Torn toenail


If the toenail is torn, the toenail is torn to different depths. It is true that tearing the nail is uncomfortable, especially if the tear extends over the nail bed, but as a rule it is not a medical problem, just a cosmetic one. In rare cases, there are also underlying diseases that lead to gnawing malformations.


On the one hand, the causes can be toenails that are too long, which by themselves become unstable and tear after a certain length or with which one gets stuck on an edge when walking barefoot.
The fact that nails tear at some point is a normal process that allows them to continue to grow and remain stable. But external pressure on the toes can also lead to a break and crack in the nail. This usually also results in bleeding under the nail, which appears as a bruise through the nail.
Small cracks that already exist or nails that have not been properly filed can encourage the nail to crack. Frequent tears can also damage the nail structure. This can be innate, but it can also be caused by external factors. For example, a mineral or vitamin deficiency (e.g. zinc or iron) can cause a brittle nail. It is also suspected that artificial nails have a negative effect on the nail structure.

Also read: Torn nail- How to fix it


First, the depth of the crack can be assessed. If this is only in the white nail area, the crack is not a problem from a medical point of view. The crack can also extend over the nail bed, which can lead to inflammation (see also: Inflammation in the nail bed). Often the big toe nail is affected. If the toenail tears, regardless of the depth, the cause can be considered in order to identify diseases that lead to unstable nails in good time. Of course, external influences are usually the cause.

Concomitant symptoms

A tear in the nail above the nail bed is uncomfortable and slightly painful because the skin under the nail is very sensitive. In addition to tearing the nail, there may also be a little bleeding on the nail or swelling. Bleeding under the nail is stopped by the pressure the nail exerts on the nail bed and it usually stops bleeding quickly. A bruise remains under the nail, which can be tender.
If the skin has also been injured, bacteria on the skin can migrate into the nail bed through the small cracks and cause nail bed inflammation. If the nail bed is inflamed, the skin around the toenail becomes red, warm, and swollen. The toe is now very sensitive and painful to pressure. Walking can be uncomfortable depending on the severity of the inflammation. In rare cases, the inflammation can spread from the toenail.


As already explained, the nail bed inflammation is caused by bacteria on the skin, which migrate into the nail bed through small cracks. But viruses or fungi can also be responsible for inflammation.
There is also chronic inflammation of the nail bed. However, nail tears are not the cause of this.
In the case of inflammation of the nail bed, there is pronounced tenderness to pressure. The pulse in the toe can be sufficient as a painful stimulus for this. Furthermore, the affected area feels hot and is red. If the inflammation is severe, putting pressure on the toe while walking can be painful. Often pus develops as part of the inflammation. The inflammation can spread beyond the toes, attack tendons and cause further discomfort. Long-term inflammation or inflammation that is not treated may result in deformation or loss of the nail.

Read more on the subject at: Inflammation of the nail bed on the toe


Pus is material that is created when cells die, and dead immune cells. Pus usually only develops when infected with bacteria. When the nail bed is inflamed, the pus blisters usually form around the nail. Under no circumstances should you open and squeeze the pus vesicles yourself. Because there is a risk of spreading the inflammation this way. When squeezing, it is possible for the pus to be pushed into deeper layers of the skin. Bacteria can rarely get into the bloodstream and cause sepsis (blood poisoning). The pus blisters often open on their own and the pus drains on its own. As a rule, the body is able to fight the nail bed inflammation and the pus itself. You can of course support him here.


The pain associated with an inflammation of the nail bed is usually not particularly bad, but it is very uncomfortable and annoying. Since the toe is swollen, tenderness occurs. Light bumps against the toes are enough for a very unpleasant pain stimulus. Sometimes the pressure load while walking can be enough to cause pain. In more severe cases, it is possible that the freedom of movement of the toe is restricted due to the pain. In addition, the swelling can cause an uncomfortable feeling of tension.

Read more on the topic: Pain in the toe

What to do if the toenail is torn?

If the nail is only torn in the white area, the affected part should be cut off and the nail then filed. If the nail is torn beyond the nail bed, it is advisable to remove the parts that protrude beyond the nail bed and on which one could get caught and file down all sharp points. If necessary, you should stick a plaster over it to prevent the nail from getting stuck and tearing further.
To prevent inflammation of the nail bed, the nail can also be disinfected. In the case of an inflammation of the nail bed, the toe can be protected from pressure with a plaster or a small bandage.
If pus forms, it should not be expressed under any circumstances. To help the pus open and drain, you can bathe the nail in warm water. Chamomile, which has an antibacterial effect, can also be added to the bath water. Then the toe should be dabbed gently. It can then be treated with a disinfecting ointment. A pull ointment is also possible. This is supposed to pull the inflammation further to the surface. If a pus bladder should open, it should be covered with a plaster. Of course, you can also see a doctor who can drain the pus under sterile conditions.
In order to prevent nail cracks in general, good nail care with regular nail trimming and filing is recommended.

How can it be repaired?

If the nail is not cut off for cosmetic reasons or if a crack over the nail bed needs to be concealed, there are a few aids to this. On the one hand, there are ready-made nail repair sets with fabric strips or nail repair plasters in drugstores.
Alternatively, a tea bag, handkerchief or coffee filter can be used as a tissue replacement. The material is cut to the size of a crack or, even better, the size of a nail and attached to the nail with superglue or colorless nail polish. Then the nail is filed.
Before repairing, the nails should be carefully cleaned. Deeper tears can be disinfected so that there is no further inflammation.
If there is not enough time for a sufficient repair, a plaster or clear tape can help. However, this is only a short-term solution. Unfortunately, the speed at which the nail grows cannot really be influenced. However, careful hygiene supports growth. A balanced diet also has a positive effect on nail growth and ensures a stable, regrowing nail.


Since the nail grows slowly, it takes a very long process until nothing more of the tear can be seen and the toenail has completely grown back. The toenails usually grow at a rate of one millimeter per month. The speed of nail growth varies greatly from person to person and tends to be slower with age. It usually takes six months for a nail to completely grow back. The process can, however, take a whole year.

Torn toenail on baby

Babies have even thinner fingernails than adults, making them easier to tear. Similar measures should be taken in the baby as in the adult. Special care should be taken to ensure that the nail is cared for in such a way that it is protected from further tearing.
First the nail should be cut back and filed. Cracks above the nail bed can be disinfected and covered with a plaster. If it comes to a nail bed inflammation, you should consult a doctor. If the nails are cracked very often and the nails are also very unstable, a mineral or vitamin deficiency could also be the cause. Hereditary diseases can also lead to structural changes in the nails, but they are extremely rare. In the case of frequently tearing nails, a pediatrician can be consulted in order to identify and treat such causes if necessary.

You may also be interested in the following topic: Inflammation of the nail bed in babies

Torn toenail in a toddler

In the event of a torn toenail in a toddler, particular care should be taken to cut the toenail off as much as possible or to prevent further tearing with a plaster or a small bandage. However, toddlers like to play around with the bandage or tear off the plaster. This should be avoided.
You can also repair the nail with a nail repair kit. Adequate hygiene should also be ensured and the toes should be observed in order to detect inflammation in good time. Furthermore, you should pay attention to suitable and comfortable footwear so that the nail can grow back healthily. As a preventive measure, toenails should be neatly trimmed back regularly. A doctor can be consulted in the case of deep tears and inflammation.