Red spots on the arms - warning sign or harmless?
The appearance of red spots, which are not only noticeable on the arms, is called rash.There are different types of this, depending on whether the spots are flat or raised, whether they only affect a small area of skin or a large area. They can be caused by various external or internal circumstances, each of which manifests itself in a different appearance of the spots.
Most of the causes of red spots on arms are harmless. If they only appear on the arms, they can often be traced back to skin diseases. These are often through external stimuli triggered, but can genetic or hormonal causes to have.
For example, red spots can be a symptom of a allergic reaction occur. Either a Contact allergen The trigger, such as a sweater that has been washed with a new detergent that the patient is allergic to, or a internal allergenrecorded by the patient. This can be a Food or a drug to which the patient is allergic. An allergic reaction to sunlight is also a possible cause of the red spots on the arms.
You can find more information about possible causes of a rash here: Rash on forearm
In addition, red spots can appear on the arms Neurodermatitis to be triggered. acne is another possible cause of red spots on arms. But also infections of the body bacteria, Viruses or Mushrooms may be the cause of the stains. In the Sore rose For example, bacteria from the group of streptococci are the cause of the disease and the spots that occur.
Infectious diseases are also caused by bacteria syphilis, Whistling glandular fever and hepatitisthat can be accompanied by red spots, but not necessarily. Also Yeasts can cause such stains. Also the psoriasis or the Nodular lichen can lead to red spots on the arms.
In babies and children, special care should be taken when red spots appear, as they are teething troubles such as measles, rubella, Scarlet fever or chickenpox.
Depending on the underlying cause of the red spots on the arms, the spots appear in different manifestations and with different ones Concomitant symptoms on. At a allergic reaction must be between external and internal allergens can be distinguished. At a Contact allergen the red spots appear on all the areas that have come into contact with the allergen. This can also be the case unilaterally.
In the case of an internal trigger, such as a drug are common several parts of the body affected. In the case of an allergic reaction, itching is often added. In extreme cases it can lead to a allergic shock cause shortness of breath, drop in blood pressure and clouding of consciousness may occur. Rashesthat are accompanied by red spots often appear as Hives (Urticaria) in appearance. This shows up as bumps on the skin that are filled with fluid and are very itchy. Red spots due to acne are red pimpleswhich can occur on the arms, but also on the face, back and other parts of the body and which occur frequently scar leave.
Neurodermatitis In addition to red spots, it causes dry, flaky skin and a very strong skin itching. With an underlying bacterial infection Red spots can appear on the arms, but often they do not appear at all or only on other parts of the body. They are therefore a very unspecific symptom and, depending on the causing bacterium, show a wide variety of appearances and Concomitant symptoms on. With childhood illnesses, red spots often appear on the arms, but these also appear on other parts of the body.
At chickenpox occur very itchy red pustules, almost all over the body. With scarlet fever occurs finely spotted rash which can also spread over the entire body. Come here frequently difficulties swallowing and the typical Raspberry tongue as symptoms to it. measles is a rare one these days Teethingwhen it occurs it expresses itself in Pustulesthat extend all over the body. These pustules However, do not itch. Concomitant symptoms are the one flu similar. At rubella it often occurs in addition to the typical rash fever and enlarged lymph nodes.
The following topic may also be of interest to you: Measles rash
Red spots on the arms with itching
In most cases, red spots on the arms and simultaneous itching are a eczema, one Inflammation of the skin. A typical example would be that Neurodermatitiswhich often occurs with asthma or allergies. Here in particular are the Elbows affected.
Drying out of the skin, which occurs especially in the winter months, can lead to Dehydration eczema to lead. But also one allergy Against fragrances in creams and detergents, against latex or disinfectants can lead to red spots on the arms, this will then Contact eczema and can be tested by a dermatologist.
If there is contact with corrosive substances such as acids or alkalis, this can lead to a toxic eczema (caused by poisons). But also Infectionswith mushrooms or scabies mites, for example, can be the cause of red spots on the arms and itching.
If the rash does not go away on its own after a few days or after avoiding contact with a possible allergen, a doctor should be consulted. In this case, it's probably not one allergic reactionbut about one internal infectionthat triggers the rash.
Also if additional symptoms like Shortness of breath or fever In addition, a doctor should be consulted to clarify the cause of the spots on the arms. There is then a suspicion of one allergic shockwhere the patient is in urgent need of medical help. If the allergenic substance is unknown, a so-called Prick test carried out in which the skin's reaction to various substances is tested by placing them under the skin with a small sharp knife.
