Inflammation of an ear hole


Inflammation in the ear hole is a common and unpleasant side effect of ear piercing, which is a prerequisite for wearing earrings.


When an ear hole is pierced, a hole is made through the soft one Earlobe encountered and thus a wound added. A first plug is then inserted into this ear hole and remains in it until the wound has healed.

During this time it forms skin over the wound surface so that the final ear hole is only created after the wound has healed completely and can be used to wear jewelry.
The most common cause of inflammation in the ear hole is one Infection of the wound by bacteria.

These can get into the wound when the ear hole is pierced or through afterwards inadequate hygiene, which can cause an inflammatory reaction.

Another reason for inflammation is the premature exchange of the pierced studs for costume jewelery. After piercing an ear hole, it usually takes time four to six weeksuntil the inflicted wound has healed completely. The first plug should be used until then. If the wound is changed prematurely, the healing wound can be torn open again, creating a new entry point for bacteria, which in turn can cause inflammation.

Very often lead too Intolerance reactions, so Allergies against the materials of the jewelry used to inflammation. These can also only appear months to years after the piercing of the ear hole. The body reacts to this contact allergy immune system excessively strong on the allergen, which is very often the case nickel the case is. The increased immune reaction causes messenger substances (Mediators) released to the surrounding cells, which lead to the inflammatory reaction.

Another cause of inflammation is the mechanical irritation of the ear hole, which is caused, for example, by wearing very heavy earrings. This can also lead to the ear hole tearing. See also: torn earlobe


Symptoms such as pain, redness in the affected area of ​​the skin and sensitive surrounding tissue are typical of inflammation of the ear hole.

The earlobe is often very warm and also swollen. The swelling can be caused by a collection of pus in the ear hole. The pus is then noticeable as a crust around the earring or as a yellowish to greenish secretion that runs out of the ear hole.
Also read: Pus in the ear

Sometimes the inflammation even leads to swelling of the lymph nodes in the area of ​​the lower jaw, the angle of the jaw, the neck and the neck.

If the inflammation is no longer limited to the ear hole, the body can react with a fever. As a serious but also rare complication of inflammation in the ear hole, it can happen that the inflammation does not completely heal and that scars develop.

If the inflammation spreads to the cartilage of the auricle, it is even possible to deform it, since the cartilage does not have a good blood supply, making it difficult to heal the inflammation without consequences.


The diagnosis of inflammation in the ear hole is made by a doctor on the one hand through the anamnesis, which asks about the duration and course of the inflammation and it is also important whether there is a history of allergies, for example to nickel.

On the other hand, the inflammation of the ear hole is relatively easy to fix Eye diagnosis, during which the doctor checks whether there are typical signs of inflammation.


When treating the inflammation of the ear hole, it is particularly important to remove the triggering stimulus, i.e. the earring. This should not be used until it has completely healed, as it only represents an additional irritation in the inflammation area. Unnecessary manipulation of the inflamed area, for example frequent touching of the earlobe, should also be avoided.

Is there an allergy to the inflammation (for example against nickel), after the healing process, it is necessary to change the earrings to those made from a more compatible material such as titanium.
In order to combat the bacteria that cause inflammation, it is important to disinfect the inflamed area daily. The disinfectant Octenisept or a special ear piercing antiseptic from the pharmacy can be used for this.

One to two days after having an ear pierced, slight signs of inflammation such as pain or reddening are normal processes and are therefore not a cause for concern.

Read more on the topic: Home remedies for earache

However, if the inflammation does not subside days later, or if symptoms such as fever and swelling of the lymph nodes occur, a doctor should be consulted. He or she can then prescribe antibiotic ointments that kill the bacteria.


With the right treatment, inflammation in the ear hole usually heals without consequences and uncomplicated within a few days.
In extremely rare cases, usually combined with incorrect treatment, can develop scar or even Deformations form the auricle.


Since the inflammation is mostly caused when the ear hole is pierced hygiene a great way to prevent inflammation.

Often there is a so-called Ear gun is used, which pierces a hole through the earlobe and at the same time inserts the stud. But this ear piercing gun can not sterile cleaned so that the device could be contaminated with bacteria. The ear piercing gun also causes a piercing of the hole through the blunt earring unnecessarily large wound areawhich can easily ignite as a result.

Therefore, under no circumstances should an ear piercing gun be used, but rather Disposable needles. The advantage of these single-use needles is that, on the one hand, they sterile are packaged, minimizing the number of bacteria in the wound. Second are these needles pointedwhat the subsequent Wound as small as possible and thus also keeps the entry possibilities for bacteria low.

When piercing the ear piercing, the person performing the procedure should also have the Hands disinfected and Gloves and the earrings should only be removed from the sterile packaging immediately before insertion.

In addition to jewelers and tattooists, you can also have your ear pierced by a doctor.
The material used for the earrings is also very important for preventing an ear hole from becoming inflamed. This should be possible nickel free because nickel can often cause allergies and consequently also inflammation. Alternatively is titanium a generally well-tolerated material that does not irritate the skin.

In children, ear piercing should be done as late as possible, at best not before the age of fourteen, because the earlier a potential allergy to the materials used begins, the more serious it is in general and therefore the accompanying inflammation.

In addition, there is an increased risk of inflammation in younger children, who often reach for the painful puncture site, as this can cause bacteria to get into the ear hole. After piercing the ear, the Jewelry earrings only after completed wound healing, so after four to six weeks, can be used.

During this period should also any potential contamination of the wound avoided be such as a Swimming pool visitwhere bacteria can easily get to the wound surface. Proper care of the ear hole is also crucial for inflammation prophylaxis. So should they Hands washed before each manipulation of the earring become. Scabs on the ear hole should be removed with a cotton swab soaked in disinfectant and the area below should be cleaned.