
Also psychological factors how enduring stress Promotes the development of dry lips by reducing the production of saliva and so the lips cannot be kept moist. Also a chronic one Iron deficiency or a lack of Vitamin B2 can lead to permanently dry lips.
People who eat one-sidedly are particularly often affected low in vitamins and iron record, as well Vegetarians and alcoholics.
Often also suffer from chronic iron deficiency Women with very heavy menstrual flow (Menorrhagia).
From diabetes
In the case of diabetes, permanently high blood sugar levels in the blood lead to an attack on the vessels and nerves. When the nerves are affected, neuropathy occurs, when the small vessels are affected, microangiopathy occurs, and when the large vessels are affected, macroangiopathy occurs. In particular, the micro- and macroangiopathy can lead to circulatory disorders in the skin. The fact that parts of the skin are no longer adequately supplied with nutrients and oxygen can lead to open, poorly healing wounds. The skin of the lips can also be affected. Poor blood circulation in the lips can lead to rough skin and fissures. These rhagades heal poorly and should therefore be treated medically. The risk of fungal attack on the lips is very high due to the proximity to the mouth. In this case, antifungal therapy (fungicidal) should be started.
Through Labello
Frequent creaming and lip care can also have disadvantages. The use of a lot of Labello can cause the skin to become dependent. The skin is figuratively dependent on the fat contained in the Labello. This leads to a feeling of tension and dryness in the lips when the Labellos is not used. To prevent this, the Labello should not be used as often. It is also advisable to use a nourishing cream, such as Bepathen, only in the morning and in the evening. This gives the skin moisture. No further measures should be taken during the day.
With alcohol
The consumption of alcohol leads to dehydration. Therefore, you should ensure that you drink plenty of fluids while enjoying it. Dehydration can also dry out the skin. This is expressed by a feeling of tension in the skin. This can quickly lead to rhagades on the lips. In addition to drinking enough water (1.5-2 liters per day), a nourishing cream can also be used to prevent dry lips. Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to increased fungal infections of the chapped lips and corners of the mouth due to a weakening of the immune system.
By kissing
Kissing can also make the lips dry. This is mainly due to the saliva that acts on the skin of the lips. The saliva can make the lips rough and cracked, and inflammation can also develop. With this type of rough and inflamed lips, care should also be taken to use nourishing creams. With these creams the normal moisture of the lips can be regained and the skin structure is regenerated. When kissing, care should be taken not to moisten the lips too much.