The right skin care for men
The skin is the largest human sensory organ and takes on important protective functions. This is why good skin hygiene and skin care is also so important. There are many things to consider here! Proper skin care is related to skin type, time of year, and age. Male skin is usually thicker than that of women and therefore usually a little oily.
If you don't care for your skin properly, you get wrinkles more easily and weaken your skin's barrier to germs, which means that infections and pimples can occur more frequently. A well-groomed appearance also has a positive effect on other people, so that one is perceived as more successful and competent.
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Care of different parts of the body
Correct body care for men
When showering and bathing, care should be taken to keep the water temperature as low as possible, otherwise the skin will dry out. The water should not exceed a temperature of 37 ° C. At the end of a nice shower, however, you can also take a cold shower again to really close the pores. A moisturizing lotion should then be applied.
You might also be interested in this article: The right skin care for your skin
Daily facial care for men
The ideal facial care should be done with water and a face wash gel. It should be applied twice a day and will remove dead skin, oil and protective particles. However, washing your face too often is counterproductive as too much water is removed from the skin. Ideally, cream should be applied to the skin after cleansing.
For more information, also read: Dry skin on the face
According to new findings, aloe vera and hyaluronic acid ensure that the skin is well hydrated, making this mixture ideal for combination skin or oily / impure skin. In the trade, cosmetic products with these ingredients are often "contaminated" by other ingredients and, moreover, the price is currently still very high, so that the ingredients can be mixed together well worthwhile yourself. Care should be taken to ensure that it is pure, but preserved aloe vera juice so that the end product has a sufficient shelf life. Working as cleanly as possible without avoidable contamination is also important.
With hyaluronic acid, a distinction is made between low-molecular, medium-molecular and high-molecular hyaluronic acid: According to the latest findings, the mixture of low-molecular and medium-molecular hyaluronic acid results in the best gel mixture for daily facial care.
Facial care for men
the right beard care
No matter what the beard looks like, it should be washed daily, as dead skin cells, sweat, sebum, food scraps and germs collect during the day. It is best to wash the beard with warm water and a pH-neutral beard soap or beard shampoos. If you want to continue pampering your beard, you can also buy beard conditioner and massage it into the still damp beard. Usually these are not washed out. Last but not least, the beard should be dried with a clean towel. Please do not use a hairdryer, as this dries out the hair and the particularly sensitive skin below.
Furthermore, the beard should also be combed regularly, as the hair is all brought in the same direction and irregularities are more noticeable.
So-called tonics and special beard oils can be used to optimally care for the beard and facial skin. The beard is strengthened and softened.
The perfect shave
To prevent skin irritation after shaving, there are a few things to keep in mind:
Wash your face: If you clean your face before shaving, you prevent dirt and germs from penetrating the freshly shaved skin. It is best to use warm water so that the pores are opened and the shaving gel can later achieve a better effect. Every now and then you can use a peeling in addition to your normal facial cleanser, which cleanses the skin even more intensively and protects it from ingrown hairs.
Beard growth direction: To avoid irritation, one should shave with the beard growth direction and not against it.
Pre-Shave Products: One of the most important things to consider when shaving is to create protection between the skin and the razor blades. You can get such lotions, oils and shaving foams in any drugstore and reduce the risk of redness and cuts. For some men, a thick shower gel that is applied to the skin is sufficient.
Aftershave: After washing, the stressed skin is cooled with an aftershave. For men whose skin is more sensitive and sensitive, an aftershave with the lowest possible alcohol content should be chosen, as this has a calming effect. However, if you tend to have your hair growing in or inflammation of the hair follicles occurs, a higher alcohol content should be selected, as it has a disinfecting function here. Before applying, however, excess soap residue should be removed and the skin washed off with cold water to close the pores again.
However, the perfect shave takes time and the right material. take the time you need to really reach every corner. The right shaving tool can also help prevent skin irritation. Use the razor as directed by the manufacturer. Disposable razors should therefore not be used multiple times, as the blades are already too blunt and uneven, so that they can cause injuries and irritations more quickly.
Wash men's scalp and hair properly
When caring for your hair and scalp, you should be careful to use the right shampoo. Most men also use their shower gel on their heads. However, this damages the hair and gives them the care they need, so it is best to switch to a shampoo. You should also try to find the right shampoo for your own type. Especially with dry hair, it is important to use a gentle shampoo that provides moisture.
It is best to avoid excessive heat such as that generated by blow-drying. With oily hair, a deep cleansing shampoo should be used from time to time. However, it should not be used too often, as the product can severely dry out the scalp if used too often.