With children, it is particularly important to have stains on their arms that appear to appear for no reason Pediatrician to seek out. Especially when in conjunction with fever occur is very likely one Teething the cause that needs treatment to reduce the risk of infection. The diagnosis can often be based on the physical exam If streptococci are suspected, a rapid test can be carried out using a swab from the child's throat.
How the red spots on the arms are treated always depends on the underlying root cause from. When the spots are severe itch or with flaky skin go hand in hand and the cause is initially unclear, so can cortisone creams help to alleviate the discomfort allergic reaction The cause is so can alleviate the discomfort from taking Antihistamines be fought. The trigger of the allergic reaction should be identified and avoided permanently.
are Viruses or bacteria the reason for the stains will be so Antivirals or Antibiotics used to kill the viruses or bacteria. But there are also infectious diseases that heal on their own. When Teething problems can use antibiotics Scarlet fever may be necessary, but this is not necessarily the case.
Red spots on the arms and legs
The most common cause of spots on arms and legs are so-called Eczemainflammation of the skin that is accompanied by itching and red spots. There are several causes of this eczema, such as the one Dehydration the skin due to poor hydration and cold, dry air, especially in the winter months. Or the so-called nummular eczemawhere there are coin-sized, punched-out-looking red spots on arms and legs and so far no clear cause has been found.
Also one allergy can lead to red spots if a fragrance in detergents or creams is not tolerated.
Another common reason for red spots on arms and legs is that psoriasis (psoriasis), which occurs particularly on the joints, scalp, back and stomach.
Kick with the red spots on arms and legs other symptoms like a headache, fever, or a cough, it can be one infection act, for example due to an infection with measles or another contagious disease. But also when taking Blood thinners, internal diseases such as a lack of blood platelets or other blood clotting disorders, which are generally rare, can lead to red spots on the arms and legs and general symptoms.
Red spots on the arms in children
Especially in children, red spots suddenly appear on the arms Attention because many infectious teething problems with one skin rash accompanied. In most cases, the rashes join Teething problems in conjunction with other symptoms of the disease, such as fever, to cough, sniff and Sore throat on.
The rash often starts in one place and is limited to one area, but then spreads further. Depending on the type of disease, the red spots look different and affect different areas of the body. Stains on the arms can occur Scarlet fever occur a disease caused by bacteria the group of Streptococci is triggered. Also at rubella and Ringlet rubella the arms can be affected in addition to the trunk. These spots are caused by viruses, as are the chickenpoxwhich affects the whole body and measles, which is a very dangerous disease for children.
There are vaccinations for most diseases Infants and children recommended. But other causes can also lead to red spots on the arms of children. For example, this can also be done by a allergy be conditional. Also Neurodermatitis and Skin fungus are possible causes in children.
Red spots on the arms in the elderly
Especially in the elderly, it occurs because of a insufficient amount of water to drink often to one dry skinalso known as dehydration eczema. These red spots occur mainly in the winter months when the heating air and the cold winter air also dry out the skin. It can be a Scaling the skin or itching to be added.
Another explanation for red spots in the elderly is ruptured blood vessels, as the vascular walls become more fragile with age and bleeding occurs more easily if drugs to thin the blood are taken at the same time. The spots are dark red and sharply defined and they occur primarily in areas that come in contact with sunlight, such as the arms or face. This will too Purpura senilis called and does not need to be dealt with.
Another cause of red spots on the arms in older, bed-bound people can be a beginning Pressure ulcer be, i.e. a pressure ulcer in which the skin is poorly supplied with blood due to the pressure when lying down. This mostly affects the tailbone and heels, but it can also affect the forearms and the elbow joint, i.e. places where there is little fat between the bones and the skin and where there is little padding.
Red spots on the arms after showering
If red spots appear on the arms after showering, one possible cause is one allergic reaction on the used Shower gel or shampoo. Either a different product or using Curd soap Offer.
Another possibility is that a so-called Hives (Urticaria) is present. Here the skin of the person concerned reacts in one Increase in body temperature with spots and often with itching. The appearance of the spots is typical for this after showeringwhich disappear on their own after a while. Most of the time this is after about one half an hour to an hour the case.
The spots also appear during other activities that increase the body temperature, such as during Sports, in the sauna, at fever or after spicy food. Also stress can be another trigger. If hives are present, therapy is often not necessary, as one lower temperature of the shower water makes the patient symptom free and this is the most comfortable way to deal with the disease. In very severe cases, taking a Antihistamine help. People with one are particularly affected by hives sensitive skin and often with red or very light hair.