Latin name: Allium sativum
genus: Leek family, lily family
Common names: Gruserig, Knofel, Knoflak, Silberwurz
Plant description
In spring, a bulb grows into a flower stem that can be up to 1m high. The leaves about 1 cm wide, pointed. The flowers are arranged in an umbel, reddish to white. The entire inflorescence is surrounded by a bract. The egg-shaped main onion grows in the ground and is surrounded by curved secondary onions, the so-called garlic cloves. Every single toe is surrounded by dry-skinned leaves.
Heyday: July to August.
Occurrence: In gardens and cultures.
Plant parts used medicinally
The fresh clove of garlic is harvested in autumn. As soon as the leaves dry out, curl the onions and cabbage into tufts and let them air dry.
Essential oil, including allicin with good antibacterial properties, vitamins, ferments, substances with effects similar to those of male and female sex hormones.
Medicinal effect and application
Garlic works antibacterial, vasodilator and relaxing, weakly cholagogue, lowers cholesterol levels and improves the flow properties of the blood.
In the gastrointestinal tract, garlic has a relaxing and relaxing effect antispasmodic. Garlic is used for and to prevent arteriosclerosis, at high blood pressure, at the so-called Intermittent claudication (Intermittent claudication, PAD).
Except for that Flatulence and to Increase in bile production just like weakness and Reduction in performance.
You take 1 to 2 fresh garlic cloves a day or choose one of the many ready-made preparations. The annoying smell prevents the fresh toes from being permanently ingested, which is necessary in the case of high blood pressure and arteriosclerosis.
A short-term application is also effective for acute intestinal disorders.
Garlic juice was also used in folk medicine for chronic bronchitis and coughs. Crush 5 cloves of garlic and mix them with 5 teaspoons of sugar. Add ¼ l of water and heat the whole thing to boiling, let it steep for 5 minutes and then pour this through a sieve. This liquid is taken in teaspoon by spoon throughout the day.
Application in homeopathy
Allium sativum is prescribed at Stomach overload after eating a lot of meat, Bloating, Eructation, heartburn, Flatulence, constipation. But also with sniff and asthmatic complaints.
Experience has shown that Allium sativum also has a positive influence on arteriosclerotic vascular changes and at high blood pressure. Commonly D3 to D6.
Side effects
Garlic has no side effects. However, the penetrating smell is often annoying.