This article might interest you: Dry scalp - what to do? or oily hair
Proper cleaning of the intimate area in men
Daily intimate hygiene with water and a shower gel and a change of underwear after washing are highly recommended, as this can prevent an excessive accumulation of germs. In men with a foreskin, care should also be taken to remove the smegma as thoroughly as possible, a viscous liquid that forms under the foreskin on sebum, dead skin and bacteria. It's even been linked to some types of penile cancers.
However, if discoloration, unusual smells, pain or discharge occur, this should definitely be clarified by a doctor at an early stage in order to be able to fight venereal diseases, fungi or urinary tract infections as quickly as possible.
Caring for men's hands properly
We all use our hands every day. Therefore, they should also be regularly moisturized. Hand creams are particularly useful in winter. If your skin is too dry, you can also use moisturizing soaps, which dry out the skin less and give it back some of its natural, oily protective barrier when you wash it.
also read: Brittle hands - you can do that
Skin types
The skin is a very large organ that needs a lot of care. But care is not always care! Depending on the skin type and other influencing factors such as allergies or weather, the skin must receive the appropriate care. Various creams and skin care products can help to improve the complexion and provide the skin with sufficient moisture.
Also read our article: Skin cream for men - what you need to know for your skin type
dry skin
If the skin is dry or cracked, the greasy protective film of the skin, which is supposed to stop bacteria, is no longer intact. You should therefore use moisturizing washing lotions and moisturizing creams or lotions. To avoid further drying out of the skin, the temperature should be kept rather low when showering, as the body loses fluid in a hot shower. Furthermore, a high level of fluid intake is very important. This is especially true for summer time.
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Combination skin
Combination skin is a combination of several skin types; it has "a bit of everything", so to speak: For example, it tightens the cheeks and is also dry and sensitive there.
In the so-called T-zone, i.e. the area of the forehead, nose and chin, the combination skin is greasy, shiny, tends to be impure and often has enlarged pores in which blackheads form.
In the age group of 15-30 years, combination skin is the most widespread skin type.
In terms of care, the combination skin needs moisturizing care in the area of the T-zone, as well as light oil care on dry cheeks. However, this can also be replaced with a moisturizer that is then applied to the entire face.
oily and blemished skin
For people with oily skin, the entire skin of the face shines after a very short time, as increased sebum production by the skin glands of the face is typical.
This overproduction causes the enlarged skin pores to clog and blackheads to form, which can lead to pimples and skin infections that can affect the whole face. This is why one often speaks of “blemished skin”. The cause of this complexion is often acne.
Read more on the topic: Oily skin and pimples
However, the reason for oily skin does not have to be a disease: Excessive skin cleansing with degreasing care products or alcohol-containing facial tonics, as the body tries to counteract the constant degreasing in response.
In this case, changing your skin care routine will quickly bring relief. Pure vegetable oils such as almond, grape seed, jojoba or argan oil are ideal here, which are particularly useful at night (before going to bed). During the day, moisturizing gels without rich care substances should be used for oily skin.
Read more on this topic at: Oily Skin in Men or Oily Skin - What to Do?
The skin is a very sensitive organ that has to withstand many things. The weather is one of them. Depending on the season, the skin can be weakened and must be treated differently in hot summer or cold winter.
Skin care in summer
The dangerous radiation from the sun is strongest between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. To protect yourself, it is important to wear sunscreen with a sun protection factor of 20 or higher. If you are afraid of getting tanned, you don't need to worry. Sunscreen does not stop the tan, it actually ensures that the tan lasts longer.
But not only the skin but also the lips can be protected. The easiest way to do this is with a lip balm, which gives you moisture back and often even contains UV protection.
Please also read: Dry lips in summer
You should also make sure that you wear clothing under which the skin can breathe. In the armpits or in the genital area in particular, clothing is often tighter than it should, so that germs can spread quickly and itchy areas and redness develop. Increased sweat production can also cause skin irritation on the feet, which is why particular care should be taken to change socks regularly.
With long enough clothing, the skin is also more protected against UV radiation. There are even clothes with built-in UV protection. This is not necessary, but covering your shoulders and wearing a hat or cap protects areas of skin that are otherwise exposed to constant solar radiation.
In summer, the pores clog particularly quickly due to the increased sweat and sebum production. You should therefore use care products that are as low in fat as possible and not oil-based.
Especially in summer, when the skin dries out quickly in the blazing sun, you should ensure that you drink enough fluids. It is best to use water, as this is more refreshing for the body than soft drinks. But you can also use an aftersun spray to cool and soothe the skin directly after a long stay in the sun, so that it can regenerate quickly and does not dry out too much.
Skin care in winter
In winter, the skin's protective barrier is reduced, so that the skin becomes brittle and cracked and this is a gateway for germs. The body has to act more and more against these, as they could not be stopped by the poor skin protection. Hence, proper care in winter is of great importance.
