Coffee while breastfeeding - is it dangerous?
It is important to note that the caffeine is only completely absorbed by the body approx. 45 minutes after consuming coffee. During this time, you should not breastfeed if possible, as the caffeine concentration in breast milk is highest. It is rather recommended to drink the coffee as soon as possible after breastfeeding. This gives the body enough time to break down some of the caffeine before the next time you breastfeed. In healthy adults, the half-life of caffeine is approximately 3 to 5 hours. This means that after this time, half of the caffeine ingested has been broken down by the body.
How much coffee a day is acceptable when breastfeeding?
The German Nutrition Society and the WHO recommend breastfeeding mothers not to consume more than 300 milligrams of caffeine per day. This is roughly equivalent to 2 cups of coffee. On average, 100ml filter coffee contains around 55mg caffeine. However, it must be noted that other beverages such as some teas or soft drinks, as well as foods such as cocoa or chocolate also contain caffeine. Alternatives to classic coffee such as cappuccino or latte macchiato should also be consumed with caution, as they are prepared on the basis of espresso, which contains a high level of caffeine. Here the caffeine content rises to approx. 130mg per 100 milliliters.
These guidelines apply to healthy and deadline-born babies. This guideline cannot be used for breastfeeding premature babies, as they are less able to process the caffeine. You should avoid caffeine or discuss with your gynecologist beforehand how much caffeine is safe for a premature baby.
What consequences can caffeine have for my child?
Scientifically, it has not yet been fully clarified what effects the consumption of coffee actually has on the baby. It is often discussed that increased consumption of coffee could have a negative effect on the sleep behavior of babies. A somewhat older, Brazilian study could not confirm this, but the study also shows some weaknesses. It therefore remains unclear how much coffee is safe for the baby and how much is actually consumed by the baby.
Therefore, one should adhere to the guideline of the German Nutrition Society of a maximum of 300mg caffeine (approx. 2 cups of coffee) per day. Caffeine can also make the baby more restless during the day, as well as problems in the gastrointestinal tract. It has been reported that babies may experience abdominal pain or gas more often. These consequences can last for several days as a baby can only break down the caffeine very slowly. Only after a few days is the caffeine absorbed from breast milk completely eliminated from the baby's body.
How badly does coffee pollute breast milk?
The most stressful thing for the baby is the caffeine contained in coffee. When coffee is drunk, the caffeine is absorbed into the mother's bloodstream and can then also accumulate in breast milk. However, the level of caffeine in breast milk is lower than that in the blood at the same time. Therefore, the exposure to breast milk is relatively lower than in the mother's blood. Nevertheless, you should stick to the guidelines of a maximum of 300mg caffeine (approx. 2 cups of coffee) per day. Furthermore, of course, every baby reacts differently to caffeine, so that coffee consumption has to be adjusted individually.
Caffeine bloating in babies?
Similar to sleep disorders, it has not been proven with certainty that the consumption of coffee is sure to lead to gas in babies. However, experience shows that babies who have had contact with caffeine are more prone to gas and abdominal pain than those whose mothers do not consume caffeine. However, this relationship cannot be confirmed with certainty, since many other factors can always play a role and the study situation on the topic is not clear.
Is that why my baby sleeps worse?
Whether the baby sleeps worse after drinking coffee depends on the amount of caffeine. When drinking less than two cups of coffee a day, the caffeine transferred should not affect the baby's sleep. However, this has not been scientifically proven, as there are only a few studies with small patient numbers. This is one of the reasons why you should be cautious about consuming coffee.
When can I have coffee?
Coffee should always be drunk shortly after breastfeeding. The period between two breastfeeding periods gives the mother's body time to process the caffeine and already break it down, so that as little as possible is present in the breast milk when the baby is breastfed.
Read more at: Diet during breastfeeding - what you need to consider!
Does pumping help before drinking coffee?
Expressing before you drink coffee can certainly help lower the levels of caffeine in breast milk. The caffeine can then no longer get into the expressed milk. However, coffee should not be drunk a few hours before pumping so that the effect is not negated. But it helps just as much if the coffee is drunk simply after breastfeeding, so that expressing is not always necessary.
Is Decaffeinated Coffee Better For My Child?
In the EU, decaffeinated coffee may contain a maximum of less than 0.1 percent caffeine. It can therefore be assumed that decaffeinated coffee contains virtually no caffeine. The caffeine in particular is the component of coffee that can be problematic for the baby. So it can be concluded that decaffeinated coffee is better for the baby.
But you have to be careful in non-European countries that the guidelines for decaffeinated coffee may be different there and therefore the caffeine content may be higher.
Which type of coffee is the least harmful?
The two most common types of coffee are Arabica and Robusta. The Robusta beans contain about twice as much caffeine as the Arabica beans. Thus, a coffee with arabica beans would be more suitable during breastfeeding. However, the caffeine content still depends on the roasting, the preparation and how finely the bean was ground, so that fluctuations can also occur here.
Can I clean the caffeine from breast milk?
Normal, unaltered breast milk is already the best nutrition for the baby. Of course, a balanced diet is a prerequisite for high-quality breast milk. It is not possible to purify them directly from the caffeine. The only thing that helps is to limit the consumption of caffeine as much as possible or to avoid it completely!
What foods should I avoid when drinking coffee?
Typically, caffeine has a half-life of 3 to 5 hours in healthy adults. However, some foods can lengthen it so that the caffeine stays in the blood longer. An example of this is grapefruit juice. Grapefruit juice contains certain bitter substances, which cause the liver to break down caffeine more slowly.