The different types of anesthesia

general anesthetic

General anesthesia is a way of putting a person into an artificial deep sleep through the administration of certain medications. The consciousness and the sensation of pain are completely switched off. General anesthesia is used for surgical procedures that make it necessary for the patient not to experience the procedure.

Anesthesia is performed by an anesthetist, who is known as an anesthetist in medical terminology. In a preliminary discussion, he or she explains the exact procedure and the risks of anesthesia to the patient. The patient then has to sign this declaration and thus agrees.

The drugs used don't just put the patient in one place Deep sleepbut also lead to one Paralysis of the muscles. One differentiates between one Inhalation anesthesia via ventilation mask and one intravenous Anesthesia, in which drugs are administered through the vein.

Since the patient can no longer breathe himself due to the muscle paralysis, it is necessary to give the anesthetized patient a Breathing tube ventilate through the mouth or nose (tube). During the entire anesthesia, the Circulatory parameters such as blood pressure, pulse and oxygen saturation are measured and monitored by the anesthetist. This ensures that the patient is fine and that no complications can go undetected.

Anesthesia with a larynx mask

In addition to a tube, general anesthesia can also be performed with a larynx mask (Laryngeal mask) be performed. It is particularly popular as an alternative for short-term operations, which significantly reduces the patient's risks.

The larynx masks are available in different sizes so that they are also used on newborns or infants in many clinics. Such a gentle procedure is very beneficial as an anesthetic for children.

With this type of anesthesia, no tube is pushed through the vocal cords, but a correspondingly large mask is placed on the larynx. By inflating the throat is hermetically sealed and the gases cannot escape but get into the lungs. This form of general anesthesia is often better tolerated. The introduction is much easier and there can be no injuries to the vocal cords or damage to the teeth. Side effects such as hoarseness after the operation can also be largely avoided. It is very well suited for difficult anatomical intubation conditions and ensures the oxygen supply to the lungs.

Find out more about the topic: Laryngeal mask

Spinal anesthesia

The Spinal anesthesia is also known as lumbar anesthesia. It is a form of Regional anesthesia, to specifically switch off nerves emanating from the spinal cord and thus the pain sensation in one specific body region turn off. Since nerves run from the legs, arms and trunk to the brain via the spinal cord, larger areas can be anesthetized very easily without the need for general anesthesia.

Medicines, especially local anesthetics, are included in the Brain and spinal cord water space (Subarachnoid space) of the spinal cord. To do this, the skin is numbed and finally the doctor pushes a needle between the vertebral bodies up to the hard skin of the spinal cord. After this has been pierced, the needle is located in the cerebral fluid space, which can be checked by when liquor can be drawn into the syringe.

Depending on where the anesthetic is supposed to work, the anesthetic is injected into different heights of the spinal cord. This method is often used at Operations in the field of Legs, stomach and pool applied.

Another application can be found in the Obstetrics to relieve pain in a natural birth or also with one Caesarean section. The advantage of this method is its quick effectiveness and the reduction of the risks of general anesthesia. The patient should also be aware of the possible Complications such as bleeding, bruising, damage to nerves, abnormal sensations or inflammation of spinal anesthesia can be clarified.

  • Spinal anesthesia caesarean section
  • Spinal anesthesia complications

Local anesthesia

Local anesthesia is the elimination of pain in a specific region of the body. An operation or minor surgical procedure can then be performed without general anesthesia. One uses drugs that are called Local anesthetic are designated. They temporarily switch off corresponding nerve tracts so that the patient no longer feels anything in the area.

A distinction is made between different forms of local anesthesia, each of which paralyzes slightly different nerves.

  • Surface and infiltration anesthesia is used to numb small nerves, which only eliminates local pain and its transmission.
  • With conduction anesthesia, an entire region of the body that is supplied by a nerve is numbed. This form of anesthesia is often used as spinal anesthesia during outpatient operations or, for example, during a caesarean section.

The advantages of local anesthesia are that the lung and brain function, the metabolism and the related acid-base balance are not impaired. Only in a few cases, such as an existing allergy to local anesthetics or drug treatment with blood thinners such as Marcumar, is the use of local anesthesia contraindicated.

Read more about this under Side effects of local and partial anesthesia

Anesthesia at the dentist

Many patients do not want to feel fear or pain during dental treatment.

Many dental practices offer treatment in Twilight sleep on. In contrast to general anesthesia, this involves the administration of a inhaled anesthetic waived. The patient gets to sleep Sleeping pills and additionally a Painkiller. The medication can be dosed very easily, which means that the duration of action can be controlled very well even with smaller interventions. In addition, the drugs only cause side effects such as nausea and vomiting in a few cases.

Treatment is also available in many dental practices general anesthetic offered. You can either use gas or with medication administered through the vein. With both methods, the patient is informed about the possibilities in a preliminary discussion. In addition, there is an anesthetist who informs the patient about the process of anesthesia and the associated risks.