Especially for the winter there are anti-cold creams that isolate the skin in the freezing cold and counteract dehydration. They often also have a sun protection factor, which can be very useful for winter sports. However, when you are back in the warm, you should remove the cream as soon as possible, otherwise heat will build up due to its insulating effect.
But not only the skin, but also the lips should be particularly cared for in winter. If you want to buy a lip balm, you should make sure that it does not contain wax or paraffins, as these will break the lips if you apply them several times. Furthermore, vitamins A and E as well as oils such as jojoba oil or olive oil are beneficial for the healing process. If you prefer to use home remedies, you can smear your lips with honey and wash them off with water after a few minutes. It is important that the honey is not licked off with the tongue, as saliva also dries out the lips.
This article might also be interesting: Dry lips in winter
Even heaters that run at full speed in winter are not good for the skin in the long run. In addition to the cold weather, they further dry out the skin. If there is heating, you should try not to heat all the time and rather put on a warmer sweater so that you don't freeze. This is also good for the wallet, as the heating costs decrease.
Skin care in different age groups
Puberty - how to properly care for the skin
It is well known that acne breakouts occur during puberty. This is because there is a change in the hormonal balance that also increases sebum production. However, if the face is not properly cared for and cleaned, the sebum glands clog very quickly, causing inflammation and pimples.
Therefore, the face should be washed once in the morning and in the evening with water and a facial cleansing skin care product. For the acute case of blackheads, there are numerous brands of over-the-counter products that are suitable for selective use. Expressing pimples is usually counterproductive as the skin scars quickly and craters can form. If the impurities do not go away with regular cleaning, a dermatologist should be consulted.
Take care of medium skin properly
At 30, the skin slowly begins to lose elasticity and tension. This results in increasingly older looking skin that becomes more and more wrinkled over time. Therefore, anti-aging creams should be started at an early stage. It is important that the skin receives plenty of fluid. Additives such as collagen, hyaluronic acid, vitamins A or E and antioxidants can strengthen the effect of regenerating creams. But even without creams, you can achieve a lot by getting enough sleep, drinking a lot and reducing stress. What sounds mundane, however, shows very amazing results after a while.
mature skin
From around the age of 40, people show what the cosmetics industry calls "mature skin". This is characterized by a feeling of tension, wrinkles and possible dry areas. It does not have a greasy shine and usually has no skin blemishes such as pimples.
However, since the skin is less and less able to recover and regenerate, gentle products for sensitive skin that are pH-neutral should be used. As always with dry skin, treatment with moisturizing creams and lotions as well as adequate hydration apply here too. Here, rich oils can improve the complexion.
For more information, see: Skin changes in old age
These 6 tips will ensure better skin
Mask: Masks can work wonders not only for women. They moisturize and cleanse the skin. There are several types of masks available to buy from drug stores or pharmacies. Of course, you can also easily make them yourself at home. First rinse the face with water and then, for example, natural yogurt or a mixture of avocado, an egg white and a little lemon juice. There are so many recipes for a wide variety of applications. It is important, however, that you only apply masks once to a maximum of two times a week, otherwise skin problems can occur.
Applying lotion: After washing and showering, the skin is very sensitive and cracks quickly. A moisturizing cream or lotion should therefore always be used afterwards to protect the skin. If you do not want to take more time to apply lotion after showering, you can also use indoor lotions that you can apply while washing.
Cold showerers: Most people prefer to shower with warm water. However, the skin is not too enthusiastic about it, as it becomes brittle and dry so quickly. Ideally, you should take a cold shower as long as possible at a temperature below 37 ° C. However, it is also better for the skin if you set the temperature of the water to a moderate level and not too hot and, best of all, take a cold shower at the end to close the pores.
Beauty sleep: not only will your skin thank you if you sleep well and long enough. You will look more alert and get a better complexion. Dark circles and pale skin then belong to the story.
Sun protection: Even if the sun's rays feel very nice on the skin, the sun can also cause burns and dehydration of the skin. To avoid this you should use the right sunscreen. It is important to pay attention to the sun protection factor. The lighter and more sensitive your own skin, the higher it should be. It is also important to pay attention to the use-by date, because old sunscreen usually hardly has the desired protection.
Reduce stress: Stress has many negative effects on the body. Stress can also be noticed very quickly on the skin. She reacts with pimples and itchy redness. However, without creams and tablets, improvement can usually be achieved by reducing the stress factors.
Skin care from within
One of the most important things your skin needs is fluids. It is therefore important to drink 2-3 liters per day so that the skin does not dry out. Often, too dry skin first shows up on the lips, elbows, hands, feet and lower legs.
But eating right is also important. Everything we eat is used by the body in order to gain energy and to receive building blocks for its regeneration. So you are actually what you eat. With healthy and balanced food, the skin and the whole body are supplied with better and more nutrients and you can see that in it.
Home remedies for an improved complexion
Make masks yourself
Mixing masks together is not rocket science and is also easy on the wallet. Here are some ideas that you can try.
Healing earth for oily skin: Mix healing earth with water to form a thick mass and distribute it on the face. After 10-15 minutes, the mass can be washed off.
Moisturizing mask with avocado: For this mask half an avocado, a tablespoon of quark and a teaspoon of olive oil must be mixed together. An extra teaspoon of honey is optional and is intended to soothe the skin. Apply the mask to the washed face and wash off after half an hour with lukewarm water.
Coffee grounds for more alert skin: If you mix 5 teaspoons of coffee grounds with one teaspoon each of olive oil and honey, you get a revitalizing mask, which at the same time acts like a peeling thanks to the coffee. Spread the mass on the clean face and wash off with clear water after 30 minutes. The skin looks fresher and is better supplied with blood from the peeling.
Lip care with honey
If you struggle with dry lips, you can remedy this with normal honey. This should be distributed on the lips and allowed to act for a few minutes. Then wash off the honey with water. Please do not lick your lips while doing this, as the saliva will dry out the lips again.
You can find more ideas at: Home remedies for dry lips
Steam bath for pimples and tight skin
A steam bath works wonders on the skin. The heat opens the pores and loosens all the dirt. Optionally, you can also add extracts such as chamomile to the hot steam bath. If there is no chamomile extract in the house, you can also put a tea bag in the hot water. The moist heat is good for the face and also for the mucous membranes of the mouth and nose, but it dries out the eyes, so you should keep your eyes closed and you can take a few breaks.
Make peelings yourself
There are numerous recipes for scrubs on the internet. You can mix sugar and oil together into a thick mass. Otherwise you can also use honey and quark or coffee grounds.
Peelings cleanse the skin intensively and remove dead skin. However, daily use should be discouraged as it affects healthy skin cells. An exfoliant can be applied every one to two weeks, depending on your skin type.
The right care for various skin diseases
In the case of skin diseases, the instructions of the attending physician should always be followed. Even if you are unsure about skin care, you should consult again in order to avoid a worsening of the clinical picture.
Diabetes mellitus - properly protecting the skin
A common early symptom is dry skin. This is because there is too much sugar in the blood in this disease, so it has to be excreted in the urine. However, the sugar draws a lot of water with it, which the body then lacks. It is therefore advisable to keep your body hydrated through drinks and creams.
The feet are particularly susceptible to diabetes, as the sugar attacks the nerves and those affected have less feeling, especially in their feet. So they feel less often when pressure points, redness, fungus or inflammatory processes develop on the feet. For this reason, particular attention must be paid to this part of the body. In order to care for the feet, foot baths or special ointments are useful. In addition, the feet should also be checked regularly for inflamed areas in order to be able to initiate measures as early as possible, since the affected persons themselves would usually not feel it. If larger, poorly healing wounds occur, a doctor should be consulted who can provide information on the appropriate therapy.
Please also read: Foot care or how you can take care of your feet yourself
Skin care in cancer therapy
Both chemotherapy drugs and radiation can change the complexion of the skin. This often leads to rashes, itching, wound healing disorders and fungi. The care of the affected areas and the rest of the body should be discussed with the attending physician or a dermatologist in order not to negatively influence the success of the therapy.
As a rule, however, sensitive products with as few ingredients as possible should be used for more sensitive skin, which may even contain additives of dexpanthenol. When showering, the water should not be too hot or have too long contact with the skin. In order to avoid flaking off the skin, the skin should not be rubbed dry, but rather carefully dabbed.
Different drugs are often given during chemotherapy, so the skin can react differently to them. Therefore, an individual consultation with a doctor is necessary in such a case.
The right skin care for atopic dermatitis
In the case of neurodermatitis, the skin is very dry and therefore needs regular cream. This should be done at least twice a day. In winter or with particularly dry skin, the creaming should be done even more often. For neurodermatitis in particular, there are special care products that are tailored to the clinical picture and dermatologically tested. When applying, you should make sure that the creams and fingers are not contaminated and that germs cannot find their way to the affected areas. So you should wash your hands beforehand and close the care products again shortly after use.
In addition, contact with water should be kept as short as possible so that the natural skin barrier is not damaged. Special shower oils, which are gentle care for the skin, can also be used while showering or bathing.
Further important information can be found at: Skin care for atopic dermatitis