Since the procedures are often brief, patients can go home after a certain monitoring period if no complications arise. In addition, the treating dentist will inform the patient about any costs incurred for treatment with anesthesia. In some cases, the patient's health insurance company can also cover the costs.

Anesthesia in children

Anesthesia for children requires good preparation, which takes away both the parents' worries about their child and the children's fears of doctors. The parents are informed about the necessity, the procedure and the preparations such as keeping the child empty before the procedure.

In older children, the anesthetic is usually given through the vein. This requires a venous catheter, which must be placed beforehand. Since children are often afraid of the needle, they can be given medication in the form of a tablet that calms them down and lets them fall asleep. In addition, surface-numbing patches such as the EMLA patch can be used to numb the skin so that laying the access does not hurt.

Small children, on the other hand, are anesthetized using a mask that is held tightly in front of their mouth and nose.

It is particularly important for the child and the parents that they can stay together as long as possible. This way children are less afraid. It is also helpful if children are involved in the process. For example, they can hold the mask themselves with support and understand what is happening playfully and without fear. During the operation, the child is closely monitored via a monitor. It then spends a while in the recovery room before it can return to the ward.

Read more on the subject below Anesthesia in children

Anesthesia during knee surgery

Operations on the knee are usually under general anesthetic of the patient or with a Spinal anesthesia carried out. The interventions are usually minimally invasive, so that the aim is to ensure that the operation is as short and gentle as possible and that the patient can leave the hospital as quickly as possible. Operations on the knee are generally in Bloodlessness carried out. For this purpose, the blood supply from the leg is cut off for the entire duration of the operation by means of a cuff, as is the case with regular blood pressure measurements. Since the pressure of the cuff is very high, general anesthesia is necessary, because otherwise the patients would not be able to withstand the pressure and the associated pain and there is a risk of them moving.

In the case of general anesthesia or spinal anesthesia, sudden and involuntary movements of the leg are also prevented. This also avoids the risk of injuries during the procedure. The Musculature can be completely under general anesthesia relax. This is important so that the individual structures in the knee joint can also be correctly assessed. Even after general anesthesia, patients can be discharged quickly after the procedure. Here, too, an anesthetist is responsible for optimally preparing the patient for the anesthesia.

If a patient cannot be given general anesthesia for health reasons, a Spinal anesthesia prefers. This method is preferably used for example with older patients so that they can subsequently more quickly from the intervention recover and the risks of cardiovascular complications can be significantly reduced.

In addition, many sufferers nowadays have a specific idea of ​​the anesthesia during knee surgery. There are patients who want general anesthesia, especially if they are afraid of pain, while others are interested in what happens during an operation and choose spinal anesthesia in order to be able to follow the operation on the screen or because they are afraid of one Have general anesthesia. Depending on the patient's state of health, an attempt is made to take the patient's wishes into account. Which type of anesthesia is best for the patient is in one Preliminary talk with the anesthetist discussed.

Caesarean anesthesia

The caesarean section is performed in women who cannot give birth spontaneously for various reasons, for example if the birth has been going on for too long or because a caesarean section was requested by the pregnant woman.

In which Caesarean section it is also an operation that occurs in general anesthetic or one Epidural anesthesia can be carried out. Both methods are approximately equally harmless for the unborn child, but have different effects on the woman.

Epidural anesthesia (PDA) is similar to spinal anesthesia Nerve fibers from the spinal cord stunned. The pregnant woman then no longer feels any pain from the waist down. In contrast to general anesthesia, the patient can then give birth experience and then hold your child directly in your arms. Both types of anesthesia have advantages and disadvantages. Peridual anesthesia is desired by most women to relieve the fear of pain, but at the same time to satisfy the desire to give birth in the waking state to be able to track. Although the PDA is considered less stressful, it can also lead to complications such as sudden Drop in blood pressurewhich is dangerous for the woman giving birth as well as the child.

At a general anesthetic the patient is unconscious and is not aware of the birth. The advantage is that general anesthesia can be initiated quickly in emergencies. However, there is a risk that the patient will vomit during the anesthesia and Vomit gets into the lungs.

If a birth is planned, the possibilities and advantages / disadvantages of anesthesia are discussed with the pregnant woman. While caesarean sections were previously only performed under general anesthesia, most women now choose an epidural.

Anesthesia for a colonoscopy

The colonoscopy is done to examine the bowel if various diseases are suspected.

Please also read the article on the topic Anesthesia for a colonoscopy - dangerous?

An endoscope is used for this, which transfers the images from the intestine to a screen. Depending on the type, duration and complexity of the procedure, various methods can be used to make the examination as pleasant as possible for the patient. Fear, resilience and the patient's state of health also play an important role.

For the examination, it is important that the patient is relaxed and does not feel any pain. Since everyone perceives pain differently, the colonoscopy can be performed under a light anesthetic. There is also the option of administering a sedative, which can also relieve the patient of fear of the procedure. With light sedation, the patient falls asleep and does not notice much of the examination. In contrast to general anesthesia, no artificial ventilation is required because the patient breathes independently.

Read more about this under The course of a colonoscopy